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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. aren't wealth and poverty terms that ultimately describe the ability to obtain or not obtain resources? if demand for luxury items were decreased due to a more equitable distribution of wealth, economic demand for subsistence goods would increase resulting in prioritized production and availability of such goods. this would be only one effect. much of that 40% of global wealth is sitting on the sidelines, unused in an humanitarian context but producing more wealth for the already wealthy. don't we have an economist around here somewhere?
  2. sharing the resources. It's not either/or. You can incentivize hard work without starving people. The carrot is mightier than the stick. But does it need to be such a huge carrot for so few?
  3. arbys? little caesars? you realize that while our part of the world is generally getting fat, many in the rest of the world are malnourished. and there's plenty of hunger right here as well. you know that one of the reasons it's so difficult to lose weight in the west is that for much of human history food has been scarce nearly universally and we've evolved to slow metabolism in times of scarcity, thus the failure of so many weight loss diets. i think we could do better. do you disagree? i didn't say the solution was easy but i don't think it includes nearly 40% of the worlds wealth concentrated in the the hands of 1 out of 100 people.
  4. picard. to expain, http://www.thefreedictionary.com/literal i saw your comment as so (5) that it wasn't (1). maybe i was mistaken.
  5. ok, lets break it down a bit more. would it be desirable for there to be virtually no starving people? could that be possible without anarchy and widespread apathy (laziness).? is a significant part of the hunger problem (if you'll indulge me that it is a problem) the vast concentration of wealth? would that require all people to be within even an 1000:1 income ratio? my answers: yes, yes, yes, no. yours?
  6. no, my argument has startling but actual statistics: http://www.wfp.org/hunger/stats. but what s a few hundred million humans dying of starvation compared to a few million stables of exotic cars and homes?
  7. really? take a look at the republican ticket for governor/lt governor in Virginia. nope, it's still the same 21st century GOP.http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/05/why-cant-republicans-get-any-decent-candidates-to-run-in-swing-states/276398/
  8. with a system that produces these results? http://finance.yahoo.com/news/top-1-now-controls-39-153013317.html i keep thinking back to a line from a star trek movie where they travel back to the present and explain to a groundbreaking scientist that they now live in an age where the accumulation of wealth is no longer a measure of success. ridiculous....
  9. "the master" loosely based on l ron hubbard and early scientology - strangely memorable. "of gods and men" about the lives and murder of french monks in africa.
  10. see, this is what is so subjective about musical preferences. i generally like (and almost always appreciate) technically difficult and complex music performed masterfully. eagles 3 and 4 chord songs are decidedly none of these things. yet i like and enjoy many of their songs. i'll bet lots of people who listen to them feel them same way. does that make them over rated?
  11. i think the beatles were collective genuis. that said they are so revered and beyond criticism to some that i can see why someone would call them over rated. if you say anything less than glowing it's like you've attacked someones now dead, childhood best friend. there's a lot of nostalgia in play i think. got a beatles sheet music book for Christmas a couple years back. when i went to return it to the music store, the owner of the store (who i know pretty well) sharply asked "you don't like the beatles?". he only softened a little when i explained that the music was for B flat instruments and i was wanting to learn it on guitar.
  12. never knew this. apparently, it's where the boy met his father in the song and where they then fought. cool... on another topic, dolly rocks http://learningmatters.tv/blog/on-pbs-newshour/watch-dolly-parton/11316/. i think she may well belong on the most under rated list on the music thread. maybe more as a person than an artist but she's written some very good songs. some are little known. check out "do i ever cross your mind" sometime.
  13. "nobody circles the dinghy's like..." "knot in the playoffs" "knot fade away"
  14. just as long as them there hollywood stars don't catch wind of your little slice of paradise. http://www.bittenandbound.com/2010/11/21/brad-pitts-secret-hideaway-in-hickory-tree-tennessee-exclusive/. oops, too late...
  15. i'll limit t to well known bands so that eliminates quite a few under appreciated ones. most underrated: Talking Heads. way ahead of their time. talented. true to their art. Michael Buble. perfect pitch. impeccable timing and phrasing. understated persona. Haley Westenra. angelic. amazing range and tone. most overrated. Sinatra, especially in the later years. many better voices out there. too dramatized in many cases for my taste. Springsteen. just never got it. never got my adrenaline flowing. never came close to putting me in awe. Streisand. just annoys the hell out of me. Jimmy Buffet. wtf? i've seen much better acts with much more talent playing in honky tonks for tips.
  16. smoking 2 whole chickens today. brined with paprika in the mixture. smells and looks irresistible....we'll see pretty soon. btw, we subscribe to cook's illustrated which rates everything from cast iron frying pans to high tech thermometers. and they much like the ones mentioned in this thread. in retrospect, i've probably broken enough old fashioned meat thermometers in the last 5 years to nearly pay for a new fangled one. it's just the thought of the initial outlay that is almost as much as my smoker...
  17. Just got back from dolly wood for the bluegrass and barbecue festival opening. Really good. Both the music and the food. And not as crowded as I expected for this weekend. Barbecue platter was $14 for pulled pork (from a whole pig on a spit), barbecued chicken, smoked sausage, beans and slaw with your choice of about 10 sauces. Damn good for amusement park food...actually, damn good, period. Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky thunder put on a very nice show and other bands in small venues around the park were all pretty impressive. All for the price of park admission. This actually changed my opinion on a stay in Gatlinburg. For this, it would be worth it with a drive to the more wild areas mentioned up thread later in the trip. If you are one of the Bills fans in the area try to get to this festival. Rhonda Vincent and the rage will likely be a very good show. This is an example of knowing what you do well and doing it. Oh, and the flying eagle ride is pretty damn fun too.
  18. good lord...ya'll are way too upmarket for me. here's the book i've been using http://www.amazon.com/BBQ-USA-Recipes-Across-America/dp/0761120157/ref=sr_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1369333930&sr=1-8&keywords=american+barbeque
  19. thanks for the advice. i do use a meat thermometer but i think i only got it to 185. i'll try the foil in oven thing. pushing with the palms and the meat falling apart sounds alot better than wht i did last time.
  20. i'm betting you've got a treasure there jboys...enjoy!
  21. Have an electric one. Wasn't expensive but it's working we'll after several years. It's SLOW but that's the point I think. Bought the jack Daniels wood chips last time and made both beef brisket and pork butt, dry rub on both. Used cheap cuts for both and they came out really good. Biggest problem is pulling the pork (joke not intended).it'salot of work but chopping it just ain't the same. Only thing that's needed changing was the lava rock and that was a cheap fix. Looked it up. Brinkmans, 80 bucks at Home Depot . Won't stay as shiny as its pictured for long but who cares?
  22. something to look for - we have a family that grows and sells mostly herbs. fresh lemongrass is amazing (mostly in asian dishes) and can be snipped and grown in a window for further use. buy a pint sized pot and you'll have it for weeks and maybe months.
  23. i'm told there were strawberries and rhubarb at our market today but i missed it. damn, i can almost taste the awesome crumble with whipped cream they would have made. hope they have some left for saturday. speaking of cream, anybody bought whole unpasteurized milk from a farmer? it's not easy due to the laws but we bought a share in a cow for a while and got it. tried to make cheese but was only successful with soft cheeses like mozzarella. didn't like drinking whole unpasteurized milk at all. it's very different from the stuff at the supermarket.... so, no longer own a share in a milk cow.
  24. There is a urologist in ohio named richard tapper.
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