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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. canadian conservative pm stifling meteorologists: http://www.iflscience.com/environment/canadian-weather-forecasters-forbidden-discussing-climate-change
  2. yup. l iike colbie callait's sweeter, poppier version as well, unapologeticially.
  3. ok, i suppose being played on "hell on wheels" doesn't quite make the cut for classic and kat goldman who wrote this is likely considered 'only" a local classic. saw these guys tonight and they make the cut for me, at least we can move on from john edwards: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYrjiwLngbo
  4. says the guy that felt romney was a lock to be president. he's been wrong about just a few things before.
  5. really great version. i need to check out more of her stuff. this song doesn't really test her range but i get the feeling she has a good one.
  6. to me a very pure voice especially here:
  7. cool. thanks for that. we'd be looking at their high end cabinets which are still much less expensive than most anything else with similar aesthetics. this is what i've heard from a few other people: their cabinets and countertops are some of their best products. they're swedish, smart guy. very egalitarian http://www.economist.com/node/21564412. it's some of the appeal but i also really like the design. the model kitchens were awesome. and their meatballs are damn good. i tried them in the charlotte store.
  8. thanks. we just went to the charlotte store and i was amazed. it's gigantic and has more products than i'd ever thought. we picked up some lamps and bedding which seem good quality and the price was excellent. the sleek, modern look of the cabinets (and really most of their stock) is pretty much impossible to find elsewhere in the US (that i'm aware of) except in high end specialty stores at ridiculously high prices. from what i've read the hardware is top quality but the cabinets are frameless and veneer. about 10 years ago consumer reports rated them the best value cabinets but that's pretty long ago. they're about 1/2 the price of even semi custom cabinets from home depot or lowes but you have to put them together or pay someone else to do it. i've talked to a local bed and breakfast owner that put them in 3 years ago and was extremely happy. was hoping for some other experiences. maybe a DIY or home improvement site would be a better bet.
  9. why? reminds of the guy i quoted here that asked me if i had a gun and a bilble. then told me i couldn't possibly be a liberal.
  10. love the look. love the price. but are they any good?
  11. hard to cover joni but i like this almost as much:
  12. that looks like a great spot. the "bush road" looks, um, challenging and i'm sure those pics we're before any wash out. i'm guessing by july it'll be corduroy. but that's the price for truly unfished spots unless you wanna pay for fly in and i don't if i don't need to. rainy isn't like that even though the lodge we went to was boat in. we hit a couple of portage lakes there that were 100 fish days but not usually and never on the big lake. please report back on the fishing. oh and btw, how are you at getting hooks out of body parts? there was always a veterinarian and me on our trips and it came down to whoever had drunk less beer on who did the honors.. sometimes it was a close call. i'm betting you know to always push through and never pull back on a barb.
  13. wow. i thought it was one of the best tv episodes i've ever seen. it was truly a moral tale and included a pretty startling but accurate critique on american and corporate culture. the moon walk as a central theme was genius. peggy's presentation was profound. the part about tv's being within 6 feet of every dinner table and on most of the time was sad but true. her appeal to our inner hunger for more satisying life events. don's question to his daughters cynical take on the moon landing was great. and she went after the geek and not the hunk - looks like she's not a clone of her mother after all. surprising but refreshing. and tying it up with "the best things in life are free" was brilliant. the last partner signing of on the merger after fighting it rabidly cuz "it's a lot of money" was priceless. i think it just stopped short of being preachy. are we to believe that characters other than peggy will develop a conscience in the break? i hope so but then again it might get boring.
  14. i guess i'm getting old but i have a drawer full of big fish pictures and even more on computer. the mental images of euchre, poker, political discussions, stories, practical jokes etc are the ones i really treasure. anyway, i'm envious of your trip. enjoy every minute. the "leader of the band" that organized our yearly trip died unexpectantly a couple years back and no one has picked up the mantle to set up another trip. maybe it's time for me to do it. if you do nothing else, get the water treatment pills. "beaver fever" (aka giardiasis) is no laughing matter (well it is for a very short time) in a cabin full of flatulent men.
