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Hey Hey

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Posts posted by Hey Hey

  1. I've spent a lot of my career in product development on the marketing side of things, and we get ga-jillionz of requests like these. The litmus test we use is simple - "Is it going to change your behavior if I implement this change/feature/request?". The other side of that sabre is "Will your behavior change if I DON'T implement this request"?


    The argument posited is "The Sound System at the Ralph Sucks". Okay. Fair enough. The sound system at the Ralph sucks. If I'm the big dogs at OBD, I'll listen to your request, and ask you two questions:


    1) If I upgrade the existing sound system, it's going to cost me about $2.8 million. Maybe more. But goddamit, your feedback is important to me, so I'm going to do it. But since there's a potential lockout on the way, I'm probably not going to get any ROI in 2011, am I? Boy, THAT sucks! I certainly don't like THAT! And, last time I checked, I call the shots. So here's what I'm going to do, homeslice...I'm going to jack your ticket prices to pay for it in a single year. $2.8 million divided by 70,000 is...whew...about $40 per person! Boy, THAT sucks, but, hey, you're paying the lowest price per ticket in the NFL, so you can probably cough up the greenbacks, right?


    2) Oh, goodness! I didn't realize that adding an extra $40 to your seasonal package would be such a hairball! So let me ask you this...if I DON'T upgrade the system, will you keep coming to the game?


    Oh, just checking...


    I don't mean to be a dick here, but consider this a splash of cold, cruel reality on a message board. This is the decision tree that these guys are going to implement when choosing an outcome that will affect THEIR bottom line. Don't like it? Become an owner.


    The sound system at the Ralph sucks? Really? Siddown, shaddap, drink your $8 Labatts, and WATCH the game. Because if you're IN THE STADIUM, and you're WATCHING THE GAME, you don't need to listen to some yahoo in the press box telling you what you just paid the lowest ticket prices in the NFL to WATCH!

    To answer your question I would pay more money if they made more upgrades.

  2. You want the Goo Goo Dolls to pump up a football game?

    Not specifically the Goo Goo Dolls. A video intro. (I'm not a Goo Goo Dolls fan but the playoff video for the sabres with the Better Days song was cool) Or do you just prefer the same ****ty intro with fireworks coming out of a logo and a PA announcer that you're pretty sure just announced Lee Evans only because you can see him running onto the field.

  3. Call me a perennial optimist, but I think King is way off.


    For all intents and purposes, the Bills have improved from last year. Not much, but incrementally better. Shoot, by just replacing Jauron with someone else they already have won 1-2 more games in my book.


    I agree with King, they have no one to throw the football. And unless a WR emerges outside of Evans, there won't be many options for the QB to throw the football to. But, so long as the transition to the 3-4 goes reasonably well, I can't imagine the Bills will have a worse record than last year.

    Yeah were not going to win the Superbowl but were not 31st either. F&$# King.

  4. Anyone else notice (not sure how u can't) that the PA system at the Ralph sucks. We need a new one it's long overdue. You can't hear half of whats on there. Just thinking they could also use some music and videos on the jumbotron to get the crowd going. What do you think about a video with music to it pre-game right before player intros or right after. (Think goo-goo dolls better days playoff video intro for the sabres a couple a years ago.) That would be cool at the Ralph with 74,000

  5. Alot of the people did this to protest the revote. Alot of the reporters thought it was a knee jerk reaction. AP never had anything in the stipulations about league violations.


    If you don't believe me watch this video. You have Peter King who is mad about it and changed his vote. Then you have John Mcclain who basically protested the revote without saying he did.



    Didn't know that. Some voters abstained as well. That sends a great message.

  6. This does not apply to anyone outside fifty miles of Orchard Park.


    If you are one of those people who goes on these boards and writes about how bad we are and how you are not renewing your season tickets because the Bills have been so mediocre, you are a complete idiot. We are extremely lucky to have the Bills here when you consider the lack of large business, moderate average household income, and diminishing demographics.


