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Hey Hey

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Posts posted by Hey Hey

  1. Jimmy is now like 3rd in line now yet he was a shame for the Bills to pass on twice?? Hmmm....


    3. Bills pass on Jimmy Clausen, twice 

    Entering April's draft with the league's worst quarterback situation, the Bills had two chances to select pro-ready Jimmy Clausen. They passed both times, opting instead to bolster an already strong tailback corps with C.J. Spiller at No. 9, and taking raw nose tackle Torrell Troup 41st.


    New coach Chan Gailey plans to hold a three-way QB competition in camp consisting of injury-prone Trent Edwards, draft bust Brian Brohm, and noodle-armed journeyman Ryan Fitzpatrick.



    I agree. When he was available in the 2nd and we didn't take him that really stunned me. We will regret it.

  2. Speed kills, and on paper this "new" Buffalo offense has a ton of it.







    If Gailey is the offensive wizard we're hoping for, this team could be fun to watch for the first time in ages.


    That is all.


    [we now return to your regularly scheduled bitchfest]

    Absolutely love the name. If we were to ever put any offense together that is an awesome name for us!

  3. :wallbash::wallbash::censored:


    Let me see ... here is a song that gets every Bills' "fan (notice the word fan)" up on our feet when the team scores and unifies the stadium ... a song when we hear it at weddings or other events reminds us of the glory years of the team ... a song that never is associated with the negatives of the past 10 years ... a song other teams' fans that I am friends with with they had something similar to use in celebration with their fellow fans.


    We don't need a parody ... this is a song of celebration! And, if I remember right .. we went to Four Super Bowls with that song ... and the playoffs ... not sure what world you are living in if you look back on the last 25 years as years of failure. The only team that has ever gone to four consecutive Super Bowls and the only team that ever will go to four consecutive Super Bowls celebrated every field goal, touchdown, and safety with SHOUT!


    Even in these losing seasons there has been something special about going to Bills' games that is wrapped up in tradition, fun, occasional celebration, and music (all the music pre-game) that is unique ... if you really don't like a fun atmosphere and would prefer to sit back and curse the team ... not join with fellow fans in having a good time ... then perhaps you should just sit at home and turn the sound down.


    In my office here in NJ I have a small Buffalo Bills' football that has three background "music' tracks. One is 'LET's GO BUFFALO' but the one people who visit my office and pick it up and play it enjoy hearing and listen to over and over again is THE BILLS MAKE ME WANT TO SHOUT. Not a single person has ever said 'that's stupid' or 'you've got to be kidding me the fans sing to that?' but they do say how cool it must be to be in a stadium where everyone is up on their feet singing and dancing to the song after a score. :thumbsup: Some tell me that they remember seeing a Bills game where it happened and wondered what the fans were dancing to.


    There are some things in life worth saving and savoring ... THE BILLS MAKE ME WANT TO SHOUT is one of them ...


    Those who want no music ... or who want to get rid of this tradition make me sick and I feel sorry for you that you somehow do not like to be part of the celebrations that have been a Bills' Nation Tradition for years and now has been passed down to a new generation of fans.

    Thats a big plus 1!! Couldn't have said it any better

  4. At the Ralph last year, I'm in Sec 112, Row 30, and I was standing up now and again cheering and trying to get people fired up (it's hard these days). Some lame fan a few rows back had security come ask me to sit down...It's a Buffalo Bills home game for cryin out loud! Luckily, I used to work secuirty at the games and happened to know the guard. I kept on doing what I was doing and everyone around me loved it, except for that lame fan a few rows back.

    Yeah, that pissses me off. I hate that if you want to sit down and be quiet stay home otherwise get your a$$ up and be loud.

  5. its time for bills fans to either get a new song parody or just drop the concept all together, that song makes me wanna "puke" (sung to the tune of shout). really its a terrible "oldie now", besides it has embodied 25 years of failure for the bills, while celebrating every field goal........worst song ever :w00t:

    NO, time to drop you from this board.

