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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTExiWzvJlo&feature=kp
  2. while not a huge nirvana fan, i certainly appreciate this from the rock and roll hall of fame induction: http://www.stereogum.com/1683865/watch-a-clip-of-st-vincent-performing-lithium-with-remaining-nirvana-members/video/
  3. two "red" movies both availale on netflix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3feDUcDRNAg
  4. unsurprisingly, it appears few, if any here, actually read the guardian article. read it for the first time and note the comments from us officials in various capacities re AUMF and obama's stated intention to wind it down. then read the human rights lawyers comments. once again black and white aren't the colors of the discussion. while that would be easier and simpler, the questions are painted in various shades of gray.
  5. i think the rank or status of the person left shouldn't be a consideration. in this case it appears it wasn't. the administration must have known his service record and that didn't dissuade them. the appropriate "cost" of the release is relative to the situation (and i suspect other administrations might have weighed this soldiers service record heavily against him). ignoring that, different costs would still likely be appropriate for different situations. there certainly are limits. i can't see an instance, to stretch you example to it's farthest extreme,, where handing over codes involved with national security programs would ever be reasonable.
  6. and my point, that everyone seems hell bent on ignoring, is that this might not have been a trade at all. the calculus might well have included the fact that the afghani prisoners release might have been preordained due to the legal aspects associated with the war ending. if that's the case,an american prisoner was returned at no actual cost.
  7. as the guardian article points out, the 5 guantanimo prisoners may not have been "given away". their release may well have been inevitable. there are certain to be legal challenges to keeping afghan prisoners of war now that the war has ended. asnd they will have a good case.
  8. i think obama's repeated point of leaving no soldier behind is legit. the legality will surely be examined. we'll see how that question is resolved. i think it's fair to assume the attorney general felt the move was legal. finally there's this: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/19/guantanamo-bay-detainees-release-unlikely-end-afghanistan-war. none of it is as simple or straightforward as yall are attempting to portray.
  9. wow. i was wrong. some of you guys actually do have an imagination. unfortunately what results is simultaneously bizarre and infantile.
  10. "if people from poland are called poles, why aren't people from holland called holes?"
  11. inspiring story. however, i don't agree that all major media ignores stories that aren't sensational and controversial. here's what comes up when you search "race" at npr: http://www.npr.org/sections/race/. ok, lebron is 2nd up but after that, there's a lot about everyday folks.
  12. i saw that the local police chief felt the actions might represent harrassment. i think the victim here was certainly threatened and in danger. and it was all about his race. while not a lawyer, i think that may well meet criteria for a hate crime. any lawyers wanna chime in? sure. says the oracle of ppp.
  13. cabo da roca is the western most point in europe. it's stunning: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g189164-d547705-Reviews-Cabo_Da_Roca-Sintra_Sintra_Municipality_Lisbon_District_Central_Portugal.html
  14. i would think the hate crime laws could be tested if a da had the marbles for it http://www.adl.org/combating-hate/hate-crimes-law/c/adl-approach-hate-crimes-laws.html
  15. here's the palace hotel in sintra: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g189164-d229307-Reviews-s1-Hotel_Tivoli_Palacio_de_Seteais-Sintra_Sintra_Municipality_Lisbon_District_Central_P.html
  16. yes, my sister in law grew up there. been a couple times. we've stayed in colares and sintra. sintra is the place for history. there's a huge moorish castle that's spectacular on the horizon and very narrow streets in the old town. i was certain one time we'd need a crane to get out when we were side by side with another car. you'll use the fold up mirrors on your car.. theres a hotel in sintra that was a royal palace with an amazing brunch buffet. i think it's about pretty expensive but worth it if even for 1 night. there's aroad down from the hotel to colares that used to be a rally race road - til somebody died. it's a great drive the beaches around colares are fantastic if a bit dangerous. wicked undertows. big waves. Praia grande is beautiful but a bit crowded. they have surfing lessons there for a very reasonable price. there are less crowded beaches nearby but more difficult to reach. every time we tried they had red flags - no swimming due to big surf. it's also worth a trip to the most western point in europe - i forget what it's called but it gorgeous with cliffs and bluffs. always wanted to go to fatima but never made it. in the city, there's a castle that overlooks the entire city from the top of the hill. try some sangria in the square outside parliament. if you're interested i can look up the names of the hotels. there's one right on praia grande that looked nice but touristy as well. i'd stay away from the cod soaked in milk which is everywhere. the seafood stew is awesome though.
  17. as i get older and hopefully wiser, i try to consider if my instinctual actions will ultimately cause me more harm than good. i can give many examples of less than optimal outcomes from conflicts in my more reflexive days. how was the guy in the car going to benefit? he might have snapped and hit the scumbag woman. she might have maced him. hell, it might have been a real life disaster cascade direct tv ad. what was his best possible outcome? i'd say having her arrested and getting to face her in court. staying there and absorbing her ignorant rant didn't advance that goal.
  18. sure you can http://www.montypyth...Series_1/72.htm or even better, http://www.montypython.50webs.com/scripts/Holy_Grail/Scene8.htm
  19. know what i think is funny? a play from 400bc that relies on a single visual gag of tunic bulges. i like monty python too.
  20. aristophanes knew better in ancient times: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata
  21. "civic": relating to community; connected with the duties and obligations of belonging to a community. same root as "civilized". wouldn't expect it to be high on the liberterian vocabulary list.
  22. was at a civic club meeting this morning and we were reminded that only a short time ago, women earned the right to vote on a close senatorial vote over this issue on 6/4/1920. http://womenshistory.about.com/od/suffrage1900/a/august_26_wed.htm .virginia approved the right in 1952. amazing and sad.
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