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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. nope. reconciliation was not concocted a few days before the aca vote.
  2. from your response it appears you've been personally affected by the slowdown, obviously in a more profound way than access to information... precisely what miner was attempting to prove irrelevant.... care to produce the analogous rule change?
  3. wow. let me spell it out more s l o w l y. the fact that the cdc data was not updated for influenza and pertussis is worrisome for reasons other than those directly attributable to me, although those have merit as well. i'm once again hoping this narrow, literal, devoid of any imagination, thinking is feigned, but i fear it's not.
  4. ya think it might be important to know how many immunizations have been given and where? whether they've been effective? ya think the formulations for each years flu vaccines are dpendent on cdc collected data? are we arguing the usefulness and desirability of the existence of the cdc? really? if, the answer is yes, then you are beyond hope for performing rational analysis.
  5. my answer is that if a pandemic hits we may well be ill prepared or at the very least, less prepared than we otherwise could have been.
  6. is it any wonder the tea party is so easily able to herd cats? if you or a family member contracted the flu today, do you think it might be helpful to know if this years vaccine would be likely to decrease the severity of your course? whether and which antivirals are likely to help and decrease your risk of death? how likely the virus is to spread and how it's most likely to be spread? do you really think the cdc is a "make work" organization?
  7. yeah, next time a flu pandemic threatens we'll give you a midol. right after the investment bankers and then the babies and pregnant women get their vaccines.
  8. yes, the very real potential is there for serious public health problems resulting in otherwise treatable deaths. the ongoing horror is the cost of the shutdown. billions already and the substantial cost to america's economic image around the world. if we see a 1% increase in borrowing costs we see a huge cost...and we likely will. watch the bond markets tommorrow if nothing changes.
  9. no. the narcissistic anarchist should. stop. and the imperialistic unilateralists should have been. no one is demonizing the veterans. that's what the anarchists are trying to impose on the dems, apparently with some success, unfortunately. i've been to the cdc site several times since looking for info on infectious disease trends like pertussis and flu. there's a big disclaimer stating data is not up to date.
  10. you want someone to blame for the horrific injuries trhe man in the picture and so many like him suffer? look no further: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/13/opinion/sunday/dowd-a-mad-tea-party.html?ref=maureendowd&_r=0
  11. yeah, just the same...look at the nice people applauding the arrest in the backround. that was showing strenght before a hostile audience. the teabaggers are preaching to the choir. and what a gullible choir it is...
  12. cruz palin and their merry throng are right there, front and center. if the dems had analogous d bag, rabalrousers, do you think they'd be seen making a scene in front of the labs of 4/5 current american nobel scientists on furlough right now?
  13. you wanted decisive...you got decisive: just say no, as nancy used to say. tough liberalism is robust liberalism.
  14. the only people that seem to believe that this strategy is reasonable are those on the far right. and they become less accepted by the rest of the electorate every day. the establishment repubs haven't done a great job with the brand but the tea party may actually kill it. edsel anyone?
  15. no this shut down in an effort to defund a standing law is unprecedented. and for good reason as nothing can be accomplished if the minority can continually hold the majority hostage like this.
  16. "the only leverage we have is the budget". uh huh, so if you want to change things start winning elections outside of bright red districts.http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_SHUTDOWN_GOP_TEA_PARTY?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2013-10-11-03-56-20. going all in with a jack high is usually a loser. and right on cue, ann coulter's book says the establishment repubs are the problem and need to be removed. with enemies lik e that, whio needs friends?
  17. it's already happening. the system cfo's are already pushing it. no doubt there are problems: patients unhappy seeing lower level providers, doctors potentially unhappy if pay goes down due to decreased volume, more referrals from jittery midlevels, more primary care docs going into concierge practice etc. the suits seem aware of these pitfalls and promise more pay for quality over volume, changing demographics of patients favoring convenience over quality (see jboys post about minute care which btw is an urgent care in essence) and higher staffing ratios for primary care. i'll believe all that when i see it but they've got plenty of incentive to make it work. if the aco model fails, they're one step back from square one and one step closer to single payer.
  18. http://firstread.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/10/20903624-nbcwsj-poll-shutdown-debate-damages-gop?lite self explanatory
  19. that may be true. but so far, it's not been the case in mass. which is the test case study. the plan is to have everyone "work to the top of their license"...meaning sniffles may be seen by a nurse with orders signed by a doc or even mid-level.
  20. obama is no dummy regardless of what the cons shout. if boehner folds it's cuz of the nearly 1000 pt drop in the dow in the last 2 weeks. he correctly identified this as the weakest link in their childish move. now, if the caucus rejects today's plan all hell breaks loose. i don't think they will. i try not to look at it as a waste of time. i try to look at it as therapy , ya know like primal screaming...
  21. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-futures-climb-washington-optimism-112511909.html. wall street seems fairly conident that boehner will cave. just recently mentioned on major news sites. ?insider info? no, couldn't be....
  22. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/obamacare-different-law-red-states-152010876.html. comparing what is happening in red states with the ACA to what happened after desegragation is, unfortunately, entirely appropriate and just as immoral.
  23. for those who have still not seen it (me too), a solid story: http://www.npr.org/2013/10/07/229181970/when-it-comes-to-brain-injury-authors-say-nfl-is-in-a-league-of-denial
  24. um, no. the way to make things better isn't to play in charity golf outings, silent auctions or horse shows (although, for a focused need they can provide a short term boost). it's to support candidates and issues like health care reform, living wage, gun control etc. now, if my local npr or pbs station had an outing, i'd be there with bells on but likely, the cheaters wouldn't be.
  25. no, i fully understand the point. it's to wipe peoples glasses while they pay their money for adulation and they then get to show everyone that'll listen that they're fine athletes and wonderful human beings. and i find it repulsive except when i don't cheat, clean my own glasses, still win and still donate. yeah, it happened. once.
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