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1st Ammendment NoMas

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Everything posted by 1st Ammendment NoMas

  1. Right. The more I see it. the madder I get. I hated the Rex hire and regret the lost time. Glad Pegs let him go. It's amazing what decent coaching can do. REX SUCKS REX SUCKS REX SUCKS
  2. Damn Zay.. this kid is struggling
  3. Right... wtf... the call on K Clay was total bull, but we overcame... Same with Mathews call
  4. Joe B is a Joe C and can never ever be Joe D when talking about our O-line.
  5. excellent. thanks for posting. Seems TT got it together for this game. Hope this is a sign of things to come.
  6. I thought this was what we signed K Clay for. He actually got downfield and made a catch, but if Amba Towels is better, then good for us.
  7. And what would these glamour boys be doing in Switzerland, France, etc... play football (i.e. soccer) for a few thousand and free health care.
  8. That's the problem with America these days. People don't want to do what they SHOULD do. We should have respect for our country. And the company that pays me millions of dollars to play a kids game should warrant my respect. The "SOB's are blessed to be part of the USA. Let's see how well they would do in the Middle East or India or a hundred other third world countries that would give anything for a tenth of the freedom, the opportunity and the life that the USA provides to its citizens.
  10. NFL GAMES- OPERATION MANUAL The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem. During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.
  11. It's not about freedom, it is about following the policy set in place. They can express their views any way they want, off the field, with their own music as long as they follow the rule of law, If I decided to protest my company policy by doing whatever the f'k I wanted they would not think twice about termination of employment. Trump was right. He just phrased it a little harsh.
  12. get what? Tell me your great stance. It is part of the NFL rules that players stand for the National Anthem. It's NFL policy and a bunch of little bitches decided they'd break the rules to protest. Trump was right! Fire them. If my job told me to come in wearing a suit and tie and I walked into the office in my boxer shorts protesting some stupid thing Trump said, they would send me home, dock my pay and fine me. What gives these athletes the right to violate the corporate policy that has been in action for 40+ years.
  13. I actually thought you were one of the good guys.
  14. Been here for 16 years spunky and a fan of the team for a lot longer. This is the first week I finally got tired of the disrespect that these prima donna athletes are showing the good ole USA. I've come here daily for a long time, and I love shooting the **** and talking Bills with a great forum of Bills fans. You my dear, are more of a newbie and as such, you may want to spout your retorts, but the truth is most red-blooded hard working, blue collar Bills fans do not like what these athletes are doing.
  15. F'k Hughes. F'k Shady and every A-hole that does not stand and salute the flag. I love the Bills but until they stand they will not get another cent of my money. It sucks, but I'm sick of overpaid, whiney little shitholes that do not appreciate the greatness this country offered them. Cancelling all NFL march, all NFL packages and will not support any athlete who does not respect this country.
  16. Awesome. Hit these jackasses where it hurts!!! I hope every kneeling idiot loses endorsements and their job. Shady included.
  17. I was going to start the exact same thread. I am preparing a gourmet meal of lemon basted crow with spinach parmesan crusted mash potatoes. Crow pie for desert. I am so happy eating this.. yum yum... I want more crow.
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