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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. i'll finger paint it for you: the consequences in this case were small compared with those of a wrongfully applied death penalty. the estimates of occurence on thaose are sdtartling. yet i don't see much teeth gnashing by conservatives over the issue while there was and is a great deal about the duke lacrosse team case.
  2. a big mistake was made. it was rectified. should we discuss how many innocent citizens have been killed by the death penalty?
  3. yup. pretty typical and as expected. and as liberal as many liberal arts schools are thought to be, there's still often more than enough mysogyny to go around.
  4. umh hummm..health care spending is going down: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/precisely-crushed-gdp-131412713.html
  5. really? compared to national standards. merdians, means, etc. educated people are more difficult to lie to, to influence, to make engage in group think, to be complacent on controversial issues, to dissuade freom voting...i could go on but i trust you can come up with some more now that the ball is rolling.
  6. Silly republican. this is the only point in your post that's salient to the argument. and it's important because it illustrates the need for nc to have a much more competitive pay scale for teacxhers. and insults aren't considered impressive methods of debate. silly, simple conservative. . it's all about priorities. have you ever considered what reasons other than cost might motivate conservative pols to undermine public education?. it's really not that difficult. it really is that sinister.
  7. i think you've got the wrong link but i can imagine the scenario. i remember the frats at my alma mater being immune to just about any legal proceeding. we really felt invincible. "double secret probation" was a real thing but called something different. and there were more than a few legal infractions going on regularly. while it was sometimes fun and i don't recall anyone ever being victimized in things i was involved in (except for pledges who knew what they were getting into), there were certainly stories floating around of instances in which there were. there's not a lot of incentive for school authorities to hand kids from prominent families over to the civilian legal system for prosecution.
  8. how is it ok with you for hammersticks to say the same thing but intolerable from me? it's appropriate from either. this isn't political. it's fact. http://www.wral.com/-alarming-wake-teacher-turnover-numbers-to-be-released-thursday/13576437/ teachers are leaving nc in droves and for good reasons. salaries are some of the lowest in the country, no extra pay for advanced degrees, little job security and there are absolutely no indications of that changing soon. i think that's some important info for anybody considering a move there with aspiration of being an educator. but yeah, we can discuss that mythic victory of yours over at ppp.
  9. just ridiculous. past actions have no bearing on saying "no". it doesn't matter if it's a stripper that says "no". her "no" carries no less authority than a nuns. "no" is "no".
  10. it's enough that many people find the example offensive and insulting. he chose it. he didn't choose one about gang members. what's the likelihood that a girl doing undergrad at a 45K per year elite school deisres victim status?. you chide gator for not having direct experience (and how you know that i don't know) but then show your ignorance of the general student culture at such school. here's a hint: such schools are competitve, both socially and academically. being a victim aint winning.
  11. i've read that they have more than a few teaching openings right about now but for all the wrong reasons http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2014/06/14/4975947/nc-teacher-exodus-is-also-about.html. this stuff isn't happening by accident anfd is likely to get worse before it gets better.
  12. and what you propose here is somehow an apt analogy to my example?
  13. that makes 3 people that see this example as Will apparently intended (rob, tasker asnd bernstein). so why is it that azalin refuses to grant that this was infact Will's intention as well? How is it that a reader can't perceive that this point is integral to the discussion?. whether it meets ones definition of rape or not (and it does meet mine) is immaterial. it is a justifiable reason for outrage among those that feel it most definitely is rape. and i agree with gator: what the hell is negative consent? "no" means "no". suppose we consider an analogy other than bernstein's bizarre brooks bros one in the article. an ex friend asks to borrow your best fishing rig. he's known to you for not returning your borrowed stuff. you say "no" to his request. you see him going in to your garage to "borrow" your equipment later. you just don't think it's worth the trouble of physical confrontation at the time and just watch him b"borrow' it. he never brings it back. you call the cops. did he steal your fishing combo? damn right he did.
  14. he says nothing about this case in regards to this female student being given higher status as a result of the incident. he presents no evidence that this was the case. therefore, what remains is "perceived victim". and keep in mind that the "article" is itself an interpretation of Will's meaning. it's not definitive. perhaps Will himself will shed light on why he used that example. i won't hold my breath.
  15. so how could this case illustrate a culture of victimhood if everyone agreed that this was clearly an example of rape? it couldn't. and that's the point. many peple would clearly see this case an example of rape and would rightfully be offended.
  16. how bout this? if i've misread his me re this case, then so have robb ("now i'm not saying he should have done it") and bernstein. they both read it that way although bernstein allowed for an alternative expalnation. Will was using swarthmore as an example where rape allegations are out of control on college campuses. what else was his purpose in referring to that case?
  17. this is a well written piece but bernstein admits that criticism of Will on several conditions is reasonable. and it is. the swarthmore case is the crux of the issue to me. Will clearly thinks what happened there is ok. many people including, i suspect, many other newspaper journalists, don't. that's a fundamental difference over which those taking the opposite opinion can reasonably feel outraged. did you? the woman involved in the swarthmoe incident said "no".
  18. you mean like this Buffalo sports team owning family? seymour knox.
  19. http://digg.com/video/john-oliver-takes-down-dr-oz-over-nutritional-supplements brilliant!
  20. Thanks man! just caught "remedy" but will listen to it entirely. nice find.
  21. the master is about l ron hubbard although never identified as such. it's about the beginnings of scientology. not violent. very strange. evokes questions on religion, power, cults etc.
  22. so who would you having running the CIA, FBI and FDA? high school dropouts? The NSA? CDC? oh that's right, we don't need any of those troublesome institutions? amd i guess you've never spent much time in appalachia.
  23. gotta think "once" qualifies as a sleeper seeing as it grossed $9.2 mil at the box office http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/once/ it won an oscar but that was a huge surprise and was for its music. anyway, a really nice film. haven't seen thin red line , eastern promises or far from heaven but will check them out. "the master" is a worthwhile sleeper to me as well. despite starring phillip hoffman and juaquin phoenix, i think it qualifies by the fact that it wasn't seen by all that many. didn't like it while watching it but it was very thought provoking to me afterwards.
  24. depends on how you define wealthy: http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2012/09/26/161841771/how-income-divides-democrats-republicans-and-independents. avg income in fairfax county is north of 100K. yet it's now considered a solidly liberal district. the poor areas of the state are mostly reliably conservative what's your explanation?. it's not so straight forward. and it's not a liberal conspiracy on class warfare.
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