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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. from Johnboy and Billy, redneck radio from charlotte when i'm just too tired of the serious stuff on NPR. From the sublime to the ridiculous...
  2. soory... here's a working link I hope)http://www.c4vct.com/kym/humor/couples.htm
  3. absolutely truth - my parents had friends named ruth and harry dangler. i'd laugh every time they were mentioned.
  4. heard this on the radio yesterday and thought i'd pass it on for a chuckle or 2. http://www.c4vct.com/kym/humor//couples.htm i like the last one the best. anybody heard of or think of any more?
  5. i think it's incredibly satisfying to eat what you grow yourself . sort of channeling the inner hunter gatherer. good luck. watch out for the flea beetles with eggplants- you might need some covers to protect them. the rest are usually pretty easy where we live. an 80 yo friend just dropped off my yearly tomato plants he grows from seed. he always tells me he won't give them to me til it's safe to put them out...and he's always right. fry up the fatback and saute some fresh spinach in the fat. add some vinegar and you'll be happy.
  6. bring the dogs every week. most of the regulars (especially the farm kids) know them well. Good advice jboys. i'm amazed people need to be told not to handle the produce. i think the best rule to remember is that these are your neighbors. treat each other well. i've never had a farmer tell me a tall tale. he/she'd be run off once and forever from the other vendors and word would get around fast. it'd be like an old fashioned shunning.
  7. i don't see where the two posts are incompatible or contradictory...why would i have to abandon the coloring book point to remind you of the fact that iraq was a preemptive war?
  8. two words: preventable, not. two more: induced, not. ok, 3 words in total then.
  9. the difference being that bush' narrative was before the fact and not after. his was to effect ultimately harmful, expensive and damaging change. obama's was after the fact and whether it was meant to deceive is the current subject of debate. you've decided. i've not.
  10. not my hero...i'm pleased he passed healthcare reform albeit a compromise that i'm no where near entirely happy with. much of the rest of his accomplishments have been pretty disappointing. this event is pretty low on my disappointment list. it was a disaster but i highly doubt one that was preventable. the thing you don't seem to get is that typical and progressive don't often go together. that is very likely a political weakness. on the other hand, typical and ultra conservative ...
  11. life actually does sometimes imitate art but not the art that you keep mentioning. truth is rarely so obvious, literal or linear. the explanation here is likely convoluted with many different players and interests involved. the right is presenting the coloring book version. it's easier to fathom and more importantly, to sell.
  12. here's another idea for those interested in a mountain vacation in the same general area and topography: http://www.pipestemresort.com this is the best state park resort i've ever been to. very reasonably priced, natural, comfortable, beautiful with good golf and fishing. i've been trying to get a party of 10 together for the spring fly fishing trip - horseback ride down the gorge. fly fish the river with one of the park rangers as guide, camp the night and ride back up the next day. plenty of friends who would fish but not so many that want to ride down a steep gorge. maybe next year...
  13. been this spring to dollywood. it's good fun and there's a bluegrass/barbeque package coming up soon that should be great and i'll probably go back for it. gatlinburg itself is very touristy and crowded. i personally wouldn't stay there unless i had no other choice. if you like to gamble go to nearby cherokee. if you're after a outdoor mountain experience skip gatlinburg altogether. i'd suggest asheville (pisgah area where they filmed Hunger Games)) or Mt Rodgers national forest area in virginia, or a ride along the blue ridge parkway for that. another nice mountain town is blowing rock nc.
  14. disappointed. not surprised. corporatocracy, idiocracy?...if ya can't beat em join em? starting to buy it cuz it seems that's all that's being sold. disappointed...
  15. sure, because terrorist attacks have been so rare on US assets in the last decade or so...this type of incident is unique to obama's tenure.
  16. and just what was hoped to be gained in this lie? did he do it just to pi$$ of the far right? to give them an opening to politically attack him? to hurt clinton for the next election? none of these seem near as plausible as brook's explanation. maybe you have a better one to explain the desired end effect of the "lie". pickering has something to do with it because he ran the official investigation into the event and has not yet testified. issa is running the congressional circus act and brooks put forth a plausible explanation. that makes them salient.
  17. i think if you watch and listen to pickering on last sundays meet the press, you'll conclude he disagrees with you. and why would issa want to take his testimony in private. david brooks would have been unanimously considered a center republican when i was still a party member....before the wacko's hijacked it. it's the party that's changed, not brooks.
  18. i'm so surprised! ad hominem on brooks...but is he correct ?(almost wrote "right" but caught myself). softening it a bit, might he be correct? if not, why not?
  19. not a law expert but the duke guy is. 527's need to disclose donors. if he's incorrect, i'm sure we'll hear about it soon.
  20. many of you won't like the source for the link and a few more might not like the speaker but it makes sense to me: http://www.dailykos....The-Press-VIDEO. and pickering was clearly p$$ed. and directly contradicted his allegation on his lack of congressional testimony. now issa wants him to testify privately. hmmm... comments?
  21. great discussion on PBs on this: http://www.pbs.org/n...irs2_05-13.html about the group's purpose: political 527 (political) or 501 cX4 (social welfare) status. as the duke law prof points out, ask 100 random americans on the street that question and most would very likely answer political, it's therefore not a stretch for the irs to ask the question. the major difference of course between the 2 categories is the need to disclose donors. why wouldn't the tea party want to do this?
  22. demographics matter. the twitter reports you cite seem pretty silly and superficial, especially the characterizations of them give by the post. but, as i've mentioned before, the demographics from the last election are extremely important and i believe, predictive. republicans were very homogeneous (i'll leave further characterization to others). dems were very heterogeneous. the country is heterogeneous. so maybe dems really are "more like us" and repubs really are the "others" to much of the populace.
  23. wrong picture. except that do no harm is rule number 1 in my job and i abide it...i better be harmless. never had a ponytail and never will. here's your picture: short, informally parted hair, chinos, checked oxford shirt, comfortable shoes and a decent watch. (hmmm, i can even picture me,maybe i can write a novel when i retire).
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