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Everything posted by liverpoolkev

  1. You are officially crazy
  2. I'm going to respect his stand on people of color getting killed for unarmed traffic stops while we have people bombing New York/New jersey shoot at police or a person can shoot up a church is taken alive. Lets be sensible. Don't hide behind the flag..... I'm a veteran so don't tell me what I should be offended about. When I take off my uniform the police see one thing . Just this past week Tuesday,I have been pulled over and asked "what are you doing in this area "in front of my son ,just for heading home to my very nice neighborhood. I will be at the game as always rocking my color rush Tyrod Taylor jersey. You and your elk just don't let your actions have the country think we are a bunch of country Bumpkins Please
  3. That's Correct my friend ...... Football is KING Locally and Nationally ..... hockey is something I want to hear about when football is no more. I love going to the game ( have 4 season tix ) I need something to do in the winter months . they play too many games. Sabres should check back when they get close to playoffs.
  4. I would rather move on from assanine post like these
  5. Everyone who want to replace Doug is wasting there time. Like it or not he is here for the long haul Kim & Terry love him. Stop hitting your head against that rock and look for players for a coach that can utilize the Talent . Hugh Jackson or Schwartz sure look nice right about now.
  6. or they get off Scott free just ask drunken driver Ryan O'Reily of the Sabres. I wish me and my friend can take my truck run into a coffee shop and get caught walking away with a not guilty result. I am sure if Ryan look more like McCoy it would have been a different outcome
  7. Sorry John but you are Wrong on this one ... Shady can speak as long as he wants ......I just want excellent RB play and he supplied this in spades with a hurt leg. We haven't had a good RB like this since we chased BEAST-MODE out of town for freaking peanuts . who need to STFU and report just facts is the buffalo news and all of their useless commentary
  8. plus you can't have a third string QB (cassel) making (5.3 million) while your starter & backup make (2.1million EJ) (1.8mill TT). He is gone that money can go towards Marcel Darius
  9. He has one year left ,my hopeful Cassel for QB not EJ wishers. He has as much a shot to unseat EJ as Tyrod Taylor . If I came to you with the premise, a reasonable assumption mind you that EJ played under a bad coach and first year OC who was garbage the lot of you ,not all mind you , this wouldn't fly because of the lack of faith in EJ. I get it ........But when you , in the same breath , try to make excuses for Orton and now Cassel it renders your point about EJ moot. You are saying to me that You can accept 7-10 yrs of substandard play even when you have the tape to prove it... Cassel the last three years was mediocre with his best years coming after leaving NE running the exact offense when his OC became head coach in KC. He has been a shell since he has changed systems. Some would like to give his injury history a mulligan yet want to point out that EJ is injury prone in the same sentence after a year....that's incredible. To me he is nothing more than Fitz as long as he is running his NE offense , oh by the way he has to learn GREG ROMAN offense . I m sorry guys we know what we have in him , The football people know we have NOTHING in Cassell according to several GM's Bill Polian included a real football GM. Listen to NFL Network on Sirus XM radio channel 88. Football talk all the time is so refreshing especially when they explain in great detail why they feel someone will not work. They are not like Joe B of WGR a HOCKEY STATION mind you , what credibility does anyone on that station have on judging FOOTBALL TALENT ? Answer NONE JOE B thinks there is 55% chance Cassel will start . Really !!!!! what person in the BILLS organization , hockey boy , gave you that percentage... ANSWER AGAIN NONE I for one understand the blind hatred for EJ . He reminds me of PJ Losman but I finally get to judge him with real NFL coaching who don't hold mindless grudges for the first time in his career.I get to see him with an OC who went to the NFC CHAMPIONSHIP & SUPER BOWL running his offense for 4 of his 5 years I am sorry Cassel lovers , they are not trying to extend his one year contract he is here for injury protection nothing else. The real battle is between Rex's favorite T.T. who was given a 3 yr. contract; a person who could have gone the Cassel route, He refused to sign for more money and be in the same offense (4yrs) with his OC now HC GARY KUBIAK in DENVER to stay and battle it out with EJ........ The question we all should be asking ourselves is would you turn down more money to play in the exact same offense to play in Denver or go to Buffalo when everything is new . What did Whaley , Roman and Rex promise him for him to make that decision ? NOW THAT'S INTERESTING
  10. I think we may have a real QB battle and it does not include Matt Cassel. Sorry Cassel/Orton lovers - Bill Polian said it best on SM radio "Cassel only there for injury protection no real threat to EJ if they were able to sign McCown different story " For anyone interested I would watch Tyrod Taylor complete appearance on ESPN's Three For the Show 2011. Lets see: Cassel 1 year contract - No extension -No franchise put their hope on a QB with a 1-2 yr. contract Taylor 3 year contract - Rex choice turned down more money from Denver to compete in Buffalo. That's interesting what did Whaley, Rex and Roman say to Tyrod to turn down more money in Denver?
