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Everything posted by DaBills51

  1. Where did anyone state that "Glazer and his cohorts are trying to publicly humiliate the Bills with false accusations?" In case you skipped over my post let me reiterate.....this seems like the work of a couple of GM's protecting themselves from an angry fan base. Green Bay and Philadelphia fans were pretty pissed at their GMs for not making this move, and by telling this to Glazer, these GMs collectively passed the blame onto the Bills. Like I also stated in my previous post, this article ran shortly after an article in which Mort reported that players, coaches, and scouts were upset with the failure of Packer's GM Ted Thompson to hammer out a deal. I doubt that the timing of this news is purely coincidental. Thompson and the other GMs are not stupid. Even if the Bills claim that this rumor is false, it will end up being one person's word vs another, and therefore nothing can be proven true.
  2. Haven't been a fan of Nix or Gailey so far, however this seems like the work of a couple of GM's covering their behinds. Green Bay and Philadelphia fans were pretty pissed at their GMs for not making this move, and by telling this to Glazer, these GMs collectively passed the blame onto the Bills. Do all of you really believe it is a coincidence that this article ran shortly after an article in which Mort reported that players, coaches, and scouts were upset with the failure of Packer's GM Ted Thompson to hammer out a deal??
  3. This is exactly what I am referring to in my above post. Everyone keeps claiming that we need to replace the entire front 7 which is untrue, and if it were the case we might as well give up now because this team won't be good for another 5 years minimum. Can you please explain why you don't believe one player from our front 7 isn't a viable starter??....and please don't just throw out team stats from the past couple of games
  4. I love how so many posters are quick to discredit Dwan Edwards and Andra Davis,when in actuality, both players would be starting in most 3-4 defenses. Do not underestimate the need for a playmaker at OLB. Every team that successfully runs a 3-4 has some type of monster off the edge. Having that one player automatically upgrades all 11 positions on the field. Until we get that player who we can create mismatches with, teams will continually be able to impose their will on our defense. By having a James Harrison, Demarcus Ware, or Clay Matthews on the outside you essentially take away a large portion of a team's playbook. Do we have studs at other positions?? Probably not. But, I do believe we have legitimate starters at some positions on D: Above Average Starter Kyle Williams - not a stud, but would feature heavily in every 3-4 across the league Dwan Edwards - see Kyle Williams Leodis McKelvin - with a pass rush McKelvin would surely be considered above average corner....easily our best CB in man Jairus Byrd - tough to judge him playing behind this D Average Starter Marcus Stroud - if he continues to play like he did today Donte Whitner - as much as I dislike the guy he is in the same situation as Byrd. Will never be a playmaker, but he can provide a presence down field and in run support. Andra Davis - borderline above average/average starter....solid in run support....was above average in Denver Below Average Starter Paul Posluszny - want to like the guy, but he gets steamrolled way to much. ILB needs to be able to shed blocks even against interior lineman. No awareness in zone coverage. Drayton Florence/Terrence McGee - both are having down years so far...hopefully Florence is a victim of our lack of pass rush...McGee may be on his last leg as a Bill. Everyone Else
  5. I haven't missed a Bills game in over 8 years, however, the last time the Bills were in the playoffs I was 11 years old. I remember my Father calling me into the living room to watch the end of the game, but other then that I didn't watch much of it. Not to mention, at that age you indifferent to most things, and it really didn't matter to me if the Bills won or lost. Now just to ensure that you're not confused by the mathematics involved, allow me break it down for you..... DOB - August, 1988 Bills last playoff appearance - January 8, 2000 Age at the time of playoff appearance - 11 years 5 months Current Age - 22 years 2 months .........I'm taking this as the emoticon that would show that I'm just screwing around with you....and you should feel honored because this is the first and last emoticon that I will ever use
  6. I just can't see Clayborn as an OLB in a 3-4. I believe he could play the position, but he is much better suited for a 4-3. Depending on the position I wouldn't be opposed to the pick. There are a lot of options for a team looking for a rush linebacker in the 1st round this year, but after that there is a huge drop-off in talent.
  7. Beat me to it while I was editing my post. I couldn't agree with you more, however, I believe the Bills should only take a look at Quinn if one of the top 2 QBs are off the board.
