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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. says who? the intentions of who? who benefits from a low minimum wage? oh right, that's who says so. what would the unemployment rate be if you removed all minimum wage jobs? and how would those folks now employed in miniomum wage jobs or unemployed in my hyopotheticalk survive? well they wouldn't so taxpayers support them, in effect subsidizing their employers.
  2. and are you blind to all other possibilities? it wouldn't be if minimum wage was at a living wage level. there is precedent. it works elsewhere.
  3. this pick always smelled to me like a wilson pick: knee jerk, off the wall, based on intuition, knowing better etc. if i'm correct, then wilson has no one but himself to blame. if it was the gm or coach, it still falls back on wilson for hiring such lousy ones. no pity here for being "stolen" from..
  4. http://dailycaller.com/2013/08/20/study-welfare-pays-more-than-work-in-most-states/ this article clearly concludes that welfare payments are too high in the states mentioned. might it be that minimum wage is too low? a compromise opinion would be that both are true. if you accept that minimum wage is too low, aren't taxpayers paying more for their "cheap" burgers and wal mart goods, indirectly via taxes and welfare? aren't we subsidizing low paying industries?
  5. "Meet the Press" has gone from my favorite show to automatically being deleted from my dvr. Heart on his sleeve. Honest. Just like most Buffalonians... very good traits.
  6. the swiss will likely have rules for pay by the minute (using swiss clocks), speed, length and duration. other than that it's functionally sexy as hell...and efficient and safer.
  7. i played in a impromptu touch football game on the asphalt waitng for the traffic to clear after the game. i'm thinking we waited a couple hours to get out of the parking lot but it might have just seemed that long. they fixed it pretty well for the next game.
  8. hmmm, if i were king. ... i'm thinking armed escorts for the aid workers. maybe they act as intelligence simultaneously along with some other well placed people.. maybe we can then pick out the humans from the inhumans. maybe then we covertly kill some top inhumans. yeah, that's the tricky part. dunno, my last james bond movie was awhile ago. either that or we covertly prop up the best of a bad lot. not like it's never been done before.
  9. i was asking sincerely. they're killing the people trying t inoculate this is some evil s()t. not saying i know what's right here but it'd be nice to consider some ideas.
  10. http://www.france24.com/en/20130816-polio-outbreak-somalia-worsens-amid-insecurity. terrible story. can you imagine living there? can this be fixed? what would it take?
  11. i'm impressed: http://www.theblaze....en-choice-award stuff not heard often enough from celebrities...
  12. you ought to go back to defending anti accordian laws. polkas are a much greater threat to order than anything ...lybob might say.
  13. well, there was the guy that told me my shoe was touching the seat next me on the train and to stop. didn't like him much. so i could imagine his daughter or sister being nasty in some swank zurich store.
  14. um, no accordian playing allowed. polka's apparently are big there?
  15. no. i think the street sign with a picture of an accordion with a line through ghat i saw says all that needs to be said about that culture. and another urban myth that's likely true that i heard. couple has a dinner party. first guests, who are neighbors, leave about 10. 10:15 cops knock on the door stating the neighbors are complaining about the noise. could they keep it down? never mentioned race. you did.
  16. how bout "he did extremely well in politics, attaining what many consider the crown jewel". or, he championed controversial, sometimes unpopular causes meeting great resistance but ultimately succeeding in his signature legislation, the aca.
  17. i've spent some time in and around zurich. the swiss german's are generally rude and cold. very autocratic. so, i can easily see this happening yet you all refuse to even consider that it happened as oprah stated. why?
  18. well, no. not intimately. you? just saying, she really doesn't need the money or the press. attention? maybe. nevertheless she was mistreated. if your wife walked in that store and was refused to look at a purse on appearance alone what what you say to the shop girl? and you have to assume she had on high end jewelry, shoes , etc that the clerk would or should recognize.
  19. http://www.tmz.com/2013/08/13/oprah-switzerland-purse-story-apology-racism/?adid=hero3. small incident. big talk. so who do you believe ? gotta go with oprah here. what did she have to gain? retribution for some snotty swiss shop? don't think so.
  20. are we not discussing relative intelligence? not that i cede your unrelated point, but there have been many brilliant people who i suspect wouldn't meet your accomplishment test for entrance.
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