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1st Ammendment NoMas

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Everything posted by 1st Ammendment NoMas

  1. when we find someone to cover Gronk and Bennett, then I will not worry. Until then, TE's continually shred this D, move the sticks and put points on the board. We do not have the LB's or a cover S to neutralize a good 2 TE set.
  2. this is my line of thinking too. it seems like a stretch but I would like it. Play everyone once, take the top 8. this would make it fair.
  3. if it is an insult then don't be dysfunctional. fool me once, Sabres, fool me twice Bills. Sorry it is dysfunctional until proven wrong and that means getting to the playoffs and establishing a consistent winner for both franchises.
  4. If the NFL wants parity and balance, I think it is time we dump the divisional schedules playing each team 2x and go to a wider conference schedule where you play 12 conference games and 4 out of conference games. There are really no old time rivalries and with players moving teams, nobody really builds long time chemistry to root for a team and a core of players. Back in the '70's, '80's and '90's it worked but the modern NFL is a different animal. Outside of the Patsies and Brady, no other team has had a long term identity, especially a winning one. Brees in NO? Eh... Manning had his run in Indy, then went to Denver so allegiances switched. It doesn't benefit teams stuck in strong divisions that may miss the playoffs because they have 6 tough games as opposed to 6 easy ones. I'm ready for a change. Are you?
  5. Be joyous... nothing can be worse than the Ryan Brothers train wreck. Seeing those titanic bozos on a tandem bike for a Wegmans commercial said it all. It made me want to puke. Wrestlers have grit and determination that can not be bought. I'm ok with Mickey D's to the rescue.
  6. Kind of odd since your screen name is Boyst62. So you like boys and t-girls and you are 62. And I'm the sub... ha ha.., smoke another pole.
  7. SHOW IT ON THE FIELD. Michael Sam plans to be dominant next season too.
  8. you need to get to the doctor and get yourself checked out soon. that fever is dangerous.
  9. the Ryan brothers, 600 pounds of blubber, 0.6 ounces of brain power. I think they were Siamese twins that shared a brain.
  10. not when the refs are biased and suck moose nuts
  11. you are on point. we had a roster assembled with a great D and up and coming O. Rex destroyed the D and the offense got better but not consistent. The team Rex inherited should have gotten better but it got worse and we lost a chance to do something positive. Unless we luck out like the Cowboys with an amazing draft, this team will continue to plummet. I have no hope for next year. The only salvation will be some healthy cap space, but I just don't think we have the ability to capitalize on it.
  12. Being Head Coach of the Buffalo Bills is the best job in the history of sports. Just ask: Doug Marrone: Paid FOUR MILLION DOLLARS not to coach the Bills! Rex Ryan: Paid FIFTEEN MILLION DOLLARS not to coach the Bills! If these numbers continue on the current trajectory, our next big name coach could make a WHOPPING THIRTY MILLION PLUS not to coach the Bills. I WISH, PRAY, HOPE, DREAM of the day I can get paid not to bust my ass working for chumps. Every coach is set up to fail with this abysmal front office. This is the ultimate prep for a healthy retirement.... I WANT THIS JOB!!
  13. only way anyone takes Rex is if they want their D to get worse.
  14. Bingo! Matches the franchise. We have a winner!
  15. everyone thought the same about Elway. Denver has done alright with him at the helm.
  16. If (*^*&%^$^#Rex had one ounce of sense, we would have been in the playoffs, but noooooo, fatass had to destroy our D with his trainwreck brother.
  17. He's a good kid and you want to root for him, but he's not NFL material. Time to move on.
  18. 3rd string QB with a bumb thumb, no consolation here. Win the 2nd Pats game and we have a reason to be "talkin' proud"
  19. To go up we would need a Cowboy like draft and snag our Zeke and Dak. The way we draft, that probably wont happen. I do look forward to seeing what a competent D Coordinator does with Ragland and Shaq in the fold. But we need to learn how to f'kin tackle.
  20. So we end another disgusting season with the putrid 1-5 record in the AFC East. Bills football is reaching almost Brownslike unwatchability. But the worst factor of another lost and sorry season is the hapless way we bottomed out in our own division. Is there even a remedy to compete next year? I see us bottoming out. After flourishing with a faint glimmer of hope for the future in Marone's final year, Rex has completely destroyed Bills football. With Lynn's ineptitude today, and the Pegula's clueless, I see the fall continuing into next year. What will it take to turn the fans back? I don't think the Bills will do it. This year was the year I just lost interest in this franchise. Even though I watched every horrid game, I don't think I'll make the same mistake next year.
  21. Agreed! David Lee is the most overrated qb coach ever. He is useless!
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