  8. Pat Kirwan had a good article this past summer on the importance of OLBs in a 3-4 defense, and I couldn't agree with him more. When you look at the top teams who run a 3-4, the common characteristic is that all of them have a stud at OLB. Right now the Bills don't even have a viable starter at OLB, let alone a playmaker. Seeing as Whaley and Nix both came from teams that had success drafting OLBs, hopefully their luck will continue over with the Bills. With the exception of a few, many of the top OLBs playing in the NFL were either 1st or 2nd round picks, and it would be wise for the Bills to draft an OLB early in this draft or the next. If the Bills end up with a top three pick then I would love to see Luck (if he declares) or Mallet being the Bills pick. However, if the Bills are picking in the 3-10 range, I would love to see them take a look at Robert Quinn, assuming he comes back strong following his suspension. http://www.nfl.com/n...efenses-success
  9. While the scout stated what disturbed him regarding Tony, I believe what the scout stated prior to that is a little disturbing as well. “I worry about this kid. Whether it's that again or something else, he has a history of serious problems” I may be in the minority here, but I truly believe that crimes such as DWI's and DUI's are more serious than what Tony was charged for. The article clearly states that the sex was consensual, and while his transgressions were morally reprehensible, his actions placed no third party in immediate harm. The NFL will give repeat offenders like Leonard Little, Chris Henry, Pacman Jones, Chris McAllister, and Tank Johnson second chances, and yet one crime committed at the age of 16 is unforgivable and demonstrates a history of serious problems?? I'm sorry, but I don't believe that having consensual sex with your sister is as unforgivable an act as manslaughter, assault, or possession of a loaded firearm.
  10. I tore my labrum and rotator cuff sliding into second base during my junior year in HS.....lesson learned: don't try to slide like Pete Rose when you weigh 220 lbs. I wasn't able to throw again until I had surgery, but I could still swing a bat. I ended up putting the surgery off until the next winter so I wouldn't miss any time during football season. The bad part was my shoulder dislocated no less than 6 times during the football season, and it has never been the same since. I remember the Doc told me that in regards to athletics, the tear of my labrum was more damaging than then tear of my rotator cuff, especially in regards to stabilization. Even after the surgery I continued to have problems, but I was able to play one year of football in college without many problems. I did have to invest in a top of the line shoulder stabilizer, but it really didn't limit me much, and I have seen Ray Lewis play with the same one so it can be done in the NFL.
  11. Thank you for a being a voice of reason here.....I also don't understand why so many people discredit Jeremy Jacobs as a potential buyer. Currently, his net worth would place him 4th highest among NFL owners, surpassing even Jerry Jones. While Jacobs hasn't been the most popular man in Boston, he has a proven track record of maximizing revenue as an owner, and from a purely investment standpoint, it wouldn't be a bad move on his part. While Delaware North is already the current concession vendor of the Buffalo Bills, as the owner of the Bills he would get a much greater return through concessions, and I'm sure he would be able to increase suite sales as well. The man has made a killing off the Boston Bruins, from his ownership of the team to the selling of concessions and his stake in the New England Sports Network, he has a proven track record of success though his investments in sports. Not to mention, the past couples of years have shown that Jacobs is investing more and more into new ventures, and is not one to merely rest on his laurels.
  12. I agree with your thoughts on Bannan, but he just wasn't a flashy enough player to really garner respect from the fans. I believe that most NFL front offices, even at the time, respected what he brought to the table. While Edwards was injury prone he showed flashes when healthy and seeing as we had just let Pat Williams walk the year before he wouldn't have been a bad player to re-sign. Seeing as we were playing a 4-3 at the time, there are 3 players who should have never been let go....London Fletcher, Pat Williams and Antoine Winfield or Jabari Greer. You're probably gonna say that Fletcher made all of his tackles downfield, but I think that was somewhat exaggerated by fans. Successful franchises do not let those first 3 players walk without having any replacement in sight. I get where you coming from on the whole fan aspect regarding Bannan and Edwards, but that is why we are fans. Bannan and Edwards haven't become serviceable players just because they left the Bills, they both had enough talent to play the game at an above average level and this should have been recognized by the Bills. We should have spent less time toying with Bannan as an OL and more time giving the guy a shot at DT. I also don't believe that either player is a solid starter, but if you look at my post I said that I wouldn't mind seeing them rotate at their respective positions, and this would have saved us some draft picks over time.
  13. Why does there have to be a new topic created for this every week....pick one of the 2 from last week and post there.... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/119959-former-bills-still-in-nfl-vs-current-bills/page__p__1987750__hl__bannan__fromsearch__1#entry1987750 http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/120911-fomer-bills-playing-on-other-teams/page__p__1996349__hl__bannan__fromsearch__1#entry1996349 All three of these threads should be merged.
