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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. you can't be serious. how many stories have you seen linked to drudge advancing liberal arguments about gun control? immigration reform? socialized medicine? against for profit medicine (e.g. the bray article discussed here), environmental concerns on pipelines or fracking or in general, growing wealth disparity, growing impoverished population (except in regards to where blame can be reasonably or unreasonably assigned to liberals) etc... he has every right to link to articles supporting his general ideology and agenda. but to believe you're getting a cross section of viewpoints on major topics by reading his linked articles is self deceptive.
  2. drudge selectively links to stories with a conservative agenda regardless of source. it's the echo chamber at it's worst. before the election, if drudge was your only source you'd have been shocked by the actual election results. oh wait... brietbart gets a disproportionate amount of play. ever seen drudge link to npr or pbs? are there not well researched stories coming out of them?
  3. and, in the hands of the average joe or losephine, how likely do you think the differences between all the models shown are going to make a life or death difference in defending against an attack? what makes a gun "tactical"? what are the goals of the "tactics"?
  4. so, no limit. and even then she might very well die trying. that's what i thought. what a wonderful world this will be...
  5. ok, how many shots does achieving that goal require? how quickly do they need to be fired? how many guns owned by a single individual will suffice?
  6. how bout anything more than needed to kill an elephant by an experienced hunter? wouldn't that definition eliminate hunting from the discussion?
  7. http://aschmann.net/AmEng/#LargeMap4Right. It depends. does the map coincide with your experience?
  8. i phones are meant to make life easier (i'm not convinced though i have one). assault weapons....not so much.
  9. except that 4 lane highways aren't designed for the explicit purpose of killing people. who is meant to be assaulted by assault weapons?
  10. cuz if we can get a concession that this is not about hunting (which it clearly isn't) then we can have a debate on the real issues...what this is really about - profits for the arms manufacturers now that hunter's have all the toys they really need and conning people into thinking they need more.
  11. your beef's with brandon. i don't know gander mt's or cabella's catalogue through and through. i'm not looking for another gun. my 870 pump does everything i need it to. so if brandon was trying to trip me up...then, bravo. like i said, you can't buy game. i don't try to.
  12. as an example.... check out this reuters slideshow: http://www.reuters.com/news/pictures/slideshow?articleId=USRTXZ9CM#a=4.
  13. i could have just as easily used the semi auto 870. the 1100 came to me more quickly in a search. benelli makes them too. so what? they're not needed for successful hunting. just like in golf, you can't buy game. as i said, this debate isn't about hunting...just like a good fly fisherman will outfish the newbie with a $500 orvis rod with his half broken bamboo rod, a good hunter doesn't need a semi auto.
  14. Just watched "Red Dog", an Aussie film about a very cool dog and the people of a western australian industrial town. was browsing the family genre section cuz we're tired of angst ridden films. funny and touching. highly recommended.
  15. then why not drop the pretense? just one example: http://www.nraila.org/legislation/state-legislation/2013/2/wisconsin-governor-announces-2013-policy-initiatives-for-wisconsin-hunters-and-sportsmen.aspx. almost every pro gun publicity piece alludes to hunters. this isn't about them (us) at all. asked and answered.
  16. i'm also pointing out that very little of this debate and vitriol has anything to do with the sporting life and sporting heritage.
  17. and i was pointing out an intermediate gun that could be reasonably used to fire 2 shots quickly to pull off a double while still being practical for hunting and home defense and without having to go to the extremes of semi automatics. i know some of you aren';t the sharpest tools in the shed but you're not actually this opaque? are you?
  18. http://www.budsgunsh..._id/41868 agun manufactured for buyers to imagine a use. HD and SHTF in the gun culture vernacular: "home defense and "when the shite hits the fan". hmmm. i'm wondering if there are varying definitions of both of those situations. and of the ability of the buyer to decide. http://www.gandermou...0&merchID=4005: a gun with many well defined practical uses and damn good at them. which one is more valuable? which one is more in demand? the answers are vey likely different...
  19. so where am i i mistaken? http://science.howst...om/shotgun6.htm
  20. why confound the discussion with another subject we fully disagree on: handguns. and how did we get from semi automatic shotguns to double action revolvers. oh....cuz that's where you want to go to serve your argument even if it's totally divorced from the ongoing discussion.
  21. yeah, double barrell shotguns are just like semi automatic shotguns. one is reasonably useful for sporting activities and self defense (love that scene in " walk the line" with the carters and the drug dealer) and one is ridiculous. it's for armed revolt, riots and gun battles with sociopaths none of which do i believe the public should be involved in.
  22. that you pull the trigger for each shot and can't just hold it down to fire hundreds of rounds (automatic)...and what purpose would that type of weapon serve to the public? and tasker wants me to tell him why law enforcement needs such a weapon but fully supports the public having them. it's a fair assumptiopn that he believes they need them for the same reasons. i don't.
  23. i assumed you knew that if i meant semi automatic weapons of any type i'd so specify. what a silly, ridiculous weapon for the general public to own. i suppose people buy them for really challenging triples on the skeet range or sporting clays track right? notice, i'm talking about the public and not law enforcement or the military, who actually have a need and reasonable purpose for these killing devices.
  24. semi automatic weapons are vile instruments of death with no redeeming value...couldn't have said it better myself. and if it's about home protection, i'd guess she'd be willing to nurse a bruised shoulder in exchange for turning back a bad guy threatening her home. hell, plenty of hunters do that for a few more birds. and yes, in general i'm an anglophile. just that the weather sucks there.
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