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Everything posted by liverpoolkev

  1. Bills wasn't smart enough to get Dashon Watson without having to trade up ( thanks for nothing mcdermett) this bag of Qb's are garbage more hype than anything Mcbeane don't have a clue about talent look at the garbage he brought in......he is over his head
  2. Since Darius was traded for a late 6th rd we are dead last against the run and you trying to pep up little Milano in what world are you living in ..........Dashawn Watson would have set us up for the next ten years , Bean barely know how to do his job while the Chargers who was expected to win 5 games this year but struck gold with their HC hire A.Lynn we sit here and act like everything is honkey dory.......this coach is weak who can handle strong NFL talented personalities who bring in buddies TOLBERT, DUCASSE instead of FB players get a grip..... that extremely successful crap is so BILLSY
  3. like mcdermitt convincing Paluga that drafting Dashawn Watson at 10 woukd not be a good move
  4. Except Dashawn Watson who we could of had with our 10 pick thanks dermitt/Paluga for forcing the trade down
  5. Look more like incompetent people from ownership to present coach/GM to me . If they were thinking future we would have drafted Dashawn Watson. They gave Cordele Jones a half a game evaluation before deciding to trade him to a playoff team. the Peterman experiment is done he hasn't won anything no need to waste a roster spot on that trash.
  6. Since this coaching staff along with his buddie GM is garbage ; we need to understand why this staff didn't think Dashawn Watson who has proven himself against the best Defense in college two yrs in a row was not on the radar. I know the former GM was in love with him but this coach and Paluga's wanted a trade down pertrman was garbage in college that's why he ran to pitt from tennesse. Now we are going to be chasing garbage QB's forever . Thanks owner for keeping Bills in Buffalo but stay out of personnel with your choice of Rex over Hugh and Dermett over Lynn its safe to say you don't know what your doing. Your choices set the franchise back 6yrs
  7. Anthony Lynn is laughing while you trying to defend this joke of a coaching staff along with their talent evaluators . This is the same staff that did not want Dashwan Watson but thought popcorn Peterman was worth a roster spot . Heck the university Tennessee didn't think Peterson was worth it that's why he ran to Pitt...This is the same staff who thought Cardale Jones wasn't good enough to coach up , who won a national championship, but they had hopes for popgun peterburger who won nothing in college . Woods , Watkins , Darius , Goodwin are very happy with their new teams I am sure with that 6th round pick we can get a Marcel Darius this Coach should be fired for that and the Sammy trade along with thinking Tolbert and Ducasse are players
  8. Mc beane are dead to me they will be the reason we miss the playoffs ........ Between not drafting Dashawn Watson , getting rid of our receivers replacing them with sub standard ones , thinking Tolbert and ducasse was viable upgrades is at best troubling bordering on incompetent, why would anyone think this old, talent depleted was changing any culture ....... I think I will take the culture change in LA with the Rams and Chargers or in Jacksonville its called competent coaching who is not afraid of strong personalities something we been lacking for a while with the Peluga choices in HC both the SABRES and Bills....we should be looking for a competent GM/coach now
  9. should have added garbage
  10. I'm going to enjoy popcorn peter vanilla beane and mcdorkey exit from the league....... At least when chip Kelly tried this crap he had a history of winning. This regime did not get the job based on merits might be the pelugas like a people that look more like us
  11. its to be expected because he is garbage
  12. this yuts is going to crash and burn like he did in Tennesse forcing to run to Pitt instead of fighting for his supposed job. We could of had our franchise QB at 10 with no trading up Dashon Watson all we needed was an offensive head coach not another wanna be jeff fisher
  13. If that's the case he will be fired sooner than later his rock should have been Dashon Watson not popcorn peter
  14. You give this regime too much benefit of the doubt. I on the other hand feel this regime is clueless from top to bottom. There is no way I draft a popcorn peter when Dashawn Watson is still on the board I grab him and let the chips fall where they may Watson showed any normal person enough against Alabama in both Championship games. He took a so called complicated O'Brian system and lit the NFL up He gets hurt and Houston is in a tail spin ... Remember this regime come from Carolina who have zero history of strong drafting and has never had sustained excellence . There talent evaluators are suspect at best. For the second time we draft a defensive head coach, middle of the road defensive coach at that , I knew there would be a problem just based on who he hired to be his line coaches , which is your foundation , our previous O-line coach is one of the best , Castillo is garbage plain and simple , as for our D-line coach when I seen him on hard knocks I knew he would be a disaster. Coach Ryan has singled handily destroyed the defense last year This year dermett has done the same to the one identity we had left the run game . Everyone scream process, change of culture but everyone they got rid of was here less than three years and more importantly playmakers . The prior scouting staff was able to find the Groy's , Alexanders , Hughes , Williams, before he ate himself out the league , Gilisee , Incognito and the list goes on......What has this regime found ? answer no one When you change culture you get rid of your old players and keep your young and up and coming. This regime