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Everything posted by PDaDdy

  1. Ya. Whitner has not been the superstar we hoped but he is a solid and very versatile safety.
  2. Hey it's really early to anoint the kid already but I think what people are picking up on is that he has made some plays. Personally I am too used to our safeties being invisible, missing tackles or chasing down WRs and TEs after they have already made a reception. Donte seems to be around the ball sometimes and occasionally makes a play that makes a difference. More often than not he seems to just be somewhere in the vicinity or in on a gang tackle. Byrd being just a rookie shows some promise in that there could be some play maker in him that could develop with time on the field.
  3. Sadly I don't think there will be many holes for either of our RBs to run through. If that is the case as usual I hope I do see Marshawn dancing behind the line again making people look stupid and picking up positive yards on plays where there should have been a sure loss in the backfield. Nothing worse in my eyes than running into the back of your own lineman or an opposing defender because that was where the hole was SUPPOSED to be. I'm sure Barry Sanders had his detractors too so everyone is entitled to their opinion. Jackson earlier and Lynch last week have been some of the few bright spots on the offensive side of the ball. I guess I just don't see why some have to run down Lynch even if they think Jackson should get the nod. He was an alternate but was a pro bowler. It really is sad that as Bills fans we find something negative to say about the pitiful handful of pro bowlers that we have actually had on this team. Maybe we deserve what we get!
  4. I was just making a comparison about the o-line seeing as how it is a Jason Peters thread. I'm tired of it and share your frustrations but COME ON MAN, you HAVE to admit that that having almost 50% of your starting lineup and even more supposedly valuable depth is going to have a HUGE HUGE HUGE impact on your on field performance. I know you want to blame someone and make it stick but the sad fact of the matter is ONCE AGAIN the Bills are one of the teams with a mind boggling number of players injured or on injured reserve. If you want to place blame and make it stick I'm looking in the direction of the strength and conditioning coach. Something has to be going on with how our guys train and their preparation in OTAs and training camp.
  5. Ummm....uhhhhh....yep....can't recall. Hey we blaze our own trail! The other 31 teams in the NFL will soon follow step in an attempt to duplicate our success!
  6. 1) Thank you for pointing out my spelling mistake. This clearly makes you superior. 2) Perhaps you should have spent more time on UNDERSTANDING the words you read instead of only focusing on how to spell them. I said "Sorry if you were in the Jackson should start, Marshawn can't hit a 'whole' camp." This implies uncertainty not a confirmed claim you were in the camp. 3) Childish response I should expect from a some loser that has internet forum muscles. I guess it's better to do it here than in real life where you would constantly be getting your face pushed in! Oh and please tell me what games I have forgotten? Seeing as how I referenced them all I think you might be a bit off there sparky. I'm glad you have a spell/grammar checker but please respond when you have something to say worth more than the turds you leave in the bowl.
  7. LOL. I don't need to look for attention on an internet forum. But I DO love a bit of I told you so. If you're going to express such strong opinions and call everyone else stupid, unaware, blah blah blah YOU BETTER BE RIGHT!!! Sorry if you were in the Jackson should start, Marshawn can't hit a whole camp. My condolences. Hey at least I am fair about it. If you legitimately catch me being jerk, which isn't always hard, LOL, and more importantly being very wrong on a subject feel free to call me out on it. Challenge me to so boldly and arrogantly continue to back a view point that was wrong. One of the biggest problem with internet boards is the anonymity afforded you by a username. People of character can admit they are wrong instead of continuing to deny that their viewpoint was wrong!! I give the opportunity for people to show their character and admit they were wrong OR continue to deny it and defend themselves and attempt to twist things to not have to admit the obvious. Just havin' a little fun if it didn't ruin your day.
  8. LOL...I would go more with the "nyea nyea" thread but then again this is one of those "you already knew the answer to your own question" posts I just love to give people that express such incredibly strong opinions and call everyone else names another chances to try to back up their words. ESPECIALLY when it appears that their stance and condescending tone was unwarranted.