  14. Do you really believe that Evans has a higher trade value then Anquan Boldin?? I don't disagree with the idea of trading Evans, but there is no way we will get a 2nd round pick for him. Boldin is one year older then Lee, has been much more productive, is better at running routes across the middle of the field, is a much better blocker.....and not to mention...Boldin makes $2 million less per season.
  15. Here is a post I had from about a week ago reiterating your point: Justin Bannan Contract: Ravens - 4 years $8.1 million. Denver - 5 years $22 million. Wouldn't have had to draft Troup in the 2nd as Bannan would rotate with Kyle Williams. Ron Edwards Contract: Chiefs - 4 years $7.5 million. I realize that Ron Edwards was somewhat injury plagued while he was here, but the guy showed a lot of promise when healthy. Who would you rather see rotating at DE right now, Aaron Maybin or Ron Edwards? I believe Edwards would even be an upgrade over Stroud with the way he is playing. Antoine Winfield Contract: Vikings - 6 years $34.8 million. 5 year $36 million extension. You just don't let players like Winfield go, and I don't wanna here the how could we afford him excuse. The Vikings are a small market team yet they manage to keep their star players, and sign free agents. The Vikings have extended such stars as Bryant McKinnie, Antoine Winfield, Kevin Williams, and Pat Williams. Not only have the resigned these players, they have added players like Steve Hutchinson and Jared Allen through free agency. Fact is, the Bills could have kept both Williams and Winfield they just chose not to. Pat Williams Contract: Vikings - 3 years $13 million. 3 year $22 million extension. See above. Even with only these 4 players, the Bills probably wouldn't have made the Marcus Stroud trade, we would have Dwan Edwards, Ron Edwards at DE, Pat Williams at NT, and Williams and Bannan could play either NT or DE. That front 3 rotation wouldn't look all that bad, and the Bills would have been able to focus on our LB's and OL through past drafts. I realize a lot of this is flawed because the Bills didn't play a 3-4 then and this is all in hindsight, but most of these players could also play a 4-3. Also, if the Bills didn't switch to a 3-4, you could even add London Fletcher to this list. Letting players like Clements and Greer walk weren't terrible moves, especially Clements, however the Bills are gonna remain in neutral if they keep letting talent walk and drafting replacements.
  16. Gotta love the NFL....I really don't understand how these GM's decide the value in players. How do unproven QBs who simply looked promising during a couple of preseason games garner a 3rd round pick, yet Pro Bowlers like Marshawn and Anquan can be had for 3rd or 4th round picks?? I don't care what anyone says, you can easily build a playoff team if you draft a good QB, and then take care of the rest through free agency and trades. Of course you would need around 3-4 starters to be players you drafted, but considering the caliber of player you can acquire with 3rd and 4th round picks you could still retain your 1st and 2nd round picks each year. If you then hit on 50% of your 1st and 2nd rounders you could put together a pretty solid team.
  17. With the percentage of picks that GMs miss on I find it difficult to understand why they value them so highly. People love to use the expression, "this isn't madden", when making fun of trade offers, but in reality it costs less to make in trade in real life then it does in madden. How many 3rd and 4th round WRs become the next Anquan Boldin or how many second round WRs become the next Brandon Marshall?? The answer is not many. Take a look at the 2008 Draft....out of the first 10 receivers taken only Eddie Royal and Desean Jackson have shown any promise. Now I realize that giving up multiple picks will take away a pick from another position of need, but if you don't hit on your pick you're going to have to use up another one down the road. Another argument that people love to use is that most of these trades have a large contract attached and drafting an impact rookie would provide you with a greaet player for a low cap hit....but the problem is, in the NFL nowadays, if you strike gold on a second round pick you can almost guarantee that player will not be willing to play out their rookie contract anyways.
  18. Three comments from Darryl Talley's Twitter: "Synopsis: 95's the only one on D playing with a motor. Otherwise they don't have the personnel to play that defense & gotta draft for them." "95 needs a supporting cast. Draft around him next year." "95. The only boy playing worth a f**k." - Thurman agreed with this on his page too. I would definitely have to agree, and like you pointed out, Dwan Edwards has been making some plays and showing great hustle. Another thing that Talley pointed out is that this team needs a big time playmaker on D....something many of us have been clamoring for. Just having Clay Matthews or James Harrison at OLB would be an instant upgrade to the entire D. The mismatches those players create wreak havoc on offensive gameplans.
