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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. because access to information and ability to make nanosecond trades is not equal for the haves and have nots.
  2. if there truly wasn't criminal activity involved (and i don't believe it) it's likely because the banks wrote the laws! this is undisputed in regards to a recent major piece of financial legislation. i'm proposing that we not let the fox "protect" the hen house. if there is no other way for the system to craft legislation, then that supports my point that the system is fundamentally flawed. and for all those crowing (heavy on the animal metaphors this am., i know)about wealth redistribution plans, the data supports that contention but the wealth is further being redistributed from everyone else to the very wealthy and not the other way around. and watch what happens when the current market bubble blows.
  3. and we're right back to dualist thinking: there are possibilities besides full blown socialism and the corporatocracy we currently have in the us. did anyone notice the plan citibank spent $100 million formulating in case of that so very unlikely default that so many of you were not worried about occurred? seems they were worried. they were planning on paying social security benefits to customers even though their legal dept had great reservations on the legality. does this plan not bother anyone? how bout the banks recent $80 billion fine to the gov't for mortgage backed securities? not a single corporate exec is even threatened with jail. Do you suppose the police would look the other way when a teenager pays back the cost of the tv he stole from walmart years ago. perhaps between where we are and socialism would be a system where there was no private campaign finance. Term limits. making it forbidden for ex legislators to become lobbyists. making it illegal for private entities to write entire or a majority of pieces of legislation. taxing cap gains like ordinary income. and i'm sure over time people could think of many more ways to decrease the influence of business over our leaders and system while making the needs of the citizeny of paramount importance.
  4. why? it was almost 1700 years AD before hobbes imagined his "law of nature". disregarding the rference to the bible, that's 10s of thousands of years of human history before we have recorded evidence of such a philosophy. how long were humans thinking about ways to rule and govern beforer aristotle and socrates? why would 300 or 3000 years for a new similar landmark philosophy to be put forth seem long?
  5. yes, because the only alternative to massive wealth inequality is a monarchy...there were other political philosophers than locke and hobbes with other ideas. why are you so certain they are the most correct or were correct at all? perhaps the most efficient system has not been imagined or tried yet. yes, it's abominable but so are many americans. many are positively darwinian til they fall on hard times. then their thinking tends to change.
  6. what about the word "more" do you fail to understand, idiot? no, i admit the rollout is a disaster. it can be fixed. obama's statements on keeping your insurance are a political disaster. he should just suck it up, admit he was wrong and move on. the plan itself hasn't even fully started so how could anyone label it a success or failure? i believe it will improve access for 10's of millions of americans and maintain access for nearly everyone else. we'll see.
  7. bush was a presidential opponent of his that somehow won. it's an apt comparison. the aca isn't and never was simple. i can't think of anyone claiming such. as i've stated many times, the recognized goals of the aca could have much more simply been accomplished by a single payor plan. that was not feasible but i do feel obama gave up too quickly on it and the rollout of the aca has been a disaster.
  8. yes, it was clearly a mistake the magnitude of "nucular" said 500 times or so. or of making complex problems seem simple so everyone thinks they can be easily and painlessly solved. where were his handlers there? unforgivable.
  9. should've linked to bangarang. my point is that it's not all that difficult to understand why anyone with another option would choose to play for someone other than the bills at this point in time or in the last decade or so. i keep thinking back to archie manning's recent espn documentary. ya think he'd trade a few bucks for playing for a better organization than the saints of his era?
  10. byrd, fitzpatrick and anybody else that wants to get the hell out of dodge, bad. bills organization good. it's obvious isn't it.
  11. howard stern vs howard dean on healthcare policy qualifications? http://en.wikipedia....iki/Howard_Dean qualifications on any type? howard stern, the 20th century version of "midsummer's night dream' rude mechanicals all wrapped up in one fool. yet somehow, more people listen to him. go figure.
  12. why is that so weird? the guy is an ivy league grad. it's not rocket surgery. levitre looking fairly valuable tonight as well.
