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Everything posted by section122

  1. I had fun and got some good feedback (and have a couple of minutes to kill at the end of the work day) The Bills have scored 34 total TDs this year. That is 1 behind NE and good for 8th in the league. The Bills are 25th in T.O.P. better than Seattle, Mia, and NYG. The Bills are tied for 6th in penalties with Denver. That is less than Oak, Balt, and Tenn. The Bills are 15th in Yards per play better than the NYG, KC, Den, Balt, and Minn. Tyrod has a better ypa than Joe Flacco, Alex Smith, and Carson Wentz
  2. We are in lock step lol. I was just posting the same thing when I saw a new reply had been added so I checked it out and you had done the work for me lol Actually I just had to take a look. Next year he will be the 20th highest paid QB. Right now he is the 24th highest paid.
  3. Thanks guys! This took longer than I thought it would but it was a fun exercise.
  4. I see your point I guess I'm just not willing to admit that Tyrod is at his ceiling yet. I'm also not ready to start a season with Hoyer as I think he is worse than Tyrod (I really do see your money point tho). Yes Hoyer has been to the playoffs but Brock Osweiler is looking to pull off the same feat with the same team. I don't think anyone here wants him for any price.
  5. You realize for all the winning NE has done over the last 15+ years they have won 1 SB over the last 12 years? They have an all time great at QB and HC. It speaks exactly to the point of winning with the run. NE won their first 3 Super Bowls with defense and last second fgs.
  6. For me Hoyer represents everything that MajBobby and others are arguing against doing with Tyrod. We absolutely know what Hoyer is. An average QB in this league. He is 31 as opposed to 27 for Tyrod. He (imo) isn't going to improve or get better. He is what he is at this point and that isn't adding in the fact that he would be new to the system, isn't nearly as mobile, is less accurate over his career, he isn't someone I would look at as an improvement over Tyrod. Put it another way. If Brian Hoyer is our day 1 starter next year who thinks we have a shot at the playoffs?
  7. This what I keep thinking over and over and over That was a washed up version of Bledsoe on the tail end of his career. Just my opinion but I think the Pats* weren't worried about Bledsoe making a difference. If they trade Jimmy G to us I would have to imagine they would have the same opinion. If they thought he was any good I could see them sending Brady out before trading Jimmy in the division.
  8. Regularly I see posts that make me stop and think "do these people watch other games?" The Bills are 6-5 and have a tough road to the playoffs but there still is a road and unlike most other years the Bills actually have a legitimate shot. So here is some perspective from a guy who watched way too many other teams play. (I'm going to only use teams with better records than the Bills) The Bills have scored less than 10 points once this year. The Seahawks have done that 3 times. The Bills beat the Jags by 7. The Ravens beat them by 2, The Chiefs beat them by 5, The Texans beat them by 3, and the Lions beat them by 7. The Bills beat the Bengals by 4. The Giants beat them by 1, The Redskins tied them, and the Cowboys beat them by 4. The Dolphins lost by 15. The Bills have a per game point differential of 4.1 ppg. Better than Pitt, KC, Oak, Seattle and more. It is good for 5th in the league. Buffalo is 18th in ypg on offense. Better than Den, NYG, Bal, Mia, Det, KC, Hou, and Min. Buffalo only has 11 passing tds on the year. Tied with Baltimore. Buffalo has more rushing yards, a higher ypa, and more rushing tds than any other team in the league. All of this while being 3rd in attempts behind Tenn and Dal. At 6-5 the Bills would be tied for the lead in the AFC North and South, and be 1 game out in the NFC North, South, and West. (5 out of 8 divisions for those scoring at home). Please understand I don't post these stats to tell anyone that Bills are the best team in the league. Simply I am posting these to show that other teams have warts too. Remember that I only used teams that currently are tied or have a better record than the Bills. There has been a lot of hand wringing about how the Bills are winning. We are watching one of if not the best Bills teams in 16 years. Enjoy it!
  9. I absolutely agree that is fantastic at extending plays and the he bails from a clean pocket from time to time. Taylor is somewhere in the 15-20 range when ranking the qbs. What is frustrating is the constant posting that he is terrible and the worst qb in the league. His contract next year will make him the 20th highest paid qb in the league. There is a lot of good with Tyrod and there is bad as well. I think if people took off the blinders they would see they are getting exactly the production they are paying for from the qb position. He isn't overpaid and he isn't hamstringing the offense. The Bills are 8th in points and missed Sammy almost the entire year. Clearly he is doing some things well. He can absolutely improve and I am hopeful he does. about 5.5 seconds to throw by my count too!
