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Everything posted by PDaDdy

  1. "That fat out of shape greedy bastard who can't stay healthy!!!!" LOL. Insert [Jason Peters Insult Here]
  2. I don't think he is quite good enough that a 1st round LT couldn't relegate him to the bench. Is he serviceable? SURE. Some guys just can't shake injuries and it has ruined many a career. Bell has shown a propensity for getting injured. If he can't stay on the field he can't help. If he played every game or pretty much every game I would probably be cheering for the guy not calling for a reliable replacement. I honestly can not buy into the statement that he is REAL GOOD because I always see him getting TE or chip block help from the RB. His body of work is way way way to small to say that he is "real good".
  3. WHOOO HOOOO!!!! That means a higher degree of likelihood that we will get a better player at #10 while others are overvaluing a rookie QB prospect out of desperation. This IS good news.
  4. Dude seriously. Your kidding right? Read the paragraph not your little sound bites as I already told you. This team is committed to Fitz for at least a few years. Try supporting him. Bell has barely played 50% of the games the last 2 years and we have shown nothing as far as committing to him. The hole point of this thread, not that you have addressed it other than continuing with your vendetta to try to expose hypocrisy is, "What about Bell"? "What about Bell?" He can't stay healthy. He hasn't shown enough long enough and we haven't committed to him. If we retain Bell and he is our starter I will support him and cheer on game day not whine, moan and boo like people do with Fitz. Speak to that if you dare. Oh, wait. I forgot your goal was never to address the thread topic but to go after forum members. Can you see the difference? Of course not. TROLL ON!!!....TROLL ON!!!
  5. To an extent I agree. Fred Jackson turned it up in his 30th year on the planet and perhaps surprised the coaching staff. Many here believed Jackson was a superstar. I was a bit more skeptical. I knew he was good but I didn't know he would produce like he did last year until injuries claimed him again. Spiller was drafted as the heir apparent and I think there were plans to use him more than they did on special teams, WR and RB. Unfortunately those touches didn't materialize but I think they intended him to be more of a day 1 impact player on the field but Fred came on too strong and fought the rookie off and we played from behind a lot reducing RB touches. I agree Spiller wasn't the day 1 starter that I hoped for in that draft but I can say that I am glad that he is on our team. After taking over for Fred he has started showing everyone that he was worth the pick unless you have someone that is so entrenched in their "luxury pick bust" stance that they can't see that the kid has talent. He is just starting to get it going at the NFL level and he still hasn't reached his full potential. It appears that all he needed was touches and time on the field.
  6. So Luck and RG3, who are supposedly can't miss prospects are off the board. You want to draft the not even concensus 3rd best QB to put on the bench to groom? It reminds me of exactly the QB discussions last year. Half of this board or more wanted Blaine Gabbert and thought Newton was an immature bust waiting to happen. Gabbert couldn't even hold Newton's athletic supporter and looks like he took lessons from Cpt Checkdown while cowering in the face of the pass rush. I argued that nobody would even know or care who Gabbert was if Luck had come out last year because all the talk would have been Luck vs Newton. How did that work out for the Jaguars so far? How does drafting a 1 year wonder QB to sit on the bench help us make the playoffs in 2012, 2013, 2014? Get a clue dog. We have the 30th worst defense and we have made WR and even LT off season priorities? You want to draft a guy to sit on the bench for 3 years with our first round pick???? You can't really be serious? Is this just disguised Fitz haterism or do you really feel using your first round pick on a clip board holder on a team with so many holes is a good idea? Your narrow mind of focus is amazing. "Rebuilding starts and ends with the QB"? You're smarter than that man. Your own ending statement says it all and you know the answer already. Fitz has the contract, the support of the owner, the support of the GM, the support of the coach and the support of his WR's like Nelson and Johnson. Apparently they think Fitz is the answer. In that scenario you draft players to help your team now and you DON'T draft a guy who is at best the 3rd best QB in the draft at #10 to sit on the bench as his replacement. That shows a vote of no confidence which is contrary to EVERYTHING else they have said and done.
