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Posts posted by DaBills51

  1. More to playing safety than picks. Notice how soft the middle of the defense has been against the run? Maybe that has something to do with Whitner being out.


    (I'm not saying it definitely does. I'm just saying it's possible...we don't really know.)


    Whitner isn't terrible in run defense, but he was on the field for the two big runs from last week. Donte was on the field for both of them, and the longest run was largely due to his late reaction on the play.

  2. What the heck does this mean?




    We fit it up?


    He is referring to players fitting up into their run gaps...which has been a big problem with the Bills this year. Mostly all of the big runs against the Bills this year have been due to the over-agressivness of our LBs and hesitation of our Safeties.

  3. Great, then we could have our WRs line up 8 yards off the line of scrimmage as well.


    Like all fans, I have always gone crazy seeing the cushions our DBs give opposing receivers, but that isn't all on Perry Fewell. While there are obviously plays that require our DBs to play off, most of the time it is up to them when they are in man.


    Here was Perry's take on Leodis...


    “We didn't draft him to give 10 to 15-yard cushions,” Fewell said, recalling what he told the former No. 11 selection. “We drafted him so he can get up in their grill and be able to stay with a receiver.”



  4. As much as I hate to say it, our GM situation is only a fraction of the problem. The Bills franchise is just like any corporation, in that if the top level managers rely on those underneath to provide reliable information. Currently, Russ Brandon is making decisions based off the info he is receiving from Modrak, Guy, and our pro scouts, and as we all know, this information sucks.


    Over the past 10 years the Bills have routinely taken the easy path and changed GMs, and all the while, the rest of our management hierachy remains untouched. While I am not against the Bills obtaining a new GM, promoting from within is going to pretty much ensure that those underneath will remain in their current positions. The Bills need a fresh face, someone who will come in, evaluate the entire Bills front office, and make the necessary changes.


    Here a couple of interesting links on GMs in the NFL. The main focus in the articles is placed on the GM - HC relationship.





  5. :bag:


    And how exactly is that possible?...I don't see how it could be anything but good...It sends a message...The Country Club is closed...If some Players tank the rest of the Season it just makes the new HC's decisions easier come 2010... :worthy:


    Nah. Get the new coach hired now, and give him the rest of this season as extra time to evaluate his assistants and players before he has to make any decisions in the offseason. Screw the whole "interim" coach nonsense.


    How would it make the new HC's decisions easier. Are you assuming the Bills are going to fire Jauron and hire a new head coach midseason??


    If the Bills fired Jauron now they would have to promote an assistant coach to interim head coach. While the chances of a top coach coming here this offseason are slim, there is zero chance a top coach (Cowher, Shanahan, Gruden) coming here midseason. Not to mention, all assistants for other teams are off limits, so once again....how will the HC's decisions be easier for 2010??? :w00t:


    Also, like I said in my first post, I wouldn't mind seeing a proven GM brought in to get a head start on evaluating the team, so the offseason transition is a little less daunting. However, can you recall the last time this has happened??

  6. Many of the UFL players played in the NFL. There are a lot of bubble players that could be in the NFL but for whatever reason, it hasn't worked out yet (and may not ever). It's no worse than the NFLE and the NFLE gave some pretty good players a chance in the NFL.


    Exactly. It's funny that a majority of the posters on here are convinced that the UFL is equal to high school ball, when in reality the level of competition is pretty solid.

  7. HaHa....Aaron Rodgers a star QB? You must be high. How many teams with a bad O-line has a QB thats been getting things done? Its hard for me to think of any. Look Matt Casell, was damn good becasue he played for a team that had a good O-line, now KC totally sux and so does he. A crappy O-line makes you have to force throws or make decisions to quickly which usually ends up in INT's or FUMBLES.


    I wasn't referring to Rodgers as a star QB, but if he isn't he is damn close. The guy threw for over 4,000 yards last year, had 28 tds to 13 ints, and a 93.8 rtg, and this year with an o-line as bad as Buffalo, not much different, actually better....1,098 yds, 6 tds, 1 int, 101.1 rtg. Those numbers may be wrong though because I must be high. :w00t:

  8. While comparing the NFL to the UFL talent wise is ridiculous, I truly feel that the level of competition in the UFL is greater than college ball. JP is not playing against ex D-III ball players out there, many of the starters in the UFL were good enough to either be drafted or signed by NFL ball clubs.


    JP wasn't the answer for the Bills, but many of you are making it seem like the UFL is all scrubs, which I dont believe to be true. What are some of your opinions regarding the level of competition in college compared to the UFL??

  9. This really pisses me off, last season when we were 5-1 everybody was all over Trent worshiping him. Yea at the end of the season we collapsed mainly him (wouldnt you if you took a hit like that?). And you wonder why hes not the best right now, I wouldnt trust that O-line to block a pop warner football team. THEY SUCK BAD. I could only imagine what goes through Trents head if hes gonna make it alive through each game. You sub par coach and an even more sub par O-Line and everyone wants to blame Trent. The guy runs for his life every game, hes been sacked more than any other QB in the league. If you watch when he plays good, hes got a tremendous arm and accurate. Quit doing that damn no huddle offense, hes not Jim Kelly and it aint working. Let him huddle and call his own plays and thrown the ball down field we have two of the best recievers in the game along with two of the best running backs in the game.


    Let me get this straight....because Trent led the Bills to a 5-1 record at the start of last year and looked good doing it, he should therfore be our unquestioned starter the next season. Hey, Derek Anderson went to the Pro Bowl in '08...boy he sure looked good on Sunday. Trent has thrown many questionable passes this season even when given time. Losman looked good for one season and then regressed, as a result he got the boot. Trent Edwards is no different, nor should he be.


    Watch Aaron Rogers, Ben Roethlisberger, or any star QB...even when they don't have optimal protection they make a play. I.e; Eli Manning to David Tyree during Super Bowl XLII. Trent would have taken a sack or checked down. Or have you ever watched the Bills play the Jaguars?? It seems as if whenever we played Jacksonville the Bills just could not get a hand on Garrad, and even when they did they couldn't bring him down for a sack. A good quarterback extends plays, Trent checks down or takes a sack. In 28 games started Trent has yet to throw for over 300 yds, he will never be a game changer.

  10. This article is spot on...firing Dick Jauron would only be a matter of principle and would make the situation even worse. I wouldn't mind seeing a proven GM brought in to get a head start on evaluating the team though, that way it would make the offseason transition a little less daunting. Can anyone recall if this has happened before??

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