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Everything posted by PDaDdy

  1. Make that 99.999999% of us don't have
  2. Finish the story....and if you were a highly employable person that could expertly handle a job that only 00.000001% of the population on the planet was capable of you would find employment the next day making more money!!!! When will people understand these are highly coveted NFL players not gas station attendants, construction workers, assembly line workers or customer service reps?
  3. Another example of not keeping your stars. The Tennessee Titans. Haynesworth wanted truck loads of money and maybe it WAS the right thing to do letting him do, but how does that team look now. That defense is a shadow of its former self without him. He was a DIFFERENCE maker.
  4. SOOO...what I get from this pissing match is that he can't provide a link AND NEITHER CAN YOU!?!?!!?!? Quit calling him out for what you can't supply your self. The fact of the matter is that NONE of us know what was said during contract negotiations between Peters, his agent and our front office who all for the most part kept it quite. ONE FACT WE DO KNOW!!!! Peters DID sign a contract that DID NOT make him the highest paid LT in the league with Philly. It took them all of what a couple days to pay the guy his due when we had been putting him off for 2 years. Anyone alleging that he wouldn't sign with us for that contract is saying sour grapes and totally buying into our front offices ploy. Given what eventually happened to our O-line I highly suspect it was our front offices plan all along to greatly reduce the amount of money they spent on our team and offensive line specifically. Perhaps to prepare for a potentially uncapped 2010. Why else have we not brought in any veteran talent, other than Carolina's back up center, to bolster our ranks of raw youth? Well.....and Owens who Trent can't utilize
  5. I don't mean to be a jerk but you blew up your own argument. There are few lines of work (paying that much) where such an employee could shop their services to the highest bidder... Yep football is one of them You have obviously not worked in a profession where these rules hold true. In many technical fields, like the computer industry, network engineers, software developers, this does hold true when the economy isn't complete crap. I won't say you have a disconnect from reality but it is obvious that you have never been in an industry where there is a great demand for skill and a very limited supply of talent. How many people of the billions in the entire world are capable of filling approximately 1590 positions in the NFL? Hopefully that gives you some perspective on the RARE talent, durability and athleticism it takes to play in the NFL.
  6. Yes he was happy as a well paid RT clam Everyone conveniently forgets he signed his last contract with us as a RT and was then promptly moved to LT. But people want to justify their hate. Hey, it's pop warner football not a business that the NFL is. Players should play for free just for the fun of it! It screws with some people's heads but this is a business. How many times do people have to hear it from players, coaches, GMs, owners and aware fans before they understand it. If someone else is willing to pay you for your skills you take that money. If your current employer, also known as a team, is not willing to pay you what another employer is, also known as another team, you leave for the better job. It's the American way baby. It's called capitalism. Love it or leave it. Imagine if you and I had to sign contracts to work with our employer? A company brings us along and rewards our performance with an assistant manager job and pay grade and then shortly there after fires our manager and give us all of their responsibilities. Instead of giving us the corresponding pay raise, they ask us to handle all of a managers responsibilities for a few years but do it at an assistant managers pay. You would tell your employer where they could go and what they could "do" to themselves and find an employer that appreciated you for your worth and market value skills. Most of us with any brain and ambition would do the same thing in their PROFESSION of choice!!!! Don't vilify the guy because his chosen profession is a professional sport!!
  7. Yes I was point out the fact that Wood may indeed be good someday, perhaps even very soon, it does nothing to fix our gaping hole at LT. Bell could be good some day, but TODAY, he can't remember the snap count.
  8. Unfortunately the topic is not dead if people still discuss it. Sorry but you don't get to make the call on what can and can't be discussed. The unfortunate fact of the matter is is that we are CURRENTLY dealing with the impact of that trade that took place 9 months, which according to you is roughly forever, ago. Our current line is an embarrassment! Some of them may turn out great eventually but this is the problem. EVENTUALLY. Good teams bring along their practice squad and rookie players and inject them into the system when appropriate. We scrapped everything in on of the worst cut off you nose to spite you face situations I can think of an we are now suffering. Good teams no how to build a good line an have quality development depth waiting in the wings. WE blew it all up overnight and are playing at least 3 if not 4 guys that should still be second teamers hoping to contribute in 2010 or 2011.
  9. That's wierd. I thought that Wood played guard not LT. In Woods defense he is the only offensive lineman that didn't have a penalty accepted on them.