  11. I think we may have a real QB battle and it does not include Matt Cassel. For anyone interested I would watch Tyrod Taylor complete appearance on ESPN's Three For the Show 2011.
  12. Wake up EJ is here to stay ..... get over it
  13. He is a slightly better version of Fitz. He is the backup....... Fitzpatrick is that you?
  14. Thats a lie .... I knew that he was a joke back then .....that is why most fans were taken by surprise when we paid this fool more money than we paid Jim Kelly to run our offense .......whats his record since he signed his contract.... enough said .....bring back Vince Young
  15. so what do you think your beloved kelsay should be doing .......all kelsay does is .keep ripping the fans off with his 6 mill a year.. non playng a@@.... .You will need to start with that filth before you even dare to mention Darcel,Kyle,Mario,& Anderson
  16. Dont make excuses for kelsay or anyone on this team that has been here for 5 yrs or more .Show me where kelsay played hard .We have been last in defense the past 7 years and you want to give a pass to kelsay when a 26 yr old former Pro-Bowl player signs a contract extension.
  17. I will go with MIKE VICK
  18. I hope that you wasn't surprised ......with players like POZ & Kelsay you shouldn't be.
  19. Compared to kelsay I will go for that 10% because kelsay is 99% done
  20. We will have a decent QB once the FO get off their a##, stop becoming slaves to the loudest fans misinformed opionions and get MIKE VICK in here ASAP.
  21. And then you woke up from your dream.. Dont let Ten years of terrible QB play let you forget that Fitz play is mediocre at best. There is no elephant in the room . Fitzy for all of his folksy charm still sucks . I wouldnt pay a stamp for any college QB non of them are proven......NONE OF THEM . MIKE VICK is the obvious choice; he is the last year of contract,Eagles paid Kevin Kolb staters money ,Vick is the 3rd rated passer( Yes Passer) in the NFL and he put fear in every Defense in the NFL. He has proven he can play(throw rockets)in the cold and when he escapes the rush, TOUCHDOWN. So the fans can make what ever case they want for substandard Fitz but the real QB that should lead the BILLS is VICK plain and simple.
  22. There is no elephant in the room . Fitzy for all of his folksy charm still sucks . I wouldnt pay a stamp for any college QB non of them are proven......NONE OF THEM . MIKE VICK is the obvious choice; he is in the last year of contract,Eagles paid Kevin Kolb staters money ,Vick is the 3rd rated passer( Yes Passer) in the NFL and he put fear in every Defense in the NFL. He has proven he can play(throw rockets)in the cold and when he escapes the rush, TOUCHDOWN. So the fans can make what ever case they want for substandard Fitz but the real QB that should lead the BILLS is VICK plain and simple.
  23. What in THE HELL are you basing that crap " LUCK IS THE MOST NFL READY " LUCK need to sit three years just to get used to the NFL speed based on lack of NFL talent he has played against. Most of you people are a joke. You have Cam who plays against the best players in the country , conference ,is undefeated against the best players , can carry his team from behind against National Champion teams on their field and YOU TRY TO SAY HE ISNT WHAT.....NFL READY ? Luckily for me I am a football geek that happened to look at all games/tapes of Mallet,Locker ,Ponder ,Luck , and Newton. Luck,Ponder,Locker plays against garbage every week and on every test they have failed .Mallet at least plays against decent competition. THE ONLY NFL READY QB'S ARE CAM & LUCK .Dont let the color of his skin blind you to the facts..... 1) There is no sure fire QB pick 2)based on the competition played only one player has proved that he can carry a program against future NFL players on his back and win. I am sorry but when was the last time you heard about AUBURN WINNING other than when BO Jackson was there 20-25 yrs ago. So sorry my racially challenged readers your inability to look at facts as usual made your points useless. I understand the demographic here so I understand your reluctance. Oh you know who you are... You are the demographic that forgot that Rocky 1,2,3 & Hoosier was just a movie , make excuses for a rapist (Rothlesbeger),cater to a fallen idol(Farve) we make lots of excuses for people that look like us. The more talented players like Vick or Cam Newton we look for any reason...........and this Board has come up with some dumb ones..... We try to come up with anything to discredit the football facts. The reason I know is because I did it the past three years . I am sorry but the 50's, 60's, & 70's will never come back. The leaders that we so enjoyed looking at back then will never again look the same , so we have to get used to it. I now have no problem having Vick lead this team next year while Cam or Luck sit for a couple years because both will be gone in the first 5 picks. For the fitz lovers , I need a QB that throws to the correct people. I can't have a QB throw two picks every week putting us in the hole.
  24. Then you are both ignorant and stupid
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