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Everything posted by brianthomas

  1. There was talk from AB's agent that said they'd be open to trading him to New England, but all official news from Pittsburgh was mute on it. All they said was that they would prefer him not to be in the AFC North or the Patriots. It came out later that New England gave them a better offer than the Raiders did, but that they sent him to Oakland so as not to face off against him. Theres tons of articles out there on it where i could post a bunch of links, but i'll just pick this one. https://heavy.com/sports/2019/03/patriots-antonio-brown-trade-offer-raiders/
  2. I hate Brady too but Brady has been successful playing with no name rb's & wr's thruout his career as well. Its one of the more talked about things about that team. His only big name wr was Moss & how the Patriots dont ever have a marquee name at RB, that they insert cheap backs & run by committee. I surely dont see them as loading up on players that nobody else has. This year is an exception with the moves theyve made.
  3. If AB wanted to go to New England the whole time, then it all makes sense. Pittsburgh would never trade AB to the Pats. So he goes along with everything & lands in Oakland & then finds a way to get his contract terminated & ends up on New England in the end. With eyes on a championship & playing a pivotal playoff game vs the Steelers to get there. Not tampering per se but a way to dictate where he wanted to play. Seems plausible imo Dude may be a diva but he's not crazy
  4. everyone saying this wasnt gonna happen in the other threads should apologize for being wrong lol It was too obvious a call to come out so hard against the possibility. All we can hope for now is that he blows up this opportunity, but this sucks for our division
  5. Yeah I agree, Ryan Leaf should just stay quiet. Trying to compare himself & his situation to AB is just laughable. Leaf is only known from how much of a bust he was, his opinion on AB is almost on the same level as one of us lol. Me personally i dont think AB is crazy. He didnt beat up his girlfriend or do anything like that. The feet injury & helmet issues were distractions for sure, but could be rationalized. Just the media jumps all over stories involving players as big as he is. AB mos def doesnt help his situation with how he reacts, especially in todays world. But i wouldnt call him crazy per se.
  6. The Patriots are the only team that really makes sense for him. It'd be his best chance at winning a Superbowl. All people care about is if you win & if he won a superbowl he could in his mind prove all the doubters wrong, especially after this fiasco. Yeah money isnt gonna be as good as it was in Oakland, but he has tons of money already & will get more regardless. I really hope it doesnt happen but it wouldnt surprise me in the slightest.
  7. haha wow, that escalated quickly. I just hope if he goes to another team, its any team but the Patriots
  8. California is 2 party consent to recording someones conversation, so AB just committed a felony most likely lol
  9. B-Man, you'll let yourself out? You were late to the party to begin with on that one
  10. Well he came into the combine overweight so thats why his combine numbers werent that good. You can't tell me a 1st Team All SEC LB who put up 11 sacks & 45 tackles his final year at Florida had no talent. I mean if that was the case you wouldve done that, or myself lol. But like i said before, you gotta question his attitude & work ethic, perhaps its already been answered. But he's still young, only 21, still time for him to wake up & change if he has it in him.
  11. Polite just never showed enough in preseason for the Jets. Dudes got tons of talent as evidenced by his final year at Florida with 11 sacks. Some team will take a chance on him. But gotta question his attitude & work ethic.
  12. Please with this new info, don't anyone say this means Zay & McCoy will be traded for Clowney, not again!
  13. And with that 2015 Broncos team, it wasnt just an average offense per se, it was one with Peyton Manning at the helm. Albeit a diminished Manning, but one that still had the field awareness & game management as him.
  14. thats what i keep hearing & he definitely was the best in the league last year & he's a lock to make the team. But for fan board hypotheticals if it came down to him & Williams i'd pick the Duke because he gives our offense something that nobody else can. With the exception of last year, AR averages about 22 yards/return. How much would Isaiah get, 19, 20, 21? Of course its just preseason but Roberts returns havent been very memorable so far this preseason, unless i'm missing something special he did. McKenzie is a better fit for our offense imo & he's been doing the punt returns, so I'd put McKenzie in that KR role too & use the extra roster spot for something different, like a tall wr who can make the big catch in the red zone. Now if we're keeping 7 wr's than that changes & i'd keep Roberts. But we're gonna have to make some difficult decisions come cut day. Is a few yards possible extra per return worth getting rid of another player who could make a bigger impact somewhere else? Thats the decision & its gonna be a tough one this year... which is a good thing
  15. Well theres what WR's u think will be on the roster, and then theres what WR's u want on the roster. Like if its who i'd like, & if we're keeping only 6, i say keep the 1st 5 on the list but swap out Andre Roberts for Duke Williams.
  16. It's probably a good thing i'm not the GM because i'd put Wade on the active roster & boot Yeldon & Perry off the roster instead. Wade has done far more with his limited opportunities than those 2 have. Not to mention not making the mistakes those 2 other "more experienced" players have made. As a coach you ask your players to do their best & so far Wade has just looked better. I'd be tempted to find a spot for him in the backfield & try him in the return game like others have suggested. Won't happen of course but thats what i'd do
  17. I've learned to never draft any Bills to my fantasy team, & to never place any bets for or against the Bills too. As soon as you think you have them figured out, something unbillievable happens. I've learned my lessons
  18. Shouldnt be if you've been around here awhile
  19. I hear ya but can't that be said about everything said here? About Allen becoming a good QB? About how our team will do this year? Everything that takes place on a message board, other than sharing info from team sources or the media is speculation. None of us know anything about anything. If we'll win tonight vs Carolina, if we'll make the playoffs. But yet we still talk about it
  20. Hindsight is 20/20 but I'm sure we all kinda wish we would've gone after Paradis instead, given what has happened with Morse. Sure you could say: 'we had no way of knowing this would happen". But at the same time, Morse plays a position that is 1 of the more violent places to play. If someone has a history of concussions there, then theres a relatively decent sized risk that he could get more. The question had to be asked before we signed him: 'what if he gets another one?' I'd think Beane & company would've considered that. Did they just determine we'll deal with it IF it happens? Regardless its bad for Morse, bad for us & our Bills. Hopefully he pulls thru but if he doesnt, I hope this is a learning experience for Beane & he won't go after players with this particular injury history in the future, at such a crucial position on the most physical part of the field.
  21. What if your QB threw 5 interceptions but it was in the 1st half of a regular season game?
  22. As much as I'd like to add another player to our DLine, this trade isn't gonna happen. Clowney is a hold out & hasn't signed his $15.97 million franchise tender yet. And he can't sign an extension because the deadline for that was July 15th. Also players who havent signed their franchise tenders CAN"T BE DEALT. So even if we were willing to offer the Texans a lucrative offer & sign him to a big contract after the 2019 season, Clowney could refuse the trade before it even happened. Besides, would you really want to sign a player who is holding out, all while getting paid $16 million this year? I don't see him as a process guy & its just not gonna happen
  23. hope he's still having fun past the halfway point of the season
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