  15. http://www.dryiceinfo.com/camping.htm. yes, it takes a lot of space to dry age a whole prime rib. my wife was in on it since we made it for a fund raiser to serve as appetizers on french bread pieces. you could probably do it in a cooler. you cut the funkiness off at the end and it doesn't smell. it gets a rind on it. i think it would be fine not to dry age too but it definitely adds flavor.
  16. dry ice! go to sam's or costco and buy a whole prime rib (7-8 bucks a pound but worth every penny) . age it in your fridge - just leave it on a tray and let it get funky for about a week. cut into ribeyes or roasts and freeze in zip locks put it in a cooler full of dry ice and your set. bacon and sausage for sausage gravy, pillsbury biscuits, spaghetti sauce, burger all in ziplocks in the dry ice. i used to go with a group of 10 or so to rainy lake ont driving from virginia every year and that's how we did it (place was boat in only, maybe an option for you?). bought eggs and milk and beer and paper products in the closest town. have fun. wish i was going this year! oh and good lord, leave the lap top and cell phone at home. do you really want to know your home is burning down 1000 miles and 12 hours away? coleman lantern, water purification kits (dissolvable) and lots of deet will come in more handy.
  17. dylan again but he never finished this song. these folks made it into a career:
  18. 'collectors of injustice who nurture their wounded narcissism"...uh oh. sound familiar? (and by injustice, i think we can assume the originator means personal injustice). profound quote but other than that, not much to this article. the killers are angry at society. well who would have ever thought of that? he notes common traits in many of the recent killers...um, hum. what are they? doesn't say but a superficial review would include that they are all male, middle to upper middle class, students and college aged, carrying soft or more well defined psychiatric diagnoses and are socially isolated. social isolation and/or ineptitude seems a particularly common thread. therefore...? every one of us knew people like this in high school and/or college (and or professional life) but very, very few of us know or have known any mass murderers. he believes these acts are "epidemic". but why now? acts like this would have made the national tv news 50 years ago. the statement would have been just a loudly heard and hated. nope. a culture full of narcissistic, nihilistic people devoid of compassion (and a generation that is concentrated with such individuals) is largely to blame here. the rest of the story is mostly fluff.
  19. nice to read an on-the-ground perspective. it seems nearly everyone i talk to from nc feels much the same about this administration on this issue and on education. i don't know if the intent is to run off like minded people but it's working. let's hope this administration is run off before the things are irreversibly destroyed.
  20. how is that any different than watching any of the slanted "news" shows on fox that so many here frequent? other than the fact that they appear to be trying to find real answers to these disasters other than "deli shoppers in college towns should be armed". it's a very powerful, impressive and thoughtful argument
  21. the other major difference being that he lived in the preinternet age which was the difference in question here. in his case, fame from the internet can obviously not be invoked as an underlying cause. is it the cause in this case? i think it's less about fame and more about a culture of instant gratification, nihilism and selfishness which has been expertly crafted over many years by those seeking to sell us everything you see in the "n'est pas" ad and more as the only true measure of success. in that regard, it plays a role. the point once again was about what factors produce this many subhuman antisocial pos's in such a short time period. i certainly remember all those incidents but not all the names. i don't think it matters either way. it's about instant gratification. but is the underlying problem nature or nurture? the gene pool hasn't changes all that much, all that quickly. the us seems to have the unfortunate distinction of leading the world in the volume of these events. therefore, nurture is surely largely responsible.
  22. http://thehill.com/p...party-tide-ebbs. looks like it's time again to look to the dems to keep the robber barons in check. while far from unerring, they're the best hope. it's an issue that needs to be prioritized by the left and pols made accountable. maybe it will even garner some former tea party voters
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