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Everything posted by birdog1960

  1. here's a good reference: http://www.ifamericansknew.org/stat/usaid.html. pretty extensive references on media bias, settlements, discrimination etc as well
  2. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/03/opinion/sunday/roger-cohen-why-americans-see-israel-the-way-they-do.html . a balanced and worthwhile read.
  3. as opposed to your highly intellectual reply....
  4. except in your scenario the little kid has a powerful ally in the parents. really, the most powerful in his little world. in the real world, dad is arming big bro with brass knuckles and he's happy to use them.
  5. but the west bank is still occupied and how many stories do you see about the inhabitants oppression from the israelis?both the west bank and gaza people are desperate. there's not much coverage on the reason behind that. what's the avg per capita income in gaza ? in israel? how bout comparison's of life expectancy? the wars and the atrocities associated are the symptoms. the oppression is the disease. and it's rarely covered from the palestinian prospective.
  6. so what? the point is that the us media rarely illuminates the oppression that israel inflicts as a background for the attacks. european media is generally much more forthcoming on this issue as the journalist stated. the context is important. were there not huge demonstrations in the west bank recently in support of gaza and against the israeli's recently? are you trying to say that they like being occupied? perhaps they see the futility of fighting a surrogate american military with woefully inadequate weapons. doesn't matter. the point is about biased media coverage.
  7. occupation resulting in widespread poverty and misery doesn't qualify as minding your own business.
  8. her argument was much more convincing than her opponents. she's absolutely correct about how this conflict is repeatedly presented: "israel is minding it's own business and ever few years the palestinians decide to fire rockets at them". the same false story has been repeated in this thread multiple times.
  9. unfortunately, this is where a large portion of israel support originates. being against this isn't anti semitism. it's anti stupid. i haven't seen anyone praise hamas. they're scum of the earth but the israeli's also practice moral relativism on a daily basis. both of their actions are to be condemned.
  10. is this some newly published right wing nut job tactic? "your point is incoherent". i understood clearly what was meant and unless you're a retard (which you may well be), you did too. it's dishonest, mean spirited and childish. just the type of thing hannity or o'reilly or limpbaugh would propose.
  11. umm...it's not necessary to go out of my way...it's in your face all over media. the difference this time is that alternative viewpoints are also being covered.
  12. meanwhile, this hag http://popcultureblog.dallasnews.com/2014/07/joan-rivers-goes-on-israel-palestine-rant-takes-shots-at-selena-gomez.html/ and howard stern push the israeli agenda. bound to change many hearts and minds.
  13. yes, because you challenge his statements so regularly and i only quoted him followed by my post in question... dishonest arguments are even worse than weak ones. your prone to both.
  14. here's your words: "if they cannot do this then they deserve nothing. and israel should sweep them into the sea:" it seems all agreed with my statement that this was a sentiment becoming fairly common among zionist. i disapprove of this statement strongly. i disparage it. it doesn't follow that i disparage zionism generally. and stand by the statement that this same sentiment is becoming less tolerable among many in the rest of the world. back to ignore. it's out of morbid curiosity but it's futile and stupid to read your posts.
  15. not a problem in medicine. most are paid to a large degree on productivity. many are still self employed. and i know of no employment contracts that favor males over females. i suspect that wiould result in a lawsuit and plea of no contest tout suite.
  16. and it's the point of the argument where you become obtuse just to be a b**ch. the sentiment i attributed to zionists can be equally applied with taskers documentation of the terms definiton.
  17. is it untrue that the stament that you made and i highlighted is fairly common among those in 'the jewish movement sought to create...etc". that's not pejorative. it's truth.
  18. while not reaching my personal threshold for despicable we still have this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Male%E2%80%93female_income_disparity_in_the_United_States which i'd characterize is north of unfortunate.
  19. yeah. that sentiment seems fairly common among zionists. finally, it's becoming much less tolerable among many in the rest of the world.
  20. regardless of who they have elected, israel hasn't relinquished control over those. Do you believe their is anyone among their people that they could elect that would persuade israel to do that? i don't. i bet the palestineans don't either.
  21. man you're slow. i'm not ignoring any atrocities. just pointing out that mysogyny is nearly universal and universally to be condemned. some acts along the spectreum are more disgusting and inhuman than others but all are despicable.
  22. no, they didn't elect the people that control their skies, water and entry points.
  23. http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/10/world/meast/israel-gaza-timeline/index.html. "2005....palestinians say israel maintains control over gaza through its grip on the skies, water and entry points. israel says such measures are necessary for security." Do you dispute this?
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