  6. Every single day, several times a day, I think about how badly I hate the Patriots*. I will be out for a walk, and see a fresh, steaming pile of dog****, and then it all comes back.


    I hate Teddy "Bruised Knees" Bruschi, Tom "Ladyboy" Brady, every one of those sniveling trashbags, with the exception of Sam Aiken.


    I dont like Kraft foods, I dont even like arts and crafts anymore.


    I really hate Bob Kraft. I hate Viacom and the Federal Reserve. A special Hell is reserved for people like him. I hope he is forever violated by worms of molten metal.

    Hate isn't a strong enough word. I can't stand seeing that hoodwearing scumbag of a coach walking the sidelines with his bit@# boy qb brady. Cheating bastards are the worst from the owner down to the punter I loathe them. (More than Miami)

  7. rape and playing loud music outside of a bills game are kinda of different

    Is a robbery of a $20.00 dollar bill or having drugs and guns different? Or hell, how about hitting a lady and then taking off to avoid being a man and taking responsibility. The music was just one example of what a punk he is. I loved this kid when we drafted him but enough is enough.

  8. I bet Marshawn was the only Bill that plays his music loud. Riiiiiiight. He might however have been the only one to get pulled over for it. Athletes, celebrities, politicians people in positions of power have been getting preferential treatment for YEARS. I'm so glad our law enforcement officers are making sure Lynch's music is not too loud while drunks and idiots are getting in fights and running people over with their vehicles a few yards away. Way to keep the peace and show that Marshawn he is not welcome.


    Way to focus on what's important! And you wonder why the guy wants out of the city. I can agree with you 100% about getting punks out of the league but lets get them ALL out. Not just the ones that coincidentally have dread locks and gold teeth and don't listen to the same music as you. Let's get all of the clean cut suburban punks who are just smarter about hiding all of the bad things they do and even hire cops to be the muscle for their illegal and morally depraved escapades.


    Cops don't like Lynch so every minor detail of anything bad he has done is not allowed to slide and is put in the news papers. Big Ben hires cops as muscle and is allowed to operate above the law for years because cops think he's cool. I don't mean to make this a rant about cops but when the law is exercised on the street it is an unfair abuse of power. Your buddy or relative gets a speeding ticket. You go talk to your fellow officer and somehow the ticket disappears. Pull over a guy for speeding who has dreads, is wearing a hoody and playing hip hop and not only does he get a ticket but you search the back seat and the trunk. Pull over a guy that looks like your golfing buddy and they get a warning. Cops have been known to FIGURATIVELY be judge, juror and executioner on the street. You let someone go because you identify with them and they are just a young guy that got into a little bind. You don't identify with them and they are a "thug". How about treat them all equally and let the actual court system and a judge make the determination of innocence or guilt.


    Ya. The loud music would have annoyed me too but pulling the guy over for it and it's somehow national news now???? COME ON!!! Seriously?

    I really could give a **** less what color he is or what color his teeth are. I don't care if he's a white boy with a crew cut or has dreads. The crap that he pulls is disrespectful to people and embarassing to the City and fans of Buffalo.

  9. Let's beat this like a dead horse.....


    Ben should be in jail not given time in front of a mike at home on a tranquil farm with mommy and daddy holding his hand, without no one asking really hard questions and telling people how sorry he is, how much he will prove he is a good person at heart, etc, etc, etc...


    He is rapist and a predator and should be out of the NFL.


    But come some Sunday night in the near future, Al Michaels will get down on his knees in front of Big Ben, and ask Ben's forgiveness because someone allowed the girl in the bathroom to falsely accuse him. He will go on to to vocalize what a courageous man Ben is for persevering in the worst of circumstances and how Ben's reputation suffered and he is working so hard to repair it.