    If you are having financial difficulties or you have family/kid things you are doing during those Sundays it is ok not to renew. Besides that, shut the !@# up and appreciate what you have because if you are reading this, you are a diehard and if you are a diehard you should support your team and not brag about not supporting it. How easy would it be for the Bills to leave Buffalo? Pretty darn easy and then where are you?


    "Oh I'll be just fine." "i don't need football in Buffalo".



    Yeah right.


    Negativity is not a problem as long as you can back up your points, but don't brag about how you are not renewing your tickets because we are extremely lucky to have them here.



    Hell yes! I've been thinking this but couldn't have said it any better. I drive 3.5 hours to get to the Ralph every damn Sunday and look forward to it. I won't stop coming and nobody else should stop either. I would rather they suck than not have them.

  7. With the sports writers casting their "re-vote" for Def. R.O.Y. it's time to walk your talk or STFU for good on the topic of illegal substances and the players.


    If Cushing is the top voter again, now that we all know his performance was enhanced with an illegal substance, the writers can no longer, in good conscience, ever, ever, ever write columns/blogs in a negative context about the use of illegal substances by a player. Basically, awarding a player an honor, knowing that the player won that award while under the influence of a banned substance, the writer is not only rewarding the player for consuming the banned substance, he is giving his endorsement to the use of illegal subtances in sports.


    The Bills fan in me would like the honor to go to Byrd.


    However, in this case, I can live with whomever wins the award, as long as it is not a player that has consumed banned substances.

    I agree. I am not on a Byrd campaign. It should not be Cushing.

  8. How about you post both of their stats from last year instead of distorting the numbers? Watch the games. Freddy is clearly the better back; he is more elusive, sees and hits the holes, and runs north/south.

    You are right. Watch the tape and you will see Marshawn dancing. He no longer hits the hole like he did the pedestrian on Chippewa St.

  9. I am actually excited about this season... new coach, new players and maybe even a superstar in Spiller.

    I don't know about excited but I will always renew my seasons and keep going. They have sucked, still suck, and probably will continue to suck but my a$$ will be in a seat. Were Bills fans its what we do.

  10. they talked with Goodell on radio and they are working on 18 game schedules, by mostly elminating the final two perseason games.

    This is the best and most likely idea. We would get more REAL football and it would start sooner. Tailgaiting at the Ralph for a real game in August, come on!

  11. Injury prone players are players who don't know how to protect themself. Trent Edwards is one of those players. He gets concussions because he doens't see the blitz coming and takes a hard hit.

    Would you or anybody else be able to protect themselves with this freaking line. come on

  12. As most of you know, I think that Trent can be a good QB for us and is the best option.


    Nevertheless, I recall Brohm lighting up my Hurricanes when the Canes were pretty good. He has some skills and was once compared to another Buffalo Bills QB who does not like QBs from California.

    I too agree that Edwards can be good and is our best option, however if he ends up sucking it up I don't want to make the trip to the Ralph to watch Fitzpatrick. Just put Brohm in if Trent isn't cutting it. Iv'e seen enough of Fitzpatrick. He's a waste of our time and money.

  13. assement of Fitz and Edwards, fine....

    discounting Spiller, the o-line (always injured) and the city itself, is just plain wrong.


    ... and I dont even live in the States!!!

    There not putting down the B-Lo just the weather and the article is about right on. Our tackles as of now suck.

  14. Edwards is a kitty and isn't what Nix and Gailey said they wanted in a QB. He will end up being the one cut.


    They know what they have in Fitz, solid #2/#3.


    They drafted Brown to develop him, watch the post draft presser. You can tell by how they talk about him they expect good things.


    That leaves Brohm. I still have a really tough time putting any faith in someone that can't even make a roster and who wasn't brought onto a team from Green Bay's practice squad except Russ Friggin Brandon.


    That said...as much as I don't like Brohm, I am more than willing to see what happens in the competition between him and Brown and will back whomever of the two Gailey picks.


    but someone please give me something besides friggin college stats to make me feel better about Brohm.

    BS. This is Edwards last chance. Brohm and Brown will watch and if it was up to me Fitzpatrick would be gone.

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