  7. We are rebuilding not restocking. We need guys that will play this year and a 1st round pick should be a day 1 starter. Getting a QB to groom on the bench when we have several starters at other positions that need to be gotten rid of or moved to the bench is a bad move for a rebuilding team. Maybe the Giants, the Pats like last year, the Packers and a few other teams could afford to take the 3rd best QB obviously much later in the 1st round, to put on the bench and groom but we can't. We have holes to fix now and try to make a push for the play offs. Like it or not Fitz has the full support of the owner, the GM, the coach and his team including his #1 WR SJ. Like it or not it's Fitz's team and it won't change. We need to put a couple pieces around him on offense like a healthy LT and a #1/#2 WR. All other resources need to be spent fixing our putrid defense.
  8. At this point I'm pretty sure you're just trolling to try to get a rise out of me but I'll give it one more shot. You still don't get it. Believe what you will. The only thing funny is a serious lack of reading comprehension. The differences between my discussions of Bell and Fitz SHOULD be painfully obvious. I'm not the one that keeps trying to drag Fitz into THIS conversation about Bell. Your characterization of me as a "support the whole team or don't be a fan" type person is childish, polarizing and woefully inaccurate. Rookie tactic. If you think I advocate blindly supporting any and all players on this board you really need to go back and take a look at what I have said not the little incomplete sound bites in your head that lead you to believe I am being inconsistent. You either understand or you don't. Believe what you want in your head just don't spread those lies and inaccuracies. It just makes you look bad.
  9. I would trade Shawn Merriman first. A lot of teams were looking at him when the Chargers made him available. His play the last 5 years should be sufficient proof to any team looking to bolster their defense. Secondly I might offer Kelsay. Late round pick, 5th or later...sure...why not?
  10. Nope apparently you didn't get it. You haven't said a thing about Bell leaving, staying, commented on anyone's critique of his play or provided one of your own. It's sadly obvious that you have a vendetta and you are hell bent on trying to expose some sort of hypocrisy or inconsistency in my statements as your only goal. Stick to the issues.
  11. This is about the only contribution Merriman has had. Now if we only paid him a 5 figure salary for public relations not a 7 figure salary to get operations we would have even more money to go after some difference maker FAs.
  12. I'm actually flattered that you pay enough attention to my posts and scrub the boards trying to catch any hint of hypocrisy or double talk. Bell isn't good enough in large part due to the fact that he isn't healthy enough to play, develop chemistry with the rest of the line and become consistent and improve his level of play. IF Bell were to stay healthy this might be a completely different conversation and I would be talking about supporting a young budding player that has showed toughness, the ability to play through injuries and has raised his level of play every year as he develops but we aren't now are we? "Got it" now?
  13. Again, thank you for your valued and insightful contribution to the topic of this thread *cough* *cough*. I don't worry about your imagination or perception of some sort of hypocrisy. Sorry Bell is your pet LT but he can't stay healthy and he is just ok when he is healthy. Speak to that or continue with your personal attacks. Doesn't matter to me either way.
  14. As usual thank you for your valued and insightful contribution to the topic of this thread *cough* *cough*. He's had 3 years to show us he can be the guy. He hasn't. Nice feel good story with Karl Malone for a dead beat dad but if you can't play due to annual injury for LONG periods of time you aren't helping. Sign him as a back up or swing tackle for a contract that reflects how many games he plays on average and his inconsistency. If someone wants to make him a better offer to be their starter he should go get his money and become somebody else's IR LT. Are you just crabby because he didn't prove all the Jason Peters lovers wrong and make them forget all about him?....LOL
  15. Good for him. Somebody else can pay him a bunch of money for inconsistent play when he is actually healthy for a handful of games a year.
  16. He's probably only counting NFL carries not his European football league carries. I could be wrong on that. Jackson will still be 31 which is old for a RB. Sorry guys I love him too but you can't expect 2011 production going forward for very long if at all.
  17. Bell is nothing special at LT but in a system that is designed to get the ball out of the QBs hands in less than 2.36sec on average he is serviceable for the handful of games that he has been healthy for the last 2 years.