    The football player that was with him, Colon, what is his thought..."We can't put ourselves in situations and we have to watch out for people that will harm us" Hey you big, fat, overpaid jock....How about helping a poor girl getting raped by your 6-5 250 lb drinking buddy?


    They all make me sick. This pervert needs to be in jail for 10 to 20 and Colon needs his @ss-kicked.

    I couldn't agree more. Get these punks out of the league. I work in Law Enforcement (not in the Buffalo area) and these guys think they are above the law. Poor Marshawn cries about getting stopped leaving the Ralph because his music is too loud. Well turn it down punk and have a little respect for someone besides yourself.

  10. From our friend, Tim Graham at ESPN.




    "I think Trent was victimized by a lack of support and talent that was overestimated," Dilfer said. "The offensive line was pathetic. The offensive system was as poorly coached as any system in the NFL.


    "He's the exact opposite of what Mark Sanchez has had in terms of a structure in place."

    I think Dilfer said it perfectly. How the hell could anyone have success with this supporting cast? Trent can win with some help and some time to throw. You would check down to if the pocket caved like it does for him. Not sticking up for him and I have been critical of him as well but that's what I see.

  11. Probably one of the best documentarys i have ever seen. I have a new found respect for Williams, he was able to man up admit he had problems, didnt like who he was, and fixed it.


    He did 2 of the hardest things for people to do. 1) Admit you ahve problems, and 2) Admit that you have to change who you are.


    He knows there is more to life than football, and I respect him for that. I remember many calling him a thug and an idiot, including myself. I and all of us were wrong.


    My favorite part was when asked if he blames his ways on his childhood, he flat out says no, if you do that, and palce the blame on others you have lost all control to change it yourself.


    Again i say kudos to Williams for manning up, and good for him for getting his life back together and getting back with his wife, and being there for his family, unlike other football stars {cough} Travis Henry {cough}

    I agree. Excellent documentary. Very interesting

  12. I feel that the Bills front office really made a poor decision not taking Clausen at pick 41. I understand not taking him at pick nine. Too risky and too many good players on the board like Spiller. However, I believe at pick 41 he was a "STEAL." The risk is greatly reduced and he would have filled a HUGE need. Assess our QB situation for this year. It is perhaps the worst in the NFL. All we can say is that we are waiting for next years draft because that QB class is better. In my humble opinion, that doesn't "cut it." Wait til next year.....I am tired of waiting and besides those guys are going to 'BIGGER RISK" if we select a QB with our first pick. (likely a top 5 -10 pick)


    Also, I think from a fan prospestive this year would be a lot more exciting with Clausen on the roster. Remember the TO signing...It was fun to have TO in the Buffalo limelight and have some media attention. Right now, all of us would be glued to the Clausen updates and hoping he is the one. Today, I read that Fitz took the snaps today and Edwards yesterday. BOY IS THAT EXCITING...Perhaps Clausen could have stepped right in and started for us. What do we have to loose? Heck, I believe this season is a bust anyway. Its a season of learnng, growing, and building for the future. Which hopefully leads to winning soon. This season isn't about winning despite what you hear from the front office. Objectively, look at the rosters and you have to conclude we don't have the players. PLAYERS win games not coaches...Coaches can aid in the winning process no doubt but they still need the personnel. Our personnel is subpar.


    In concluding, Clausen was a "low risk" at pick 41, an instant upgrade to our QB roster, and could have given many of fans a reason for some excitment this year. It was a win win for all of us. Instead we reached for a guy named TROUP who noone has ever heard of prior to the draft. What a collosal blunder...


    Tell me what you guys think?

    I completely agree with you. When he was still available and we didn't take him with our second I just put my head down and thought it's the Bills were talking about. I see some of the other posters points but I think he was a steal there and we could have made a big mistake.

  13. Based on the draft selections and Gailey's run-first philosophy, I would say we are being built more in the image of the Baltimore Ravens than any other team. That being the case, I'm not sure I agree with you that it's all about the QB.

