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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. and baron rothschild was? the healthy people or their employers already are subsidizing the sick. and they're subsidizing the inadequate emergency care of the uninsured. the aca is just forcing an honest accounting for covering the cost of caring for 300 million americans vs 270 million. can the costs be reduced? well, sure if folks would stop screaming about "death panels" and rationing every time someone mentions rational limits on care.
  2. in tennessee, there is no requirement for auto liability insurance. it's pretty common for responsible drivers to get screwed when involved in an accident with an uninsured motorist. the requirement in almost every other state is there to protect the responsible citizens, not to magically transform the irresponsible ones. much the same in this case... and the aca cuts the number of uninsured in 1/2. would have been many more if it were politically feasible to accomplish. so, in effect, you're complaining that the bill is not comprehensive enough while supporting the very pols that limited it's scope. just stupid.
  3. i suppose you may be right. we can never assume the house republicans will do the right thing. if left to their own devices they'd have done nothing about healthcare. "we're number 37! yeah". but there's already been changes or at least postponements without their say. if they see those as a good thing for their narrow view, they'll likely vote to make them permanent.
  4. oh, please: http://www.politico.com/blogs/charlie-mahtesian/2012/11/rasmussen-explains-149240.html. rasmussen is bold faced biased, at least in the 2012 elections. statistically (what they trade in), they should have been wrong on as many dem races that they called as repub. they weren't. and the aca will be changed and improved. it hasn't even been nearly fully implemented . no one's claiming it's the ultimate plan.
  5. hmmm, i was thinking you meant "buy when there's blood in the street"...kind of, i guess.
  6. no avetts this year but the next new thing might be. http://lineup.bristolrhythm.com. they were in the small print at this fest a few years back. checking out some of the acts i don't recognize and i find this: . gonna have to see a set of his just to hopefully hear this one done.
  7. while i do appreciate the logic, "well known" and "respected" or "trusted" are 2 different things. i would argue that based on recent elections, rasmussen is the former while not the 2 latter, except in conservative circles.
  8. nope but make no mistake who then would be choosing a shutdown. i don't think many independent voters woill make that mistake.
  9. hence my concern (or lack of) for the future of the party. thank god i didn't choose to live in nc. maybe they have a clone of jessee helms stashed away somewhere, too.
  10. it's that hard because of redistricting and the geographic divide of the parties. not as big an issue in national elections. but isn't the burden on the group wanting to change the law but without the current power to do so?
  11. the one where obama won convincingly in the last election and has veto power. the one where republicans know this and are still threatening to refuse reworking the debt ceiling if the bargain doesn't include defunding the aca... yeah, that world.
  12. ya think some americans might when they see their 401k's drop precipitously?
  13. the aca has passed both chambers of congress, a supreme court ruling and a prez election in which the loser was against the aca and the winner was the biggest proponent. what about it not being negotiable do you all not understand.
  14. trouble being defined here as contiuing inability to win national elections. in many other ways, i agree, both parties are in trouble. so with an impending tapering of qe and this looking quite likely, i'm guessing that you're guessing that the market is not going to like it much...
  15. when lindsey graham is one of th few voices of reason in the party and is villified for it, you can conclude that the party is in trouble. my heart bleeds for them. a shutdown will be a political disaster, not to mention an economic one but i don't believe that will stop the likes of cantor and cruz. i don't see how they possibly win here and i suspect they don't either. they likely haven't looked that far ahead as the moronic legislator in the peice said via his stupid football analogy.
  16. they're calling it a spinnaker here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czi3TEipcqE. watch at about 3;30. don't feel so embarrassed now.
  17. no idea. i sail one of these once a year on vacation. already rigged. capsized once again this year. thank goodness for the rescue boat. cost me a bottle of rum but well worth it. you're talking about the boat with the red jib right? that's a spinaker, right? yeah, that's kind of strange but it looks to be ahead of the one filming.
  18. no doubt , as evidenced by the recent death of a superboat legend. to each his own, though. i find the simplicity and rawness of boats like this exciting and attractive. plus, i can afford this kind of boat! and there's some very real danger in these little whipsaw's as well. the fundamental principles are all the same or so i'm told.
  19. i don't know. there beautiful boats and all but i gotta think the better and more efficient way of finding the best sailor would be a 14 foot single or two man hobie cat race. much of the rest seems for show.
  20. i was wondering if a thread would begin on this. when there was good stuff to write about it, he wrote about it. it's not his fault that there hasn't been any for a very long time. hopefully he'll have more to write about and yall will probably like him alot more. and does it take a saint to write about a saint or a villain to write about a villain? there were some very famous and accomplished writers that were well known a$$holes: hemingway, anyone? comparing sullivan and williams as people is just silly and i suspect based on very little knowledge of either.
  21. why don't they then give them away? would look better for the cameras and would enhance the reputation of their business.
  22. when olsen caught a ball and was running in space, i was worried for the corners and safeties health. when chandler had the ball, i was worried for his health. we need a better and more punishing te
  23. so what?...how many times have we all said similar things when we lost. just enjoy it. and i though it was clearly interference anywho
  24. wow. spent some time checking out actual ideas and plans from the local and state pols. apparently, ecotourism is in the plans. problem is the chosen approach looks to be closing down the robert moses parkway (or part of it ) between NF and Lewiston and making the space between the existing parkway and the gorge into parkland. um, there's a nice big park called devil's hole right there already. to no ones surprise there appears to be some questionable politics swirling around this. i don't see a lot of benefit for a lot of cost including isolating lewiston and youngstown rather than developing them. they're clearly currently the more attractive areas. this doesn't make sense to me.
  25. interestingly, this article from 1973 made the same analogy http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1346&dat=19731004&id=mY1OAAAAIBAJ&sjid=fPoDAAAAIBAJ&pg=7347,885127. i remember going to the maid of the mist parade with my family and cheering e dent lackey, the mayor, riding his white horse in the parade. i thought the guy was so cool. and he did alot to revitalize NF (the skating rink circling the NF convention center was awesome). but ultimately he failed, too. but no one's seriously tried to develop down river into a tourist destination (that i'm aware of) with the falls as a backdrop. maybe that would work or maybe it's just never to be...
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