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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. i'll take your word for it on NF. so rehab the area around the falls itself and actively direct folks down river. in short i'm saying make it cool. think xterra or subaru commercials...don't know, maybe a pipe dream.
  2. it might not work...but tourism is a changing paradigm, especially with the decline less people able to afford it, especially traditional vacations. i'm no expert in tourism and hospitality but i'd see their target new customers as people within a 6 hour drive looking for something new. it's not like it's uncharted territory. west virginia's new river gorge area has cashed in and they don't have the falls. lots of the tourists there are young and adventurous but not necessarily "elite" or rich. neither place is going to draw many folks jetting in that could otherwise be adventuring in alaska for 2 weeks but a long weekend? somebody from ohio, pa, other parts of nys, toronto (if you make it attractive enough)? maybe. niagara on the lake's been attracting those types of visitors for years. why not the falls and lower river? and many successful tourist destinations are seasonal.
  3. great to hear! i'd make a trip to hike, zipline and fish. that's a 4 day trip with sore muscles at the end. as a teenager, a group of us tried to rapelle a part of the gorge. sedimentary rock walls didn't hold up so well and it's a wonder a falling chunk of rock didn't kill one of us...but artificial ledges could be built on pressure points and what a cool attraction that would be!!!
  4. i'm surprised the eco and sportsmen tourism angle hasn't been tried more. could you imagine the interest in a zipline down the gorge or across a part of it? how bout selling sailboat or catamaran tours out of youngstown? i know there are some fishing charter businesses but how bout selling package deals out of a nice lodge on the river? bring gander mtn or cabella's to lewiston. team with orvis for salmon fishing trips. i think the days where wax museums and the like generate big crowds and big spending are gone. is wintergarden still open? that was a step in the right direction for NF NY but it was too small and concentrated. there are not enough outdoor plantings and impressive landscaping to make visitors see beauty that overcomes blight. never has been on the US side. in comparison, the Canadians have always done a great job at this. i haven't been back in a long time (which you might be able to draw a conclusion from on its own) so maybe some of this has already been tried.
  5. maybe, but isn't that like playing virtual golf in the clubhouse when you're a member of oak hill? just can't understand that. what's the point of going to the game at all?
  6. it's not the weather. new england's is just as bad. so is pittsburg's and green bay's. but i agree with everything else. that is truly bizarre.
  7. one of my favorites as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Some_Girls. "some girls" is another and had to be redesigned after some of the celebs that appeared complained. i also am fond of "stop making sense" by talking heads. Target sells some nice clear plastic mounts to hang album covers. i really like the look of them bunched mand hanging on one wall in my man cave..
  8. just read the transcript. unsurprisingly, i don't agree with the assessment here thus far. short, succinct and to the point. the info about a sarin staging area, tissue samples and issuance of gas masks to assad troops are important additions to the public knowledge base on the incident. it will be telling to gauge the regimes and russia's response or lack thereof to these declarations. i'd bet they hold up much better than yellow cake and centrifuges. i heard excerpts of obama's peace prize acceptance speech earlier today in which he stated his belief in justified military response to humanitarian crises brought on by despots. interestingly, it wasn't particularly controversial at the time. tonight, he addressed all of the relevant arguments against intervention made here or elsewhere. no idea how it will be received generally but i found it compelling.
  9. well, no. that would be an incorrect conclusion. they're briefly there to sell to me or my partners. the motivation to talk with us has everything to do with their charts of prescription volumes written for drugs in the class they're selling and almost nothing to do with sniveling dweebs or mcdreamy's (neither of which i feel describes me or my partners) no matter what their appearance, i believe sales people require the skill of reading people and knowing when pushing is not a good idea. so while a bit less venom may be instinctively directed at an attractive female than male, in the described situation it will be directed nonetheless. fortunately, it appears drug reps are being steadily phased out. maybe i should have simply answered, yes, i was in a bad mood.
  10. you're joking right? you think appearance has no effect on behavior? you think beautiful people don't get treated differently in general? it's psych 101. how many ugly advertising models have you ever seen. this phenomenon isn't lost on advertisers or sales forces. you're denying basic, verifiable human nature and behavior. but you do seem an outlier so maybe you really are different.
  11. what planet are YOU from? she's attractive. do you generally treat attractive women differently (in a social setting) from just about anyone else? be honest... those are outcomes
  12. it was a her...makes a difference. i'm kinda coinservative that way. some slicking talking ex jock alpha male ; wouldn't have given it a second thought.
  13. that and for the moonshiners health... he might very well get shot (by a blind guy, no less)!
  14. some of my friends say they can judge it by how it burns. the color of the flame.; proabaly some validity if you think back to high school chemistry and the colors certain compounds burned over a bunsen burner. more importantly is the reputation of the moonshiner. make a couple people blind and you're not gonna be selling much moonshine in the rural areas it's generally made.
  15. maybe. just tore a decent looking drug rep a new one for standing over me while i ate lunch.
  16. so you're saying that obama didn't consider diplomatic alternatives? he obviously considered military. should he have gone to congress before it became obvious that assad was using chem weapons? or should he have planned against going to congress all along despite the fact that he feels obligated constitutionally? do you think we haven't been discussing syria for the last 3 years with allies? does anything that you've seen recently support that contention. so, stripping all that away, we're left with "he should have kept his mouth shut". agreed. is his presidency destroyed by his utterance of red line? not to me. to folks who disliked him intensely from the start, nothing he did or does will save his presidency. no sense worrying about their opinions. the one where hyperbole can actually influence dullards
  17. 100,000 isn't enough for you? how bout 4500 us soldiers or a trillion dollars. but it was decisive. and so many americans were swelled with pride watching "shock and awe" unfold on their big screen tv's.
  18. i see that the net effect of his actions may well be positive. this move by syria and russia may never have occurred without those words. we may have been forced into military action now. just because axelrod said the same thing doesn't make it false. i can't say it enough...to me, it's about outcomes.
  19. so, i ask again, what would a wise, brave leader have done in the same situation and what outcome would he have hoped for?
  20. how would it have been different if he didn't say those words?. we'd still be facing an emboldened iran and hezbollah, that would still need to be adressed overtly or covertly. the exit is the russians removing and policing chemical weapons in the region. whether theyh are serious about it is the question. but it's unlikely the aforementioned groups will cross them anytime soon.
  21. made in gatlinburg tenn http://www.olesmokymoonshine.com/about/, widely available and rumored to be pretty good as moonshine goes. i've enjoyed sipping it slowly on occasion (like a music festival) but the few times i had it at a party, i woke with a headache. and the "real" stuff round here, made for generations, usually has fruit in it.
  22. he doesn't tweet me but i said much the same here last night. in a rove versus axelrod contest of opinion, axelrod wins almost every time imo.
  23. WWKD? (what would krauthammer do?) heaven forbid he were our fearless leader. ya know that mushroom cloud?...
  24. what options dso you believe we've excluded? i don't see a corner. i see an exit. might not be open forever, but it's there now, chief.
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