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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. fortunatley, in 2012, a majority of the country still disagreed with you. but the point is that flip flopping is acceptable to many voters and we haven't seen the last of it especially when it's obvious that one set of "principles" is needed to win the primaries and another to win a general election.
  2. pretty narrow definition of conservative, huh? everything is relative...but it's this kind of thought that makes liberals confident.virginia has been a purple state since at least 2008 so i guess one needs to define "historical". yup, we expected better in va gov race and better from the aca rollout. it needs fixing and it will happen. when 30 million people, many of whom don't currently vote, get health insurance, things will change. they might well be inspired to start voting. if this is true, how did romney manage almost 49% of the vote despite obvious inconsistencies in positions? if it were between christie and hillary (and i hope it is), i would have a difficult decision. i'd listen closely to their debates and campaigns and look closely at how congress was constructed. all other things being equal, i'd likely vote for the one with the most ability to effect real needed change: ie the one with a majority in congress.
  3. my point is obviously in regard to the nomination process. that's the danger zone for the party. of course the nonpragmatic R's would vote fro him if he gets nominated. the question is whether there are enough pragmatic R's left to make that happen because the entire country does better when are leaders are pragmatists and not ideologues.
  4. i don't think he does that. i think he maintains his principles. i just hope there are enough practical rebublicans to make it work. pretty much anybody that thought the shutdown was a good thing can be excluded as being practical. does that leave enough R's for him to win? He's certainly likely to have the big money support of the R donors excluding the koch's.
  5. what exactly were his positions? he went from moderate to far right in a heartbeat...chameleon. who knows which color he'd have become after he'd won. we can be fairly certain he'd support big business at the expense of nearly anything else, though. you'd think you all would choose somebody that had a chance in hell of winning the electoral vote. hint, it's no one on the far right.
  6. there are about 10 swing states that are in play from now til the forseeable future that will decide who becomes president. the old dominion is one of the biggies.christie is the best shot for republicans but hasn't he been disinherited? wouldn't the tea party sabotage his efforts? too bad, cuz he might well help the country more than any other viable candidate right now.
  7. one of the biggest implications of this gov election is that the virginia gov mansion will be southern campaign headquaters for hillary for 2016. i'm betting mcauliffe helps her win the very important purple state that is virginia.
  8. over 51% of the american electorate vote for obama in 2012. do you believe them all to be liberals?
  9. are you certain they're all liberals, though? birkenstocks are a dead giveaway.
  10. what about the point of the forbes article? do you disagree with the conclusions?
  11. mostly. you're forgetting roanoke,knoxville, asheville,boone, louisville etc. it's still pretty conservative overall but slowly changing...damn yankees!
  12. ask the chamber of commerce http://www.washingto...f484_story.html. and this: http://www.forbes.com/sites/dougschoen/2013/11/06/a-win-for-the-republican-establishment-in-alabamas-1st-congressional-district/ they funded the alabama establishment candidate that ran and won against the tea party candidate. after their success they vow to do more of the same to support the "governing" republicans (their term). oh, and btw, is christie welcomed back with open arms now/? they're gonna need a bigger tent. now that's the pot calling the kettle black. you do listen to far right radio, don't you? they're very easy to imitate. unfortunately it's a tactic that works far to well.
  13. for a "true" southerner it probably considered creole.
  14. it wasn't single handedly. many others were complicit. nevertheless, lone wolf crazies and small groups of radicals have frequently disrupted order and caused trouble. disruption often doesn't require real power. plenty of recent examples of that. doesn't mean they achieved real and sustained standing in the world or country and they certainly didn't achieve change on the issue. . has it happened before (that a small radical group grabs power)? yes. will it happen with this group. doubtful and I sure hope not. and i was beginning to think there was hope for you becoming a renaissance man.
  15. really? hmmm, i haven't heard that "yankee", or "damn yankee" label directed at me in years.
  16. <p> dandruff, clearly. but beligerent dandruff not amenable to conventional treatment. they don't have traction. this was a unique set of circumstances that still led to a dem victory in a purple state with a sitting repub gov. the problem is they now perceive more traction. eradication will now be more difficult.
  17. um, a dem won the gov race in my state. i'm not embarrased...but it could have gone better.
  18. this was about obamacare. people are becoming more skeptical every day and it's justified. the roll out has been a disaster both practically and symbolicly. that said, what might have happened if that near extinct dinosaur, a moderate republican had run. i think he/ she would have won and i'd be ok with that. actually, i'd be happier with that than what actually happened. now the tea party falsely believes they have some traction. this was two undesirable candidates and an IT and PR mess. nothing more, nothing less.
  19. i actually find the results worrying. the aca was a big player in how close this was. the problems need fixing right now. then it will take some time to regain the electorates confidence and illustrate the strengths of the plan. it certainly can be accomplished but even as a staunch progressive, i'm disappointed. wouldn't wanna live there but thank goodness for northern virginia. it's amazing to me how virginians vote against self interest so often. look at the election maps from yesterday. regarding the food and lodging tax, we have it at 7%. even the conservatives here mostly like it. in effect, tourists pay the lions share for new community buildings and renovations, gardens and beautification and art and cultural events. the discretionary food dollars locals spend, get paid back several fold by the cycle of more tourists for better facilities and events and more and better jobs in the hospitality industry it's only on restaurant food. if the revenue is well spent, it's a good thing.
  20. it's been demonstrated repeatedly and in multiple models that putting money in the hands of those that are likely to spend it immediately (low income individuals) provides more stimulative bang for the buck than putting it into the hands of those with less needs. it's also intuitive. but if you're proposing a luxury item tax in addition to investment income tax, i'm all for it. those items will still be bought in similar volumes but more gov't revenue will result. we all want to decrease the deficit, no?
  21. i like him too. he has room for improvement though. everyone does. the rant was ok with me. now if he beat his dog or made it wear stupid halloween costumes, that i wouldn't like at all. i hated jauron and gailey. even now, i envision clowns when typing their names. jauron , more like one of those weird, creepy clowns.
  22. my wife felt he was being self indulgent...on further review, she's probably correct.
  23. by that reasoning, a DB should never make an interception. they're being thrown to by different qb's every week. chandler reminds absolutely no one of vernon davis, gronkowski, whitten, zach miller, heath miller, gonzalez etc. why are bills fans continually content to watch the organization settle for mediocre or barely acceptable? this position has been at this level for a decade or more.
  24. the team is different. no doubt. i'm more hopeful. but how in the world is tuel on the team? probably for the same reasons chan gailey was ever considered for the hc or that woeful hick considered (and then retained) for gm. i like this team. i really do. i like marrone. but the front office depresses me beyond despair. maybe this time it'll be different...
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