If the NFL wants parity and balance, I think it is time we dump the divisional schedules playing each team 2x and go to a wider conference schedule where you play 12 conference games and 4 out of conference games.
There are really no old time rivalries and with players moving teams, nobody really builds long time chemistry to root for a team and a core of players. Back in the '70's, '80's and '90's it worked but the modern NFL is a different animal.
Outside of the Patsies and Brady, no other team has had a long term identity, especially a winning one. Brees in NO? Eh... Manning had his run in Indy, then went to Denver so allegiances switched.
It doesn't benefit teams stuck in strong divisions that may miss the playoffs because they have 6 tough games as opposed to 6 easy ones. I'm ready for a change. Are you?