  10. Unsupported claims again. What I am trying to say is you can't throw out as fact that he wouldn't want to sign with the Bills because he wanted to be the highest paid LT in the league. By virtue of the fact that he signed with Philly for less than that invalidates that unsubstantiated claim. And NO, what little we heard about the details, or lack their of, of the contract negotiations we didn't offer him the same money. IF, memory servers from what little "hear say" I heard was that we were 1 million per year under the Philly offer AND we have no clue as to other clauses in the contract like bonuses and escalators that might have made the Philly deal even that much more attractive.
  11. LINK? Not to mention if we had paid him after 2007 like we should have for a better bargain than what he eventually wanted in 2009 we would be happy as clams right now.
  12. SURE. If he went to a team like the BILLS that is in incredible desperate need of a good LT that can at least remember the snap count he could make a HUGE impact. Going to a good team replacing a great player he is a mild upgrade. Allen went to fill a big need on the vikings playing alongside the BEST 2 DTs in the game. He BETTER have had the impact he did.
  13. If that is the case then you can't state it as fact that Peters wouldn't have signed with the Bills, which is inherently included in the catch all "NO TEAM", for less than being the highest paid LT!!!!!!! He obviously would have and did!!!
  14. Lesson to learn from this. When you have GREAT talent at VERY important positions YOU KEEP AND PAY THEM LEST YOU END UP SUCKING!!!!
  15. If he did how come he didn't sign for that kind of money with Philly? It's just a negotiation claim statement rumor that he obviously didn't adhere to. Look it up.
  16. The only reason Peters held out in 2008 and possibly would have in 2009 is because our tight pursed front office wouldn't pay him what he was worth!!!
  17. Intelligent and calm post. I have also had this discussion with people. You will never be a play off team if you are continually filling holes because you are unwilling to pay your top talent fair market value for their talents. Sometimes you have to let some go. Other times you have to accept what the market value is and pay it. We spend SO much time spinning our wheels replacing great players that we were unwilling to play. We are never able to improve on our talent level as we are always trying to replace the guy we wouldn't fairly compensate. I'm not saying you have to pay EVERY star performer at every position but you have to pay some. LT is the second most important position on o-line. The Patriots are a good example of this. They had a tough decision to make between 2 players in Wilfork and Seymour. They kept and will/did pay Wilfork fair market value and they got something for Seymour while they could. The Bills on the other hand when faced with similar decisions generally let those types of guys play out their contracts and then let them leave in free agency getting nothing. Our strategy seems to be to NOT pay and let go the REALLY good players but sign the slightly above average to solid role players. Maybe they think this is where the "value" is. My question is "how's that working out for us?".
  18. TROLL. LOL. Seriously ...it's the defenses fault for not calling out the offense. That is a new record for a "stretch".
  19. YOU OBVIOUSLY HAVE NO CONCEPT OF "CUTTING OFF YOUR NOSE TO SPITE YOUR FACE"!!!!!! Can't build a winning team if you keep letting all of your PRO BOWL talent leave via free agency. I am SOOOO tired of retarded arm chair GM posters who dispute the opinion of NFL coaches and players regarding the pro bowl. SHUT THE HELL UP! I'll take their opinion over yours any day! Go back to your mother's basement and play fantasy football with your stuffed dolls.
  20. HEY! Come on man. Give Trent a break. It's not his fault he suffers from hypogonadism!!!
  21. It's possible. Perhaps the defenses "success" has been an aberration. It's just difficult for me to call them a problem when we haven't produced any offense to help them out. We played some good offenses and some bad. Time will tell I guess. Would be nice to see the offense produce points though to make it a fair assessment.
  22. If I'm not mistaken they still play cover 2 but they are doing more blitzing than they used to. Hey, who does that sound like?...Wish we had the offense to complement them though
  23. Didn't say we played against good, scary or great offenses. We did limit some of those really bad offenses to a REALLY low number of points. Cleveland IS terrible and we limited them to a measly 6 points only because of ANOTHER special teams gaff. Something that other so called not terrible defenses couldn't do. Again you miss my point. The defense is the least of our worries. Special teams went from first to worst and the offense is just painful to watch. It's like complaining about the food on the Titanic. Ships going down but your steak was over cooked!
  24. Are you kidding? HE IS MR COVER 2 LB!!!! He has played 4 - 3 cover 2 all his life.
  25. ROFLOL!!!! SERIOUSLY!?!?!?!? Did you not see the other 58 minutes of the game? What makes you think we would have marched right back down the field and scored a tying TD, or a FG ....OR EVEN MADE IT ACROSS MID FIELD FOR THAT MATTER?? Offense blows goats. Trent needs to go and so does Jauron if he doesn't bench him.
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