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Everything posted by irishman

  1. The year prior being Buffalo implemented the "no-huddle" full time we had an effective offense but it definitely could have been better. What everybody noticed was when we went into the 2minute drill, we would EASILY march up and down the field and score a quick TD within a minute or so w/Jim Kelly @ the helm. Then towards the 2nd half of that season we used it from time to time with the same gret results. I remember going to the home opener the following year and I can't remember who we were playing off-hand but once Buffalo received the ball for the very 1st time in the game the no huddle was immediately utilized. The one thing I remember vividly @ the game is when they did that the whole stadium erupted into cheers. It was obvious from the Owner, to the coaches, to the players, and to right up to the fans in the stands is that was the way to go. They never looked back.
  2. I agree w/some of the previous posters comments. We should make room on the roster now and pay the guy. He's a solid veteran that would make an immediately impact on our weak line in a few different ways. Once in a while you have to open up the wallet a little more than you want to.......this is one of those times.
  3. I've been a fan since the mid-late 70's myself and I thing I know for sure. There was something about last year that was more frustrating then ANY other year I've watched the Bills.....and yes, even more then the 2-14seasons. At least when the team wasn't good it was not any surprise to anyone. There was no free-agency so if you didn't have good drafts, you didn't have a good team. Plus there were no quick turn arounds in win-lose records.....hence the dynasty teams. But last year was unique......we literally went from one of the best teams in the league to gradually becoming one of the worse. I honestly think that it could be argued that the Bills were the worst (besides Detroit, maybe).
  4. It kinda sucks that of all things he gets his name in the paper is over harrasment.
  5. Revenue sharing has been there since the NFL was adopted. I don't care what anyone says people like Jones and Kraft are just greedy. When they purchased their teams they new the rules and what they were getting themselfs into. I could possibly see their point if they were original owners and build their respective teams from the ground up but all they did was purchase an already profitable team. If they don't like it I guantee you that JJ will have no problems selling the Cowboys especially since they've been rated the most valuable franchise. God, I really hate Jones......
  6. I know I know.....even though it was only one drive he looked great. Progressed through his reads, pump faked the safetys, and threw the ball w/authority.
  7. 5-5 67yds, 1TD Strong arm w/a great zip on the ball.
  8. This is the 1st year in many many years that I'm not optimistic @ all. Just looking over our schedule I'm thinking we'll be lucky to reach 6-10. The only way I see more wins is if Trent starts playing like he did before he took the big "hit" or Fitzgerald comes off the bench and lights it up.
  9. Maybe as a kid I just didn't know any better but when were we going through our "2-14" seasons even then I always thought there was hope but this is the 1st time in watching the Bills for over 25 years that I truely feel completely uninspired. Last seasons strong start then going 2-8 had to have been the most frustrating I've felt as a Bills fan EVER. Now, with basically no changes from the GM right down to the assist coaches is the 1st time in years that I think Buffalo has absolutely no chance. Even when I would hear the uneducated NFL fan say "The Bills Suck" I would always be able to throw out some players names and explain to them how we have a chance. Whether it was my blind lotalty to Joe Ferguson back in the day or joe Cibbs, thurman Thomas, Kelly, whoever. Now I really can't thik of anyone that even has a slight chance of bailing us out this year. And to think that our best player is probably Owens a.k.a."The rooster" just adds on to the frustration of another futlie Bills season.
  10. No pressure on Ben what-so-ever
  11. UGH!! Our offense is terrible
  12. I've been in Edwards corner from day1.....but lately the more I watch him the less cofident I am
  13. this is getting frustrating already. I hope TO makes a HUGE difference for the O
  14. dumb obvious penalty....and right in front of the officail
  15. I just re-watched it....He was all over Roscoe on the play.
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