  18. Both sides of the ball were hit with injuries. The only significant injuries on defense were KW who was put on IR and Darues who had to move from DE to NT and played injured himself. I suppose you can throw in McCargo because he wasn't even available in spot duty. As usual injuries hit deep and at one particular are of the defense. We will get better on defense with some healthy players and hopefully the scheme change. This is where we need some talent. The offense obviously dell apart when we had WRs dropping like flies. Even SJ played hurt for several games. The LT position was in constant flux as well be cause Bell can't stay healthy, moving Levitre to LT for a game screwed up 2 positions and Hairston was a 4th round pick rookie not exactly where you get impact starters. Despite all of that I still think Defense is where we need to focus most of our attention. Offense on the other hand
  19. I understand both philosophies but imo it's a no brainer. We get one difference maker. Difference makers make the people around them better. The more you have the better off you are. My specific area of focus is the defense which has been a huge problem. For all the complaints and whining everyone does our offense finished middle of pack in performance and did so with the 30th worst defense and the WR and LT positions were a rotating collection of crap from about week 4 or 5 on. It is so clear to me that if we fix the defense and I mean FIX IT this TEAM will be play off bound. Last year KW went down early in the year leaving a rookie DE moved to NT to lead the defense and lead the team in sacks with 5.5. Getting those two guys on the field and BOTH healthy at the same time will be huge. Add a piece like Mario Williams and the whole thing gets exponentially better. The defense would quite literally be greater than the some of it's parts. All 3 of those guys would legitimately merit double teams. I had another thread where I proposed the idea of getting Super Mario AND Kamerion Wimbley. We are going to be around $32.8 million under CASH to cap. Yes, CASH to cap. Problem solved. If our expensive lottery ticket Shawn Merriman ever contributes anything which I highly doubt our defense becomes a strength not a horrible liability. The offense wouldn't need to outscore the 27.1 pts the defense surrendered on average every week. I'll take 1 true difference maker over 2 slightly above average guys any day.
  20. This kind of incredibly bold move could free up the draft to allow us to get a legit LT that can stay healthy and play at a high level. It could allow us to go after a WR in the draft. It could allow us to take a risk on Mercilus in the draft or go for the a DE or 2 in rounds 2 -5 where Nix says he likes the depth.
  21. Injuries are always a concern. You bring up a great point that tying up that much money on 2 players does up the risk factor so to speak. To me it's a risk worth taking. You just have to hope and pray that injuries aren't season ending and you can get past some lost games from your super stars. With that much talent we would have people to step up when someone goes down. It's better than having just KW and Dareus and no other difference makers. What if one of them gets hurt? We would lose 1 of 2. With these two extra guys we lose 1 of 4. I would also like the fact that we would be integrating 2 exceptional guys into our defense maintaining more continuity instead of 5 pretty good guys mixing in all over the place. I think Mario would net near $17 million. Kamerion maybe only $13 million. Cut some of the fodder role players we have and 3-4 DEs that won't get on the field in a 4-3 and we could make it fly. Well financially.
  22. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article754221.ece Seems this article is saying $32.8 million in cash to cap. That is a LOT of money. If we went against our cash to cap policy we could make a huge difference to the talent level on this team. Mario Williams, Kamerion Wimbley, Marcell Darius and Kyle Williams would be 4 guys in the front 4 (3-4) or front 7 (4-3) that win 1-1 match ups. The importance of that in my mind is invaluable. Instantly our team becomes MUCH better as a whole. Suddenly our corners are good enough if they don't have to cover for 5 seconds and the offense doesn't have to score more than the 27.1 pts a week that the defense gives up! Crazy? Yes! Crazy like a fox? Mabye
  23. You're darn right I'm dreaming. I dreaming and thinking big! I am no capologist like I said but I have been reading some articles recently regarding our cap and a lot of money was rolled over from the previous year. We are already significantly under the actual cap without that money. I believe one article said something regarding even our cash to cap figure changes this year. I skimmed the article but the numbers were over $30 million or something like that. What Buddy Nix and Ralph will do is one thing but I think the math bares out that we could with a few cuts actually have enough money to sign both of these guys sign our rookies and even extend FJ with a little extra scratch. As stated I want quality over quantity. I'll take 2 true difference makers over 5 average to slightly above average role players any day. We are going to be more aggressive so Nix says. I don't expect this aggressive but I think it would actually be possible.
  24. It would be a departure from their normal M.O. but It makes me think. I just can't get the idea out of my head. It would be an amazing turn around from a talent standpoint. It fixes by far our 2 biggest problems on the team. Not only eliminating a weakness but turning them into actual strengths. What Wansted could do with that kind of talent could truly be scary. If the Merriman lottery ticket gamble pays off....DONE DEAL! We would have a legit defense that could be one of the best instead of nearly the worst.
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