did the opposite this is Chip Kelly all over again if your cool with coach ie: Tolbert you can get a free pass because talents means nothing to this coach its who he thinks he can control. its obvious to anyone that J.Williams is clearly the better and guess what cheaper back. instead we keep the older Bills who know nothing but losing but are good ole boys try to make specialty players into dominant ones ie: Alexander, Kyle Williams or make cast offs into starting guards Ducasse or tackles Mills. The dominant run game the past two years had 8 in the box last two years and still ran the ball down their throats. Groy /Miller was key cogs . This regime comes in and think the imported cast offs are better for the Oline well we see the results of that experiment McBean said you cant get a WR like Benjamin in the 3rd round I beg to differ. You know why Carolina kept drafting WR's after KB until they got rid of him? He was hurt first year, second year got hurt came in to training camp at 280lbs sounds familiar , what is it with Florida State players .....imagine if Sammy Watkins came in at 280 this city would go crazy. So I say you can get a Kelvin Benjamin in the 3rd ......What you can't get is a Sammy Watkins with a second an a broke down CB who has a three year history of always getting hurt. Fact is players when games coaches/GM loses them if they cant understand in football the best player plays if a player is in their for any reason other the he is the best player then his culture is not worth a pack of beans. its amazing to me that most of our star players new football homes are doing very well. I guess the culture they really want is street free agent cheap players who are nice with the coach I can get you a job culture . Its clear to anybody that the best players are not allowed to play in Buffalo. that's what happens when you get a weak head coach that is scared of strong personalities. Need proof look at the way Pittsburgh handled their talented but troubled WR Bryant ............. Pittsburgh has a strong head coach and a leader of men who don't give away talent I guess that's why they are consistent winners. This regime cant get fired fast enough. at least I get to save some money for a couple of years until this clown acts are fired .........I officially understand that the Pelugas don't have a clue on how to run a football org.....
  15. This is just another misstep by this regime ; why the LA Rams pick up prime assets ie : offensive minded head coach ; Sammy Watkins to change the losing culture there we miss the chance to get our franchise QB at 10 , get rid of every young asset available keep as many old not as talented players on the ruse of culture change. dermitt/beane was a middle of the road DC /novice asst GM and they are right on que..... only thing I can say about this regime is that they look more like me and the Pelugas. they are not here on the merit but because the pelugas are more comfy talking with that look like us.....Boy Houston you look totally different when your franchise QB get hurt. I wish you look more like the pelugas they would have signed off on drafting you in a NY second
  16. then you will be pissed at KB then....he is nothing more than a glorified TE last year he did come in to training camp at 280 talking about a gem....... well you should
  17. That's because he is slow always has been slow he is just tall
  18. well that's the culture that need to change if you want to win in this league it will be necessary for you simple small minded folk to play with the big boys. Keep talent
  19. we are on our way to losing the next three. You cant have Ducasse in the lineup and say your serious about winning .I faced the fact that we went on the cheap at WR , you can't get a Sammy Watkins in the second . You can get Beanes buddy kelvin B in the 3rd . I would have preferred the culture change in LA with acquiring more talent then what this snakeoil salesman beane/mcdermtt is selling maybe at the owners request. Fact is our WR problem was caused by this front office. Our reluctance to draft our QB at 10 ( Watson) is what will set this franchise back for years to come Micky-D and his minions caused this problem at Wr all by themselves . Our defense is old, light in the rear at linebacker and brittle that was the reason LA they got rid of gaines in the first place he cant stay on the field .......its time for some serious anaylsis.... not homer spin
  20. I sure Billy McBeane Dermitt was trying to give away more talent they just couldn't explain to the Bills fans how they could accept a conditional 6th rounder from the seahawks and stay in town
  21. McD coached defense and not very well might I add . He should count his lucky stars that he hired that he hired a real Defensive Coordinator with a long track record of success in Leslie Frasier sorry McD don't get credit for what Leslie Frasier has done
  22. did they give Chip Kelly 3 yrs while he destroyed the eagles ,Thanks for Shady by the way, . I seen the play before thank goodness for Leslie Frasiar and his defense
  23. This is why you don't have defensive corrdinators as head coach . They don't have a clue whats needed . You think Dennison wanted Tolbert a friend of the coach to be the primary backup to Shady; You think he wanted Sammy gone . You think he wanted Duucasse as his guard when he seen this line face stacked 8-9 fronts for two years and still lead the NFL in rushing Heck No..... as for McBeane vision what is it ? To get rid of as many young players and replace with sub standard older replacements . about as much as the present coach and gm...........Nothing
  24. still waiting ..... Thought you were going to Zay who they they traded two picks to move up for or maybe Dawkins who they traded two picks to get in front of Carolina ....... nice
  25. Really I'm sure AJ Green would agree..... Keep talking
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