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1st Ammendment NoMas

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Everything posted by 1st Ammendment NoMas

  1. What if we still had Hogan & Gillislee? and Sammy and Woods and Goodwin and Robey and Anthony Lynn running the offense. PLAYOFFS!
  2. it kind of feels like a rodeo, where we are expecting this fierce bull to run out when they open the gates and we get a kitten with it's arm in a sling.
  4. That's LA where all the good Bills play. There's the door Rico! Can we get a real OC in here.
  5. He's bottom half of the league. Stats don't tell the whole story. Like EJ, he just can't read the field, read defenses, throw open receivers or work effectively from the pocket. His strength is his legs and athleticism. But for sophisticated, timing based passing offenses, he's not a good fit. And unfortunately, Dennisuck is not playing to his strengths. He's pulling a REXY and trying to force his square system into a round hole.
  6. What D. Rex was a shell of a coordinator who got lucky and lived off his dad's work. Rob was the leach who lived off Rex's short burst of fame. They were both all mouthy egomaniacs who sucked the life out of a tremendous defense. They are vile to all who treasure Bills football.
  7. Whaley was good, but his problem was that he was always butting heads with coaches. Yes, the coaches were big mistakes. I think after having loser coaches tarnishing his work, he went after McD in a power struggle and lost. I don't think he believed that Pegs would hand that much power over to a rookie coach. I also think McD didn't like the attitude of some of the "star" Whaley players, who had learned how to run the funny farm under Rex. This was a recipe for disaster.
  8. We should change to "this years former Bills players that we let go" We could have retained all these guys and been under the cap. Add to that Gillislee and Hogan and we'd have a pretty potent offense, even with Tryhard Taylor at QB. I'm all for what we did on defense. REX was the problem from day 1. I'm all for what we did with the coaches, but the object is to win and I don't buy putting all your eggs into another year. You never know who will leave, who will get hurt, or a thousand other factors that go into a season. We had a near playoff team with two bad coaches. We finally get coaches ( except OC in my opinion) and we let this kind of talent go on offense. It's always Sunny in Philadelphia, but damn does it rain on the Bills. It would be nice to cheer for a winner for once in 17 years and a handful of times over 40+ years. I just don't understand how we continually throw away good chances to take the next step. I guess for now we have to suck it up and eat this year. I really hope the FO and coaches know what they are doing and build a good offense for next year without trashing the D or screwing up special teams. And if we really need a miracle, it's that Mr. Big Stuff actually plays up to his contract or we find a way out without gutting the team with cap issues.
  10. I'm supposed to be working, but damn who can work with a game like this.
  11. I have Hyde, Gurley and Sammy on my fantasy team... Oh what a night!
  12. This game is making me mad. We had some offensive firepower and REX !@#$ED UP. He brought in TT and ruined our defense. Then our FO wankers decide we don't need to hang on to our real talent on O. It's infuriating watching X Bills eat up defenses.
  13. Sad part is it is true: Sammy, Woods, Gilly, Goodwin, Hogan... WTF we had some good receivers. We really f'ked up here.
  14. We had some actual players. Sammy, Woods and Goodwin have over 250 yrs of receptions tonight. May be 300 by the end of the night. I'm not liking the direction of our offense. We could have been pretty good if we stayed intact as just took care of the D.
  15. What's worse is that ESPN pays that jackass. I can't stand Rex. He deserves a job bagging groceries. Damn nepotism let two blowhard idiot kids into the NFL.
  16. Did you hear the halftime show talking about Gurley's improvement. "It's amazing when you get a real offensive coordinator". That said it all in a nutshell. The problem to me is Dennison. The same cast of characters fared far better under Roman and Lynn.
  17. I think that was why Kaelin "muff" Clay was brought up for, but he kind of sucks. I hope we bring up Reilly and find an RT better than "turnstile" Mills.
  18. I'm with you on this. Why is it other teams can game plan around their players and use them to their strength. If TT does not fit this O then shitcan his ass and put in Peterman. If TT is going to play, then you play to his strengths and unleash him. His legs are a weapon. Use then until he can't run anymore. You play to win, every game, all the time. That's what football is! No excuses. 100% with what you have. Just win baby!
  19. ditto.. no real tears, just inner tears of frustration. SB vs Giants Wide Right, real f'kin tears.
  20. he is so damn disappointing. The Haynesworth analogy is spot on. Tub o' shite is collecting more money than this entire board makes collectively. That sucks. Guaranteed money is the kiss of death. No one should get it anymore. There is no incentive to work hard. He knows he has the Bills by the balls and is milking it. I can't stand that crap.
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