  9. Jackson came out on fire. It would have been nice to see Lynch run behind the opening day line so that we were actually comparing apples to apples. Since we can't use the "wayback machine" and un-suspend Lynch we don't know that Lynch wouldn't have been even more productive than Fred. What we can do is compare their performances in the games they have played together behind the exact same line. The offense in general has stunk but I certainly don't see anything that makes Jackson a clear starter over Lynch. To my eyes Lynch looks like the better back. What do you say we give the significantly younger guy a little more time to get a full 2 years of games under his feet?
  10. Those are indeed pressing issues but I can't believe that nobody has a Lynch VS Jackson opinion. I am personally glad we have both but some people were campaigning REALLY hard for Jackson to the point that they were claiming that Lynch sucks and can't hit non existent holes.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I LIKE Fred Jackson. Freddie hasn't been setting the world on fire and it hasn't been for lack of opportunity. He seemed to have some good success when Butler was starting RT and Bell was at least present at LT but not too much since. I'm actually surprised that Lynch has been able to do what he has. He never got a chance to have a single carry behind the day 1 starting line that looked almost competent in run blocking for Freddie the first couple weeks.
  12. The defense has shown some signs here and there which I will dare to say at the risk of personal injury is the coaching staff getting what they can out of them. The talent is what the talent is and we don't have much if any "star" power. I am tired of the Jauron era too but take a minute to stop and think of what he and AVP have to work with on the offensive line. When their not getting penalties 1 out of every 4 plays they do give Trent enough time often enough to do something with the ball. Hell consider both sides of the ball for that matter.
  13. Hey, at least we saved some money and spent it on...Uh... LOL
  14. Well said. I was merely trying to make a point of not putting up with it. Sorry if I made it personal. I'm not a fan of his hold out but do think that perhaps it unfortunately was his only leverage. The problem is that it hurt the team and that is something I think everyone can agree on. I don't know that there were really any better players in respect to their position that were that underpaid. James Harrison of the Steelers does come to mind. But after turning in a year, perhaps 2, of great performances he was rewarded. I think part of the issue as I believe someone posted earlier said was that he was the worst paid LT in the league. A good front office doesn't allow that to happen and rewards performance if not for anything else than to show other players and potential free agents that they can expect to be treated well and that Buffalo is a franchise that takes care of it's stars. You do make some good points that I agree with though.
  15. I think I understand what you are saying but what does it have to do with my post you replied to? Are you suggesting when Peyton Manning got paid that Brady, Brees, et al who are already highly paid and in excess of their fair market value should go ask for more money? Also if Peters was indeed a large part of the problem....wouldn't it logically follow that things should have gotten better? I assumed you meant his performance on the field. If you were referring to the contract situation I think it is a bit of a reach to place most of the blame on Peters when it was Russ Brandon that gave him and assistant managers pay and then made him acting manager for 2 years. Don't you? Maybe in your personal life you don't have the same drive and ambition or a set of highly desirable skills but no way "I" put up with that!!! Only a chump would put up with that.
  16. YES....lol...well me and a VERY large group of other realists ....OR....I suppose that we could just listen to the group that says "Why are we still discussing this. It's a dead issue"...Got it
  17. If you had any acceptable level of reading comprehension I wouldn't need to explain myself. No (re)qualification in there at all. You tried to make something up and change my argument to make your response valid. Nice try buddy but no dice ! Keeeeeeep telling yourself Peters was no good. His (un)great last year as I have said was a down year for him due to the hold out but it is LIGHT YEARS ahead of what we have today. Keep reminding yourself how much JP sucks the next time you hear "False start #77" or "Offsides #77". Remember how fat and out of shape JP was when our run game gets blown up on the left side or when Trent is trying to pick up his teeth from a bone jarring hit from his blind side
  18. A VERY good question. The ONLY and I mean ONLY reason we still discuss it is because SOME people won't admit that he was a) a GREAT player b) We probably SHOULD have paid him c) The ONLY reason they can hold against him is that they don't like that the NFL is a business and an employee will generally go to the employer willing to pay them the highest or AT LEAST fair market value for their talent. ONCE PEOPLE CAN ADMIT THESE THINGS THE DISCUSSION ENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. WHAT HE SAID!!! How have we been doing letting our stars go and not paying them?????? Maybe we should try a different approach than we have the last 13 year...mmmm? Just sayin'.
