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Everything posted by brianthomas

  1. All i do is pay $40 per month for internet only & I watch all the NFL games in HD & for free. Not to mention any sporting event or tv series in the world or movie that gets released. But hopefully this year i'll go to a few more home games, because nothing beats the live experience.
  2. I agree with u 99% The only caveat would be that perhaps him doing the track & field stuff, put extra wear & tear on his body & that it prevented his body from fully recovering. Its all speculation on my part obviously but with the ligament injuries it could make sense. It does suck for us that he turned into a star when he left. Such a Bills thing to happen
  3. No its not just you. Checking his twitter a lot of people think the same thing. Its like he has something personal against the BIlls.. Maybe he's like that with everyone, but he's largely irrelevant to me at this point
  4. Given how the Browns havent had a good QB in years, i suppose its possible some of those drops were due to bad ball placement. Looking at their receiving stats from last year, most of the receivers had a 50% drop/catch rate. So theres that
  5. Wow yeah i just watched it. The guy is like a machine. His running motion reminds me of one of those advanced robots that DARPA designs. If he was running towards me like that, i'd be terrified lol
  6. Yep Ross has the combine record. I just posted the Christian Coleman time because that other poster u questioned confused the two. I probably should've quoted both of you. But yeah speed only goes so far. But for our squad its surely needed. 1st Skinner with the Sabres & now this with Coleman... its been a cool August so far lol
  7. i just looked it up it was Christian Coleman who ran a 4.12
  8. Thad Brown reminds me of that SNL sketch with Debbie Downer. Dude always focuses on the negative side of things. Must be great at parties
  9. Just goes to show how desperate we've been to finally get a competent QB lol. I remember around that time that people were actually excited about getting Brohm because he came from Green Bay & that since they've had success with QB's that perhaps he'd be good. We all know how that turned out. I just hope no Bills fan ever bought one of his jerseys lol
  10. Yep, overall its flown by, but day by day it feels like its taking forever for the season to start. The anticipation is building!
  11. Any unknown that happens in the future that we don't know about is unforeseen. I prefaced my statement with that because as it stands now, he's a lock to make the team. If something else happens, then they'd have to factor it into their decision & evaluate whats best for the team at that point. This whole thread is about predicting what will happen in the future. Given who our WR corps is right now, unless something happens he makes the team. Does that make more sense to you now?
  12. Barring any unforeseen future breakdowns or discipline problems, he is absolutely a lock for the team. Teams just don't part with 2nd round picks in their 2nd year with the team
  13. I had to go on Bleacher Reports twitter account to lay into them too. Bills Mafia doesn't take kindly to dirty rats.
  14. Yeah i liked T.O. when he was here, i wish he would've stayed longer tbh, but i remember I couldn't believe we ever got him here. Quite possibly the biggest name player we've had here in 15 years other than Shady. We even friggin gave T.O. the key to the city too haha... priceless. I wonder if he still has it lol
  15. Reading Kelvin say how he wishes he had a better qb, at least he didnt mention Tyrod in that tweet or his current situation where we don't even know who our starter is gonna be. He was talking about his time in Carolina but it easily could be carried over to his time here
  16. Maybe 10 years ago I was in the camp of lets build a new stadium downtown, it'll help bring back the city. But now I think it just makes more sense to upgrade the current one. Our Country is bankrupt, our State is essentially bankrupt. We could spend billions on a new stadium but it just seems like a colossal waste of money, for a stadium only used 8 Sundays a season. Yes it could be mixed use & it would have to be. But for a city like Buffalo I just don't think it makes much sense at this point.
  17. Awesome man, thanks for sharing this! Watching the way McDermott coaches this team is like night & day from Rex. I'm so glad the Ryans are gone. it was such a stupid hire from the get go, but TP fixed it & man can you see the difference a competent coach makes. Looking forward to the series
  18. Yeah, after further review some teams have it even worse lol. Its nice seeing the Cheatriots & Jets having so many injuries... Keep them coming! haha
  19. Thanks for the link Knock on wood (as i knock on my head) but so far so good with our team avoiding the injury bug. I am worried about Zay Jones missing all this time. After his shaky performance last year & that meltdown in the hotel & the changes to our offense & new QB, dude really needs all the time he can get to get ready for this season. But if we can get thru the offseason/preseason without any series injuries, we'll be sitting pretty. Looking at that injury list... what the hell is going on in Green Bay? 17 players on the injury list? Thats insane I can only imagine how this board would be if that happened to us lol
  20. It seems to be a frequent theme among local sports reporting. Whether it be WGR55, CBS or even the Buffalo Snooze, i see spelling errors all the time. I don't quite understand why in 2018, where when you misspell a word it will turn red in real time or when there are spell checkers, how there can ever be misspelled words in an article. It boggles the mind.
  21. I came here wanting/expecting the Patriots but the Browns work too. The Jets would qualify as well. 1st reason why the Jets suck is that they're not even in New York. If you can't even get your teams name right, then yeah, you suck!
  22. Idk, I'm PUMPED too! Only because this offseason feels longer than normal & I can't wait to see what our team looks like this season... same with the Sabres. Maybe I'm a fool to look forward to more disappointment haha But both of our franchises have gone thru a lot of changes. Bring on the Bungles & bring on the Preseason already!
  23. Thanks for the updates & videos everyone! For those of us that can't be there, you're like a life line of Bills information Thanks again!
  24. Thats funny, i thought he'd be perfect for Faux News
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