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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. we can't really get any worse as far as "production lines". especially in primary care, many docs are at capacity. we will see more and more use of midlevels for more mundane problems with docs tackling the more difficult cases. have no idea what you're talking about with either "full private" or not. i'm assuming you're talking about concierge medicine. obamacare didn't start or grow that very small trend. and i think it right that if you want to pay for special and priviledged access, medicare should not be paying your bills. that will limit this trend to remaining rather small and inconsequential with only a small sliver of the population able to afford it.
  2. it's a start. it's a base from which to enact more sweeping reform and a clear signal to providers large and small that things are going to change. compensation models for docs ar4 already starting to phase in a greater percentage of payment on quality. hospitals, too. it won't happen overnight, however.
  3. no, it's not the only issue. under and unemployment are big factors, too. i thought this discussion was right on:http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics/jan-june13/budget_01-03.html. i think the statemnt that "medicare reform is healthcare reform" is an important point. medicare defines how medicine is practiced to a large extent. stop medicare incentivizing quantity over quality and we're well on the way to lowering costs.
  4. rising health care cost IS the issue. robert reich was on pbs the other night making this point, convincingly. it's now 18-19% of gdp. that's just carzy and totally unsustainable.
  5. hmmm, an attack on my y chromosome, huh? if i weren't confident in those matters i'd stick to posts on ipa's, bourbons, porters, stouts, fast cars, ribs and steaks...all of which i love. or sh*tty coaches, players and nfl owners..all of which i hate. but that would be pretty boring. how bout if i let you know how the lemons taste in some really good moonshine?
  6. i really wonder what's the deal. we mostly try to eat unprocessed foods but of course, don't all the time. the sauces tasted really processed and plastic. i'm thinking it's the thickeners and maybe the fats they use. if anyone knows i'd be interested to hear. might be a good alternative bowel prep for a colonoscopy.
  7. roubini gets it right...http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/8f45b6c8-54f5-11e2-a628-00144feab49a.html#axzz2GrtjtH9T
  8. fits right into this supposed strategy of "starving the beast".http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/fiscal-cliff-deal-redefines-means-rich-154657208.html. hate to admit it but i find it plausible and it looks like it might work.
  9. just heard issa on cspan. think it's gonna pass from what he said (he's voting against) and didn't say . seemed resigned to it passing. we'll see.
  10. not much yet. market was up about 1% in the last 3 months overall. the next few days could be big. and even if passed, 2 months from now...still say the games rigged.
  11. got olive garden gift cards for Christmas from co-workers. gotta say i wasn't enticed by the caramel brulee martini. but i like white russians. ya like what ya like.... has anybody else ever had explosive diarrhea after eating at olive garden. i'm thinking a plate of calmari and a couple beers is the only way to use the balance on the cards.
  12. sure. it's either coincidence or bad luck that explains why the bills are one of the most losing teams in the nfl.
  13. wal mart had em yesterday for $1.67 a bag (pound) guess they didn't sell so well here. so we bought 6 bags and canned them whole along with syrup and candied rine. just had some syrup on vanilla ice cream...highly recommended!
  14. any prediction on where the dow ends tomorrow? the way it's going in the house, i'm guessing down 300-400 points. asian markets open in a few hours. that will give us a glimpse. then again, a sudden decline there might cause a spring to action.
  15. i think the majority of bills fans hoped for regime change today. the pessimists, like me, see it as morsi for mubarack. the optimists see the declaration of independence. the truth is probably somewhere in between.
  16. and there lies the problem with building the foundation before taking a qb, as nix publicly stated his plan to be. they need to be taken when they're there, not when a gm thinks they should be there. this strategy alone should've got him fired.
  17. what it should tell you is how big a detriment wilson has been to attracting a good coach...and i think he can still be. any of these guys are gonna want assurances beyond words on wilson's meddling. will they get them?
  18. "wilson announces the sale of the buffalo bills to someone with true aspirations of winning a super bowl in the next 3 years".
  19. my point is, if wilson doesn't care about say in the organization and his raison d'etre (as speculated here) isn't owning the bills, why not take the money and run.
  20. i make a distinction between trying to produce a winner and trying to maximize profit. i don't think wilson apologists do. it's the difference between benign and malignant neglect.
  21. i find it interesting that some of the same folks who so staunchly defend wilson, now admit how detrimental his meddling was. and now, he's totally changed his stripes but i'd feel more sanguin if we knew of a corporate document limiting wilsons input. and then there's still littman and overdorff. seems like baby steps to me. hope i'm wrong.
  22. this. there is no mechanism to stop wilson from interfering unless he s no longer owner....and we all know, that's what we really wanted.
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