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1st Ammendment NoMas

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Everything posted by 1st Ammendment NoMas

  1. But can a coach overcome his own ineptitude.
  2. If the fact is that the Pegulas are looking for answers and know that Rex is not part of these plans then GRRRRREAT! My Tony the Tiger woody is at half mast. Showing Rex the door is the only thing that will bring hope to this dreary season. I want to see Rex and Rob on the two seat Wegman's bicycle peddling their oversize cabooses up to Canada to coach in the CFL and take some great team down to the basement.
  3. The bottom line is no matter who QB's the Pats, they will still roll over Buffalo and we will be 0-4. I only pray that they fire Rex after this so we can limp back from craphouse to mediocrity where we rightly belong. Let us all crave the days of 8-8 again going 2-4 in the AFC East.
  4. this makes sense, but it probably won't happen. The best scenario would be to have an actual team that could beat the Patsies for once.
  5. the Ryan's would have those lap band guts.
  6. The Patriot could trounce out hoodie's mom at QB and still beat the Bills. And the way the Pats D is playing, we will be lucky to hang 10. Blount runs for a 120 and 2 TDs. Pats 20 Bills 3
  7. this season is already a tire fire... seeing the Pats roll the Texans just rubs salt in the gaping wound.
  8. He crushes and SHUT OUTS A PLAYOFF TEAM with a 3rd string QB
  9. The only thing the Bills do well is the option with Taylor on the move. They make a lot of big plays and open up the offense when this happens, but they risk injury to TT. I say let the man play his game and live with the results.
  10. We all want the Rex and Rob to do well but the reality is, this is like watching a special olympic athlete compete in the real olympics. Unless someone rolls over and gives us a pity win, the Ryan's don't have the abilities to lead us to the Super Bowl. The only consistency in their performance is excuses, stupid comments, poor play calling, poor coaching, misuse of the clock, misuse of players, poor game planning and outdated schemes. No one wants the Ryan Brothers to fail, but when you take into account the realities of these facts, it is easy to see why the Bills are losers and why nothing will change until they are gone. Rex went down the same road in NY, Rob in NO. Rinse and repeat
  11. No one was ever pregnant. It was just gas. What did you expect from a blowhard. Time to let Rex fart it out and we can move past the putrid stench of his regime and get a real coaching staff.
  12. It's been going the wrong way since they day that blowhard arrived. They should change the helmets to make the Buffalo go backwards so it matches the team.
  13. #WTF last year the D was too complex, now it's the O. Damn Rex is a mess. His team is a mess. Can we PLLLLLEEEEEEASSSSSEEEE get rid of this assclown too.
  14. Let's pray this is the case. It's been a long, long season already and we need some spark. Somehow even if we manage to turn it around, I have absolutely no confidence in Hex Ryan. He's bad juju for this team and I wish he were gone.
  15. The only guarantee is that we will find a way to suck. Some excuse, injury, coaching problem, bad draft, free agent that doesn't pan out, etc... 2 games in and we are talking about next year. How ****ty is that?
  16. After only 2 weeks the AFC seems pretty safe to call. Division Champs NE PITT HOUSTON DENVER Anyone disagree! Wild Cards Jets Cinci In The Hunt Oakland KC San Diego Baltimore Wishful Thinking Tennessee Indianapolis Jacksonville Miami Please Make it End Buffalo Cleveland
  17. Give Rex Tom Brady and 10 more pro-bowlers and he'd still !@#$ it up.
  18. I seriously want to cry after watching the Eagles D. Imagine Schwartz running our D right now. We'd be top 5 without a doubt. With half an offensive mind, we'd have a home playoff game. If jackass Marrone would have let Hackett go, we'd all be singing a different song. My disdain for Ryan !@#$ing this thing up runs deep. I bleed Bills and after 45 damn years of crap, I finally thought we were headed in the right direction in 2014... Now !@#$ing delusional Rex runs the train off the tracks and into Lake Erie.
  19. I was ready to post the same line. He is clearly out of his f'kin mind. Rex just spouts like some mental patient, completely void of all reality. Last year when this blowhard was hired, I lamented our downfall. My Jets friends got together and chipped in for a foot massage provided I wear a Jets jersey to it. I would gladly don that jersey and heels if it meant we could ship this (*^*&%^$^#out of town.
  20. I am a fan, but we need to adjust for this year. Bile will fill the Owners Box. Blood, spit and snot will spill through the locker room Cerumen will be dripping from all those listening to the game throughout Buffalo. Cerebrospinal fluid was drained out of this spineless franchise long ago. And Smegma will be covering the Ryan brothers as they are dragged out of town on a buggy.
  21. Bills snap 19 game losing streak to the Dolphins. Fans storm the field and tear down the goalposts. I'm 7 and run on to the field with my best friend screaming like we won the Super Bowl. Before I know it, one of the Buffalo Jills scoops me up and kisses me on the lips. I'm bouncing off her jugs with my first boner as she carries me down the field. I think thats the only reason I've been a fan for over 40 years. I hate being a downer but Rex pisses me the !@#$ off. We were turning the corner and that porky little slickster strolled into town and screwed everything up.
  22. You could take kids off the street in New England and they'd roll over the hapless Bills. It's been a long time since we had respect in the AFC East. This year just pisses me off. Rex destroyed hope in WNY
  23. Unfortunately you are very delusional. The Cards will rip us apart and leave the carcass in the parking lot. It's a New Era of ineptitude. Until Rex is gone the D will continue to suck and we don't have the guns to outscore anyone but Cleveland if we are lucky. Welcome back to the Kay Stephenson Era. Hank Bullough and Rex.... Losers lose. You can ride this **** car to 3-13 When was the last time Rex had 3.
  24. this! The Bills are a disgusting hot sticky fat sweaty non lap band wearing mess.
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