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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. don't know anything about it. enlighten me. i'm ripe for more disillusion.
  2. i like fast, powerful cars...it's a weakness from a liberal perspective i call it fun.. what can i say. i've never considered a hybrid (for one, you can't get them with a manual transmission but very few cars are available in that now- that sucks too). that said, THIS SUCKS!!! ok, you got what you wanted gloat away. mcdonald is a flaming assh**e. terrible governor. find me a dem gov who likes fast cars and tolerates hybrids and i'm good.
  3. norway spruce look really nice. might be good option for us. good luck with your project.
  4. thanks very much! royal empress a no go with the wife. she's very picky about what she considers good looking . guess who wins in that situation? could you ask your gf a question on which would be the best size to buy for an arborvitae. in 3 years will a twelve foot arborvitae or cypress be much bigger than a 5-6 foot one? sounds stupid but because of the root balls i'm not sure of the answer. not to sound disrespectful but is your gf a landscaper or designer? thanks again for your help. .
  5. fast is necessary. the new residence next to us is in our line of sight from the living room. we have tons of windows and could blind them but it's not an appealling option. the home is about 150 feet away but sits on a rise. so im thinking thuja's for the property line and another fast growing single tree closer to my house between the windows and the view. that's where i was thinking about a rather mature spruce to get immediate privacy in my living room. don't know anything about the tree you mentioned. will look it up.
  6. nope. just for privacy from the new neighbors. it has to be high. i keep reading great stuff about these green giants. i can get 12 footers for $120 which would be a great start but would be terrible if they failed. if it worked it would be well worth it even including the cost of installation. one large strategically place fur will help immediately. expensive but also worth it if it works. anybody had a big fir planted? i've also read that starting smaller results catching up very quickly if they do a good job with the roots. smaller is much cheaper but i'm after fast results.
  7. i'm in need of a tall privacy screen for my property line. been looking at green giant arborvitae planted about 6 feet apart. other thoughts include leyland cypress and hybrid willows. have read that these willows have invasive roots and can be messy so i've pretty much eliminated them. needs to mature to about 40 feet. anyone have experience? any other trees that might work?
  8. i don't know much about the biology. obviously, you do. but people like catching big fish. rainbows (steelhead) are native to the great lakes aren't they? (i'm asking, not preaching). walleyes have thrived in lake erie once they cleaned it up. the maumee in toledo is so full of spawning walleye that they have guys with telescopes watching for snaggers from bridges. is that opening up the carp problem? i don't know...i wasn't aware that was a problem there. in general, i think it's a bad thing to try to engineer nature ( a local example is stocking rattle snakes - who in the hell thought of that one)? but sport fishing is big business and damn fun. do the benefits outweigh the costs? i think if done right, they do. in the case of salmon, i honestlydon't know if that'sthe case. what's the worst case scenario? sounds like it's asian carp taking over. that would be very bad. how likely is it?
  9. disagree. it is precisely the point. if he isn't gone tomorrow, how come? who's making that stupid decision? but to directly answer the question, the answer is no.
  10. we have a pulaski in virginia - it's pugh - la-skee and no fish. interesting topic. never was around when salmon fishing got big in lake ontario. looks like it was a very successful experiment. steelhead trout have done pretty well too i've heard. my uncle claimed they'd run up ditches on his farm. have been combat fishing for walleye and steelhead in other spawning rivers. great times (and many people looked just like the guys in the pic), just don't snag someone else's line or someone else's fish. don't know why you'd need a guide to wade, though. just head to a dam or where everyone is shoulder to shoulder and watch the ice build up on your reel and hopefully later get it ripped off by a monster. will check out the show.
  11. does anyone think he's nearer the best gm than the worst? why is he still employed?
  12. buddy needs flushing. sooner the better. put him out with the old gray mare...
  13. 1. all star americana/bluegrass/country tribute to jimmie rodgers and the carter family with players including several of the carters, john oates, cruz contrares, robinella, darrell scott and many others to close out rhythm and roots fest 2 years ago. inspired, intense and emotional... 2 james taylor at the ryman in nashville. great music, great acoustics, great city, crummy seats with semi obstructed view (one of the few bad seats in the ryman). 3. chuck mangione in ohio mid 80's - one of the first dates with my wife. music was pretty good too. was at the first 2 as well. don't remember the frisbee. remember the sax player on the speaker tower very clearly. did yes and seger play at the same show or was there more than 1 superfest? my recollection is hazy...late 70's right?
  14. and who do you think is the bigger lobbying force? the sole producer of taggants or the explosives or firearm industry? the people i hear talking about this don't stand to make money on this if it were implemented (i certainly don't). the people opposing it almost universally stand to lose. but why not limit the discussion to its potential effect on terrorism? where is the evidence that it won't help? there is some evidence in switerland that it does. apparently a us gov't study concluded it could be quite beneficial. what are the noneconomic arguments against it? why, specifically, is the nra against it if not for economic reasons since they seem so concerned with the publics safety?
  15. seems strange that much of the support comes from this without an economic interest and the opposition comes from those with one. follow the money is generally a good investigative plan...so, no, i think it unlikely.
  16. references to real life experiences? the only one i can find is switzerland which has had a taggant program for 20 years. they must find it useful....could it be that opposition comes not from ideologic reasons but from economic ones?
  17. amortizing the value of each prospective qb over 3 years.
  18. hmmmm...old, tired game. let's see who can shoot (or piss) the farthest. how bout something more substantial? where do you stand on taggants? how can they do anything but help national security? how do they threaten red blooded all american semi automatic carrying anglo males? why is the nra against them?
  19. no but this http://www.npr.org/2013/04/24/178858037/taggants-in-gunpowder-might-have-helped-identify-bombers?ft=1&f=2 would be a good idea. not surprisingly, the nra opposes the use of taggants.
  20. and the best media analysis i've seen on the bombing is once again, ta dum...PBS. last nights newshour had 2 psychiatrists (one of whom previously worked for us intelligence) with special expertise in terrorists discussing how people like this can be radicalized. the likely precipitants, social situations, circumstances, motivations etc. then an interview with the adminstrator of a charitable fund that will be distibuting $20 mil to victims in boston. put away the axes yall like to grind and you'll find some very good reporting here.
  21. well, number one is, let's say, unconvincing. what are the others? anti immigration seems a bit more plausible but couldn't a conspriacy be devised that didn't have such dire consequences? presumably, these conspirators are pretty bright folks.(honestly, can't believe i'm even imagining this stuff)
  22. looks like a nice venue, too. passes that include food and drink sold out. should be a good crowd. good to see other areas getting on the bandwagon so to speak.
  23. what is the ultimate motive for a conspiracy here on national level?
  24. business as usual. actually, a bit better, excepting the lover stuff. disagreement with the argument rather than the personality.
  25. you might be interested in this http://www.furpeaceranch.com my guitar teacher told me about it. he's been to a show or 2 there and thought they were very good. the camps are too expensive for me to consider but i'd bet they're excellent.
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