  20. My initial statement about YOU and I was in regards to people like you and I finding a better job because we were given additional responsibilities, NOT temporarily when people are fired or leave the company for a short period of time, BUT PERMANENTLY. Don't try to confuse or twist my point so that you can create some imaginary valid response to it. My comment was for a situation where that employee is given those responsibilities for a year or two. Hardly the image you attempted to paint. Actually I think it is you who doesn't understand what you posted. You spoke of someone walking out on their job and trying to find employment after having done so. My response to this statement of YOURS was that professional football was one of those jobs where you could walk out and expect to be picked up immediately if you have the talent. I IN NO WAY SUGGESTED THAT YOU AND I WOULD "WALK OUT" ON OUR JOB. Merely that we would find another one. Most intelligent people would assume that to mean that you look for a new job while retaining the old one. Obviously he did, He got signed for the money he wanted. Another poster already said this but it is REALLY sad how people without character won't admit that it was their personal feelings that come into play when running down Peters. It hasn't worked to this point but I'll say it again in case it might sink in the 1001'st time. IT IS A BUSINESS!!!!! These people fooled themselves into thinking he sucked and could easily be replaced, WRONG, he wasn't worth the money, WRONG, Philly paid it and smiled. Now their sad little last ditch effort is some completely unsubstantiated claim that he would have never signed with Buffalo for that money. Just sad! Truly sad.
  21. I suppose it's also like the Whitner vs Ngata debate. Some people will never give Whitner a chance because he wasn't Ngata. At least we will be able to resign Whitner for peanuts. Ngata being the star he is would have required a star level pay raise before or by the time his rookie contract expires which we wouldn't have paid. Perhaps this is what the front office was thinking of all along on that choice!!!
  22. Unfortunately I think Peters exactly falls into this category of player. His contract became an issue to the point where fans started to become entrenched on either side of the situation so people won't forget. He could go on to another 1 - 8 pro bowls and people will still be complaining about his 2008 season ,which was WAY better than what we have currently but a down year for him. Long story short he is 95% likely to be one of those guys where we are saying 3 years down the road..."MAN, how did we not keep [fill in name here]? We should have never let him go!"
  23. Fair enough. We can agree to disagree about his poor performance last year. By Peters standards it was not up to par. Compared to what we have now he was stellar. I attribute it to the hold out and not a problem with his talent. That could be taken by many as a character issue. I look at it as the result of a bargaining ploy. I understand wanting to love all the players on your team for their performance AND personality but I am so tired of losing with "character" guys. Talent and character aren't mutually exclusive. If Russ signed him to the contract the Eagles did after 2007 Peters would be a home town hero. No hold out. I want talent 1st, good teammates 2nd and good contract negotiators somewhere way down the line but I understand you standing on principal.
  24. If they are already paid appropriately for their position, youth and skill level why would they need to renegotiate? That's a silly supposition. If there are any grossly underpaid young probowl performers then YES they should get new contracts. Most clubs wouldn't require them to hold out to do it. They pull the PLAYER into the office and reward them for a job well done. The player doesn't have to come begging. This is the kind of treatment that gets real franchises free agents and good players. And signing any player is taking a chance. Fortunately front offices can rip up contracts and send a player packing anytime they want. The only issue is salary cap hit due to guaranteed money.
  25. Man you are dense. What it PROVES is that Peters was negotiating for a better contract. Apparently you are unaware that usually you "ASK" for more than you are willing to "ACCEPT". I apologize if that concept is new to you but most of us know this already which is where our frustration comes from. What we DO know is that what he did "ACCEPT" was less than what the highest paid LT received. To allege that he wouldn't have signed in Buffalo for the money he did with Philly is ridiculous pure unsubstantiated speculation. All it does is to lamely attempt to put 100% blame on Peters and none on our tight pursed front office! The argument is getting old. The Peters can be replaced by Walker or Bell argument doesn't wash anymore. Quit with the sour grapes. Plain and simple he was a great YOUNG LT talent who was still improving as he had only been playing Tackle for what 5 years. We didn't want to pay him what he was worth. We tried to string him along at a GREAT bargain. He stood up for himself and demanded to be paid. END OF STORY.
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