  10. I've done it myself but people should compare the start of Wilson's career with the start of tyrods. They are very similar. I think most if not all would be very happy to have Wilson starting for the Bills.
  11. You have oddly been very negative today... hope all is well!
  12. Yes next year he will be the 20th highest paid qb. I'm on mobile so I can't link but Google sporttrac and qb salary. I often wonder how much other football people watch. Some of the problems people bemoan happen to all teams.
  13. Holy sh*t. The defense is 12th in points and where doespecially the offense rank in ppg (hint it's higher than 12th). You mean the contract that will make him the 20th highest paid qb?
  14. It could. It could also have to do with a defense that under performed last year. It could also have to do with injuries both this year and last year to top flight talent on the team (Shady, Dareus, A Williams, Sammy this year, A Williams, K Williams, Shady, last year) It could also have to do with a struggling RT this year and RT/RG last year. It could also have to do with the OC who was jettisoned after 2 games this year. It could be a lot of things...
  15. You and I both know that isn't how this conversation has been phrased. This game will tell us all a lot about the entirety of the Bills not just the QB. The Raiders have been aggressive and lucky but compiled a record of 9-2. This is a very good team and I can't wait to see how the Bills stack up against them. On a side note for as bad as everyone thinks Tyrod has been, Oakland is only scoring 2.4 ppg more than the Bills. Oakland's defense is giving up 3.5 more ppg than the Bills. Maybe Oakland can be knocked off! This should be an interesting game and has huge playoff implications for the Bills, too many people have already thrown in the towel.
  16. With 2(!) top 10 drafted WRs. Carr is playing well but that receiving corps is scary. Crabtree has finally become what he was supposed to be and Amari Cooper is playing like the top 5 pick that he is. If Darby can't go it could spell bad things for the Bills.
  17. In the middle of the season there are no options to improve this position. So all of this pissing and moaning is just that. Right now Tyrod is the QB. Most likely next year too. However instead of having a discussion about a hard fought win we are talking about a "problem" that can't be fixed. Right now on the top of the board 1 of the top 13 posts are about the Raiders game (how much Khalil Mack will own the Bills) and 3 are about Tyrod. What are the Bills to do to improve the position today. Some people want EJ to start ( from an EJ guy too), some want Cardale to start ( directed to the people who think the 4th round project will play better - and again I am excited about his potential). There is no "settling" he is the best option at QB for the Bills right now and for the rest of the season. The Bills are staring a HUGE game down and all anyone wants to talk about it Tyrod???
  18. Adding in rushing TDs he is 4:1 tds to ints. That is something special. I knew the stat posted by jtsp was wrong but it still piqued my interest to do some digging. Tyrod is 23rd in the league in passing tds. Tied with "elite" Joe Flacco. Tyrod is 38th in passing attempts per game. 33rd if you limit it to 200+ passes. Tyrod is 15th in the league in rushing tds. More than Todd Gurley and Leveon Bell. Tyrod is 32nd in Rushing yards per game if you limit it to 70+ rushes or 37th if you don't.
  19. I think you are spot on with this. The o-line isn't as good as they look at pass pro without Tyrod. His ability to slip out of sacks is incredible. If we get a pocket qb it changes things dramatically as the opposing d game plan shifts. He isn't without flaws but outside of the top 5 qbs they all have warts. Tyrod has a record as the starter of 14-11. The team is top 10 in points since he has taken over the starting qb duties. He isn't perfect and he leaves some plays on the field. He isn't the worst starter in the league and he isn't the best. The Bills are paying him as the 20th highest qb in the league next year when his extension kicks in. To all of the people that think he sucks do you think he is the 20th best qb in the league? Buffalo is 19th in the league in ypg, 8th in ppg, 4th in ints by the qb, and 1st in TOs. The offense is playing alright. It is ugly at times and a lot of it can be traced to Tyrod but can we stop proclaiming him to be the worst qb in the league? This team still scores points even if it isn't pretty. He is fun to watch, he is maddening to watch. On the offense alone RT and WR are a bigger problem than TT. Fix those, let TT continue to grow, and bring in another young guy to groom next year. Lastly, enjoy the wins. The Bills just won 2 straight and very few are happy with that. I don't care how they won. You root for the freaking Buffalo Bills. They are 6-5 going into December. Have some fun and save the hand wringing for the off season.
  20. He will as long as nobody bites. Ladies and gents please don't feed the troll!
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