  19. You're right....I forgot all about that. Thurman was clamoring to get a spot in the Bills FO, not a coaching gig. Like I said before, I wasn't 100 percent sure on Thomas, just Talley.
  20. Talley has stated many times on twitter that he had approached the Bills to help in any capacity and they turned him down. I believe Thurman approached the Bills and was rebuffed as well, but I'm not 100% positive.
  21. Darryl Talley went off on a long rant on twitter the other day, and this is what he came up with (I edited the spelling to make it a little easier to read): "One of the greatest moments for me as a professional football player came when John Havlicek stopped me at a party & introduced himself. (Like I didn't know who one of the best players in NBA history was.) He called me over to where he was standing & said "I admire the way you play football. You play the game the old fashioned way. The way the game's supposed to be played." I was floored & flattered beyond belief. John Havlicek thought I was good at what I did. He noticed that I busted ass day in & day out. What I'm getting at is this: Football players of this generation need to decide if what they want is to someday be somewhere & have someone with John Havlicek's caliber tell you the same thing. It's as simple as that. Forget about manicures & pedicures & massages & personal stylists & personal assistants. You're football players. All you need for personal hygiene is soap & water, a stick of deodorant & a toothbrush. The distractions are too many. Your jobs are to score points & drive someones d**k into the ground. All the rest of it is just silly s**t. You've got one shot at this. You want to be remembered for how you played the game not how your toes looked. Nobody cares about that **** & the guy who just paid $120.00 of his hard earned money certainly doesn't give a **** bout your feet except how fast they move & a pedicure ain't gonna make you run faster. Bustin your ass will. Leonard Smith had the nastiest feet I'd ever seen on a human but he would knock your ass in to the middle of next f*****g week. Think about it young fellas. Y'all young fellas gotta decide if when the next generation of players run on to that field & they look up they see YOUR name on that Wall of Fame or not. It's in your hands. You're in charge of your destiny." Here are four more lines that some of you will find interesting: "Synopsis: 95's the only one on D playing with a motor. Otherwise they don't have the personnel to play that defense & gotta draft for them." "95 needs a supporting cast. Draft around him next year." "95. The only boy playing worth a f**k." - Thurman agreed with this on his page too. "Fitzpatrick has balls & my respect. 21 reminds me of OJ (before the glove). I like the way 86 & 11 play get them the ball." Take it for what it is worth, but I found it interesting to get the perspective of ex-player who doesn't have to watch what he says because he works for ESPN or CBS.
  22. If anything, George Wilson should at least be starting over Donte for now. Donte has no nose for the football because all that Donte cares about is trying to put a hit on someone so he can run his mouth. There have been many plays over the past couple of years were he reads the play perfectly, yet instead of jumping the route, he waits until the receiver makes a play on the ball and then puts a hit on them. Donte usually has about 2-3 nice tackles a game when in run support, however, most of his tackles come on either passes completed against him or when he puts his head down and torpedoes at their ankles. He is the worst form tackler in the NFL....almost 90% of his hits come from him dropping his head and diving at ankles trying to upend people. For a safety who is supposed to be good in run support he sures looks like a damn fool more often than not. LT embarrassed Donte on his TD run today and that isn't the first time this year Donte has taken a bad angle in run support. I don't agree with cutting Donte, but I don't believe he should remain a starter either. It is tough to defend a guy who has 4 interception and 1 sack over 54 career starts. Not to mention, the guy feels the need to celebrate and get in players faces even when his defense has already allowed 38 points or when he makes a tackle 20 yards down field. Evans needs to be traded if possible, simply because we have no need for him and I don't believe he cares anymore. Lets face it...the Bills aren't going to be good for another year or 2 at the earliest, and by then Lee will be in his 30s. However, I have to agree with Gabe Northern, no one is going to want take him at his current contract. The more I think about how dysfunctional this team is the more I realize we are hopeless until there is a change in ownership.
  23. Torrell Troup - 6'2" 314lbs Vince Wilfork - 6'2" 325lbs Aubrayo Franklin - 6'1" 317lbs Jason Ferguson - 6'3" 310lbs Casey Hampton - 6'1" 325lbs Kelly Gregg - 6'0" 320lbs Jay Ratliff - 6'4" 304lbs I agree that Troup has gotten pushed around out there and may not end up being a great draft pick, but acting like all you need to do is take the big guy is nonsense.
  24. The Bills and Houston are now the only teams in the NFL without an INT on defense.....Houston still to play this afternoon.
  25. If Detroit can come back from being down 5 then the Bills will be the only team in the NFL without a win.
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