    Yeah now that you mention that we look to be building in the mold of the Ravens Super Bowl team. ???? With our climate this might not be a bad idea.

  14. I think Trent Edwards may be to the point where he has nothing to lose. Everyone has been down on him and he's finally speaking up. I think he grew a set over the offseason and has a point to prove. Nothing pissed me off more than last year when asked if he would have booed and he said I don't know I'm not a Buffalo Bills fan. Maybe he has changed and will step up and lead this circus that has been in Orchard Park for the last 10 years. Cross our fingers.

  15. Actually, there have been some votes, including the uniwatch web site, and the Bills were last, or next to last in every vote. When I wear my Bills jersey out on sundays to a sports bar, most fans of other teams don't even know what team I support- could you say that about the Packers, Niners, Steelers or even the *Pats, as ugly as they are. Not only are the Bills jerseys ugly, they have no identity. They look like a basterdized hybrid of Denver and Tennessee, with the worst features of each. They're as bad as the buffaslug jerseys. Both are designed by reebok; conincidence? I think not. Reebok loves the strange swoops, stripes and oddities that identify the modern uniform.


    Just make the bills throwbacks the new jersey, home and away. Beautiful, classic and unlike anyone elses, in a good way. If we need a throwback we can use the original 60-61 navy and silver. As for the Sabres, go back to the original- I can live with the darker shade of blue, but please, no gray, no odd pinstripes- why does every new jersey have to look like it was designed to appeal to 12 year olds?

    You hit the nail on the head. These damn jerseys we have are unideftifiable. They need the logo or something else on it besides ****ty dark blue, shoulder colors, and side piping.

  16. I hear you, but the current Bills uniforms are horrid. The home jersey is ok, however the road jersey is gimmicky and the designers obviously had no clue because the stripes down the sides of the jerseys don't even match up with the stripes on the pants.


    I'm amazed the Bills haven't seized on the opportunity to re-do these clown suits and give the fans what they want.


    The Sabres made a mistake with the slug, but thankfully they realized this relatively quickly and it is now a thing of the past.

    Yeah they have got to do something with the current Bills unis. Maybe put the charging Buffalo on the shoulder instead of having the players number in 10 different spots. We need an updated uni. Lets have Nevergiveup reach out to whoever he needs to to get this taken care of.

  17. I don't understand why Thurman would criticize Marshawn.  He himself had major issues with alcohol and marijuana, and now he's going after someone with the same issues??  What's the deal?Just because Thurman's Bills team had success, it doesn't forgive his bad decisions in life.  These former players need to either support this team and its success or just stop talking all together.
    But these formers Bills cared about Buffalo and winning. There are not to many current Bills you can say that about. Guys like Thurman and Kelly live and breathe Buffalo Bills like us. They can say whatever they want
  18. For injuries to heathen defensive backs and heretic running backs across the NFL.

    And may the Almighty smote the germ carrying Ravens and fallen Saints in particularith.

    For they haveth the left tackles your forsaken ones seek.

    For lord knows, no fans has ever been forsaken like Bills' fans;

    unless theyeth be the fans of Brown's, who sufferith equally.

    But I digresseth…

    For Lord knows, our beloved Buffalo Bills’ secondary is indeed mighty and deep.

    And our holy running backs three, knowith there is but one ball to take to the holy land.

    Let us pray,

    Lord, break the unbeliever Willis McGahee's good leg

    Praise be to God

    Holy One, cast a pox upon Jabari Greerith

    May the Lord be vengeful

    God, make Ozzie Newsome desireth Whitner of Donte

    and make Mickey Loomis not be able to live without Lynch of Marshawn

    And what the heckith, maketh Holy Joe Flacco available to us for a fifth round pickith, for it is writtenith, if you pray, pray bigith.

    We ask this, because we never have wonith yon super bowl,

    Ever Oh Lord

    May the Lord be with us,

    And our Buffalo Bills





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