Just stop all the nonsense. The bottom line is Allen is a winner. He will make the Bills Offense relevant and the Franchise relevant. If you can't see that, then I suggest you should go back to watching professional bowling.
I don't begrudge any sports writer making a living by analyzing players and offering their opinion. But this so-called football expert analysis of Allen borders on Fake News.
I would like to see the Bills find an Alvin Kamara type back to play with Allen. Stong enough to run between tackles, but super quick with great hands.
I feel the fine was excessive. However, my bigger concern is how the refs will treat Hughes going forward. Hopefully, we won't see small minded retaliation by any ref.
If the Bears prevail in this suit, and ticket holders that are fans of other NFL franchises give up their season tickets, half of the Dolphins, Jags, and Buc's seats will be empty.
Allen is becoming the most entertaining QB in the NFL. As he continues to develop into a franchise QB and the team puts better players around him, his entertainment appeal will make the Bills a marquee team.
It's beyond me how those two guys have a show. Either they are related to someone high-up in the management of WGR or Buffalo Sports listeners have a high tolerance for terrible commentary.
Based on the valuations at the time of the Draft, including injury history, Edmonds was the clear choice. Including the need to move up. As the season has progressed I feel the Bills made the right decision to Draft Edmonds.