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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. that's more than a little unsettling. the trashy woman bears the lions share of blame but they both should have moved on. those kids are doomed.
  2. ocms again. don't think there's a question of classic on this one: ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXf-SuBbJa0[/media]
  3. i'd have read a transcript of his unfiltered speech but even then it's been scripted.
  4. because if anyone in the intended audience bothered to analyze his written words and reasoning they'd likely be done with him.
  5. can't bear to watch the brute for 5 mins. why doesn't cns post transcripts like pbs does? oh yeah, that's why.
  6. perhaps there are alternative ways to ensure the ability to pay the bills than risking the destruction of the earth. despite the dualist thought so prevalent here, there are almost always more than 2 options.
  7. yeah, who cares what the truth is. expediency and efficiency are what really matter...
  8. full repeal was a goal. 48 times it was a goal. see my politico link. i don't trust any of them but it's gonna be difficult to run on "fix" and then vote to repeal. absolutely. and the tea party is being left on the dock right now. we'll see what develops but it appears the ship has sailed.
  9. uhh, wait...."who said anything about backing off repeal". you clowns are so biased you can't even admit when you've contradicted yourselves in the same thread.
  10. seems to take them a very long time to learn that lesson http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2014/01/house-republicans-obamacare-repeal-votes-102911.html#.U4u0axYsthA. what was the excuse last election cycle?
  11. shut up would mean not airing ads that explicitly state that the goal is to fix the aca wouldn't it?
  12. fixed now but thanks. sure it's just the washington post. keep telling yourself that while you watch the ads roll out with exactly the wording they report.
  13. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/gop-candidates-show-signs-of-retreat-on-full-obamacare-repeal-as-midterms-approach/2014/05/30/3c175b30-e5ab-11e3-8f90-73e071f3d637_story.html uh oh. the boat's leaving and the tea party is stuck on the dock.
  14. glad to hear that. did you make it here http://bristolrhythm.com/2014-lineup/ last year? much better organized and less crowded food area than in the past and also very family friendly. alos people have more money left after buying tickets to buy crepes!
  15. dave brubeck called it "the most interesting" recording of this song.
  16. i've never been to this but family members rave about it. http://www.rochesterjazz.com/artist_lineup/?artist_id=1071 would be a nice reason to make the trip to WNY. only thing that puts me off a bit is that it looks like each show has it's own ticket. don't they do general admission? seems like it would end up being expensive. for anybody going, i can't recommend steep canyon rangers enough. i'm not sure whether i'd rather see them with or without steve martin and edie brick ell.
  17. post those that you're interested in or that look exciting to you here. for starters: http://www.floydfest.com
  18. nice story. great talent doesn't guarantee commercial success and vice versa. i think that's one reason the recent resurgence in music festivals is so great. acts are often booked on word of mouth and insider knowledge. as an aside, is bruce robison related to emily from the dixie chicks?
  19. if your going to base your agruments on appeal to authority it's wise to appeal to a distinguished and recognized one. too bad you didn't.
  20. well, you might have been able to find legitimate, unsensationalized information on the grant if you didn't need to wade through pages and pages of right wing nut job, astroturf spnsored references before finding this: http://nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1239783.
  21. unfortunately, they needn't be either. one only needs to put ideals, however wrong headed, a higher priority than the truth. it leads to epidemics of revisionist history.
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