Seems the big deal is that he lied to the team.
What gets me is that the media, movies, tv are all trying to push strong women who kick ass, fight, kill and they want to make men more effeminate. Any woman can cause trouble, lie about sex, throw a punch at a man, curse him out and he is supposed to roll over like a puppy and take more. If he is in any position of power, he is even more vulnerable to being set up, used, lied about, etc...
Don't get me wrong, I don't think a man should ever mistreat or hit a woman, but he should be able to defend himself. Some of these chicks pack a serious punch and are nothing but trouble. Some of these athletes are punks and put themselves in bad positions but it seems there is so much overreaction to every little thing nowadays. A person's life and career can be destroyed by any a singled out moment from any event when the whole story is not told or scene. We have no idea what happened before or after the video to lead to this.
From what we gather, neither party filed charges, no one was hurt and that was the end of the matter until now. Why now? And who let TMZ have this? Why did they want it? Billicheck conspiracy #23.