  13. howard speaks the truth: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/11/liberals-to-president-obama-keep-it-together-99895.html?hp=t3_3. obama needs to listen. now.
  14. youngest here too. early 40's for my dad. hell, you get pulled out of college to help save the world, you get back to business and make up for lost time when you come back. that's as all american as baseball and apple pie. and i wonder how many liberals are youngest children. someone needs to do a study. hmmm...
  15. like many others said it's a tie to my hometown, family and especially my dad. things really aren't all that much different now then back then. lots of memories a room full of adults heatedly discussing how to fix the mess that was the bills and me as a kid just soaking it all in. many of the solutions are the same ones you read here now. ab better qb was always in there. the bills still lose a lot more than they win, they do boneheaded stuff repeatedly and ralph wilson though, fading is still as my dad always called him, a shyster. the more things change, the more they stay the same.
  16. http://video.pbs.org/video/2175892459/ the coolest recent documentary i've seen on WWII. 3D photointelligence that had a major impact on the war. ingenious and impressive. well worth a watch.
  17. i think it's a sign of the times that last night's game and the vintage accapella group performed at a corporate named stadium and not "veteran's field". global corporatocracy may not be fully developed yet but we're clearly heading that way. i for one, don't much like it.
  18. it's a different world. as a pragmatist, he'd undoubtedly think it was a necessary evil. i think he'd be disappointed that the us car industry had fallen so far but he witnessed that first hand. i think we'd all rather see chevys being made in tokyo or stuttgart than vice versa. he still wouldn't be driving either of those brands. and many of his contemporaries wouldn't either.
  19. you don't need to rely on principle to avoid mitsu cars. they're crap and seem to be fading from the american market. fine by me. not all that long ago, consumer products, especially cars, were very different. foreign cars needed repair or service at the local foreign car mechanic cuz he had metric tools. this was niagara falls in the 70's. you could easily buy american made tv's and they were good. the greatest generation built those and supported them. we baby boomers and the demographic groups that followed lost it.
  20. no shame in working for mcdonalds. the shame is what they pay.
  21. not giving up on ej but certainly not sold on him. the anaylitics aren't that complicated. we don't need a program to figure out that we need a top qb.. if manuel is a miss then we're no closer to being a top team. it's not looking good. watching brees, we know what good is. ej looks nothing like brees.
  22. i need to tell a true story here: at our wedding, a latvian friend of my wife"s family was present. my dad and he both fought in WWII in europe. they were comparing where they were at various times and it quickly struck my dad, "you fought with the germans". there was no animosity. in fact, they talked for a very long time. the latvian man was conscripted. but mercedes benz...whole different thing. incredible times and i'm very thankful for those that saved the world from a very dismal future and to all those that have served then or at any time.
  23. what amazes me is that our own civil war is still fought daily by so many with symbolism an integral part of the continuing battle yet it happened over 150 years ago. WWII was only 70 years ago and this goes seemingly unnoticed by many.
  24. just watched the andrews sisters clones sing the national anthem at mercedes benz stadium. just slightly ironic and i suspect galling to many remaining WWII vets. i know my vet dad would be upset if he were around to see it. he absolutely refused to consider any german or japanese car and mercedes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daimler-Benz were especially disliked. i know of others from "the greatest generation" that felt the same. so with so few WWII vets remaining, is all forgiven or forgotten? anyone here bothered by the (likely accidental) symbolism on veteran's day eve?
  25. today was the first game this year that lawn and garden work beat watching. just awful and there wasn't a single throw over 20 yards that i can remember. when you're down two touchdowns don't you at least try that? and even when your down 1 touchdown. what the hell? i know it was windy but throw a jump ball anyway. they seemed to have no confidence in manuel. if the bills don't then the opposing defense obviously won't. at least once, there was a makeable 4th down past the 50 in the second half and they punted. i don't get it. they didn't seem to even try to win today.
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