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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. it's the response that "the peoples republic of virginia" requires. i'm not actually a huge fan of n virginia due mostly to the traffic and congestion but that was just inflammatory. would it have been better if i mentioned the income demographics for that area? communist it isn't.
  2. then mcaullife will back off. http://www.timesdisp...isp...=story. plenty of other references to his stance on the campaig trail. "the peoples republic of northern virginia"? uh,huh. northern virginia is more liberal than the rest of the state, in general. it's also distinct from most of the state in the average educational level achieved. i don't view either of those things as undesirable or suggestive of communism.
  3. the legality of his moves will be investigated. if they're found to be legal then i have no problem with them.
  4. mccauliff ran and won on passing medicaid expansion. then this dirty puckett buy off http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/us-probing-puckett-resignation-job-offers-in-va/2014/06/18/defa1a7a-f741-11e3-a606-946fd632f9f1_story.html?tid=hpModule_99d5f542-86a2-11e2-9d71-f0feafdd1394 of the deciding vote for reform happens making virginia politics look like louisiana's. when everyone's a cheat, you just go ahead and do the right thing despite them.
  5. it's getting very hot in richmond: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/gov-terry-mcauliffe-vetoes-portions-of-virginia-budget-prolonging-medicaid-standoff/2014/06/20/960d98a8-f879-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html
  6. sorry posted x2. won't let me delete
  7. once - about the busker, not the tv series stardust - deniro and danes but not a big commercial success.
  8. Tom is correct. "this is more about my family and my medical career" he told CNN. Respect. He's like the anti-Oz.
  9. it certainly appears that way. but he has a more than an adequate antagonist in eric topol, former chief of cardiology at cleveland clinc and now director of scripps.http://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/how-dr-oz-effect-has-hooked-american-consumers-n134801. good for topol in taking oz on directly. he has the gravitas to do it. oz? not so much now.
  10. well, yes. but this dude has some smarts and valuable skills. he could live a very comfortable lifestyle doing what he was trained to do. but that apparently isn't enough. the sad thing is that he knows he's lying and doesn't appear to feel guilty about it. at least he's been called out on it. the guy's an embarrassment.
  11. Senate stopped just shy of calling him the huckster that he is: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/06/17/dr-oz-gets-scolded-by-senators-over-weight-loss-scams/. the bigger question to me is why do people fall for this kind of stuff repeatedly.
  12. touched on here: http://www.businessinsider.com/john-oliver-fifa-2014-6. i think john oliver is brilliant and ruthless simultaneously in his comedy. this clip is definitely worth a look if you haven't seen it.
  13. "hamilton had written that in judicial review the Court ensures that the will of the whole people, as expressed in the constitution, would be supreme over the will of the legislators.." http://www.scholasti...-interpretation (which is taken directly from here: http://www.supremecourt.gov/about/constitutional.aspx) that's what we're talking about: judicial review. but you are arguing that the entire institution of the supreme court as currently functioning is unconstitutional. interesting (and certainly in line with libertarian thought) but extreme and fringe nonetheless.
  14. what's the alternative? a single oracle (perhaps magox or tasker) that divines the meanings infallibly? yes, if the supreme court rules an issue constitutional it is so...until it possibly later rules it unconstitutional or a constitutional amendment is passed. that's the way it works. that's the mechanism. that's the prescribed algorithm by, yup, you guessed it, the constitution. circular or not, that's how it is.
  15. how bout you drop the personal crusade and concentrate on the issues? yours and my definition of "extreme" clearly differs. all politics are local as they say. my views would be mainstream in ann arbor or madison, chapel hill or asheville among many other places. yours and brats apparently, in a carefully redistricted area of virginia and most of the rural southeast. and brat's campaign manager? the bundy ranch perhaps?
  16. hmm, kinda brings a venn diagram i saw recently to mind...
  17. you might try clicking on the underlined words in those paragraphs. seems mother jones already did the searching.
  18. if you don't think campaign managers on both sides are paying attention (with the possible exceptions of bart's - and what about him, btw?) then your naivete is near record levels.
  19. look at the demographics from the last prez election. all white? no, but certainly predominantly. and more white than is capable of carrying a national election. http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/06/david-brat-eric-cantor-common-good-climate-change. i'll take paragraphs 2,3 and 4 and the second to last pp for 1000 alex.
  20. might it be that you and dc don't find the statements or positions extreme because yall share the same extreme positons? hate to break it to you but ppp is hardly a representative cross section of the electorate. there aren't enough angry white men to win elections in most districts much less on a national level.
  21. tisk, tisk. i'm shocked none of you read the mother jones piece linked in the first piece! it included quotes from brat on a variety of subjects and those could easily be refuted if not true. but instead you're left with nankompoop's argument.
  22. how about you produce any source that refutes what it says?
  23. "called for slashing social security, medicare and education and says "rich" nations don't have to fear climate change..." http://themoderatevoice.com/195796/david-brats-views-on-economics-and-religion/. since i'm confident a link to a mother jones article will ber blown off, here's another link with that piece included: http://themoderatevoice.com/195796/david-brats-views-on-economics-and-religion/. and while it appears he's yet to make a major gaffe on social issues and he may well be an outlier among tea partiers in this regard, that's kinda the point, non? how bout this: http://news.yahoo.com/brat-campaign-manager-scrubs-facebook-page-after-election-173536113.html. only his campaign manager, one of 2 paid staffers on his campaign. it doesn't take much looking cuz these dudes are mostly looney. it is what it is...
  24. it's amazing to me that someone with a fair measure of intelligence can't see the futility of a group that largely holds extreme social views, far removed from the mainstream and from a majority of the electorate. but carry on. this republican civil war is just the tonic for liberals.
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