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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. the best and brightest are not going in to teaching. why would they? there is an outright war on public education in some parts of the country. north carolina is the poster child. guess which side of the aisle composes the attackers? unfortunately, many people can't afford private schools but most of them don't vote republican. yes, there are some very bad teachers around. there are also some amazing ones. the answer is to weed out the bad and incentivize enough good to retain and recruit them to public education. i'm guessing that's not what you all imagine as the solution.
  2. i would attribute at least some of this to the bills inability to nurture and develop a good but immature player, seattle's ability to do the same and the players own maturation. anyway you look at it, it reflects poorly on the bills.
  3. yes, that insistence might have been useful to us fans had he not made so many other stupid decisions. 1 for 1000 isn't a great batting average.anyway, the answer to the original question is: less than the indians got for manhattan.
  4. when i lived in ann arbor, we used to ski at "mount" brighton, amazingly enough, in brighton, not far from detroit. it's a landfill hill with a 200 feet vertical drop i think. it was used in one of those teenage fantasy ski movies as the place these midwesterner boys learned to ski before making it as big time instructors with women hanging all over them in colorado. i'm pretty sure what the guys are doing in the video is more fun than mount brighton..
  5. http://www.jamieoliver.com/recipes/recipe/easy-homemade-curry-pastes this should help. british cookbooks are fully of indian recipes. . if i'm doing it, i generally use sharwood's sauces. i usually add multiple veggies and meat, especially like to add eggplant. my wife generally makes dishes from scratch. now, somosas really need to be made from scratch in a deep fryer. one of my favorite appetizers.
  6. not really. there's been plenty of time since we drafted lynch to build a team like seattle has today. and he might have been part of the nucleus. but it was never gonna happen with the bills management. his recent history is a symptom of the bills disease. but, yeah, good for him.
  7. the point is that they're very unlikely to hire such people and will have a relative few in their risk pool. gov't sponsored programs will have just the opposite until we get the young and healthy signed up and they will always remain the port of refuge for the sick and disabled unable to find work.
  8. nope. walmart can and does exempt the chronically sick and disabled. so does just about every other employee sponsored plan. so who pays for their health care? or would you propose that those people not get healthcare? walmart has the best of both worlds as far as insurance: a relatively healthy population that takes the plan they offer or goes without (opting out isn't a realistic possibilty for most walmart employees). but it's a private company so defining benefits is ok, right? just as long as it's not the gov't defining benefits...
  9. yes, because in this case, walmart is effectively a single payer. they make the rules. don't like em? - tough.
  10. umm no, they were on the front and back passenger side.
  11. yes, i sgree there's no excuse for missing 2 bent rims and impending sidewall blowouts. pretty sure that's why they offered a free spare initially and we ended up with 2 years free service. that dealer's in the next town over. we won't be returning.i also agree that low profile tires have many disadvantages. the problem is my wife thinks she's danica patrick. she likes cornering fast and furious. so you're might ask what she's doing in a buick. it's a gs with a six speed and top speed of almost 170. i'm amazed my safety argument got any traction at all from gm...i've read that the car makers save like 40 bucks by not placing spares. it also improves weight and mileage. but i think it at least should be an option at reasonable cost (like $40).
  12. my wife hit a massive pothole the other day and the hit was hard enought to worry her. took it in to the buick dealer who told her everything was fine. next morning the front tire's flat. i go to put on the spare and there isn't one. there's an electric pump with sealant. turns out she bent two rims and both tires had sidewall bubbles. all are now replaced but i was unhappy about the safety issue of no spare and sending her home on bent rims and sent my concerns via email to gm. they replied immediately and told me they'd supply a free spare. the dealer had previously quoted $580 for a spare. now they tell me there is no spare that fits the 19 inch wheels, goes over the brembo calipers and fits in the trunk tire space. they gave her oil changes, routine maintanence and tire rotation free for 2 years at any buick dealer, instead. still, no available spare seems unbelievable. the whole idea of no spare seems ridiculous. i've heard some companies are putting on oe run flats in leiu of spares. i'd rather have a spare in any case. a pump and sealant isn't gonna help with a low profile tire sidewall blowout out in the middle of nowhere and on star isn't a great solution in the mountains. anybody else unexpectantly discovered they don't have a spare?
  13. yes, what's with the "anchorman" guy? he's all over the place. was on SNL before Christmas, too. Art is hilarious and i agree, they need to get back to involving him more. one of my favorite parts of this show is the dialogue. it's often incredibly witty and sharp. so much so that sometimes you miss stuff if you don't listen very closely. it just wasn't there imo this episode. i'm wondering if elmore (now deceased) had script input.
  14. i was disappointed with the first episode this season. not a single memorable or quotable dialogue line. less character development and less interesting bad guys. it looked too much like every other cop and crook show. hope that episode is an outlier.
  15. i apologize if already posted. http://www.businessw...nto-the-details pretty amazing deal with plenty of future implications. current players excluded. comments?
  16. as i remember, toronto sent big snow melting trucks to help clear the streets. can anybody confirm that? there wasn't any more room to dump the snow in places where the drifts were crazy high. does buffalo have it's own melt trucks now? found it..."metro melters" http://buffalorising.com/2007/01/blizzard-of-77-30-years-after/
  17. 17 years old. i was the only one in my family that made it home the first day through the storm. everyone else was stranded out and about. i can remember searching for my sister's car later in huge drifts. the smart people had put identifying markers on their radio antennas.
  18. way to misunderstand the point. the "mark up" in health care prices for the uninsured is a major reason that even wealthy folks can't afford to be self insured. if everyone paid what blue cross or medicare negotiated as their usual and customary rates, many systemic healthcare problems would seem less daunting. and 8% of a massive number is still a very big number.
  19. wow, the cities he lists probably represent 10% of the country's population. i guess he thinks the entire country is overrated. and then there's the prevelance of hip, chic cities on the list. i'm guessing akron would be on his best city list. sounds like the guy has an axe to grind. nerd perhaps? nevertheless, there are frequently good music acts in asheville, almost always in an intimate venue. tickets to a truly special show can be memorable. we once received a gift of theater tickets to the phantom in one of those overrated cities. we both remember it fondly and well and who gave it to us.
  20. this is a major part of the problem: the rack price for hospitals and doctors. the only ones paying it are the uninsured and they can least afford it.
  21. how bout a dulcimer? bet she doesn't have one of them. maybe not handmade in the price range but could get a nice looking and playable one. add a mason jar of shine and you've got http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INu3UQ35yVk
  22. tickets! to a concert, show, game whatever. if she frequents boone, check out the shows coming to asheville soon. we just gave friends two weekend passes to next years bristol rhythm and roots (about an hour from boone). they were thrilled. i think they're $45 bucks now but go up every month. also, there a nice tapas restuarant in banner elk that you could get a gift certificate for. name starts with a Z but can't remember the rest.
  23. $3300/year max. no doubt it's a good deal but "fastest way to create wealth"? i must be missing something. i don't think there are many dems against hsa's. even if they benefit higher earners disproportionately, they're a good idea. they, coupled with required insurance benefits for preventive care push health care consumption in the right direction.
  24. yes, because deciding not to sell a win per season is the same as not being cheap.
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