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Everything posted by section122

  1. All of this. Bills fans need to step back from the ledge. Right now many people are advocating the Bills fire a coach that could have a winning record after 2 years. For the Bills. I know hyperbole gets thrown around like he is terrible and the worst coach but it simply isn't true. All I read about was regression from 9-7 under Marrone, now in the second year of doing things his way he potentially will get them back there and fans want to blow it up?!?!?! So a new coach can come in and we have to start out with a new system and scheme and the team gets set back again. Rex isn't responsible for 17 years of no playoffs! He is responsible for 1 and most likely 2. If they finish 7-9 fine fire him. People are letting other factors influence their thought process. The 17 year drought has many antsy and others just don't like Rex from his time in NY or his personality (blowhard). ScottLaw I'm calling you out personally too. Your prediction for the Bills record was 6-10 before the year. So even though the team exceeded your own expectations, amid all the injuries and suspensions, the coach should be terminated? Most record predictions before the year were 8-8 to 10-6. The Bills are finishing right where we all expected them to and the coach should be fired?!?!?!?
  2. I had to take a self imposed break after Georgetown lol. Lucked into court side seats last night and what a great game to sit up close for! Johnny, Taurean is as good as gone. He has the prototypical size and athleticism as you said but last night he stepped out and hit at least one 3 and how about that pass to Lydon! I don't get how SU has been bad at free throws for what seems like forever. I don't mind big guys missing them as it is kind of expected but to see players like White miss boggles the mind. I'm holding out hope for this team as they gel and some of the young guys mature that they will be able to compete in the ACC. I think the team we watch in Feb will be much better than this current version. Frank Howard and Roberson are definitely the guys in the dog house and tbh deservedly so. They both make some terrible plays at times. The problem with Howard is Gillon can't be counted on to not also do something dumb with the ball and Battle looks better as an off guard than a pg imo.
  3. There is so much disinformation in this thread but I'm going to pick on you: I have dispelled the garbage time points myth already. Every team scores points at the end of games. The Bills are 7-7 the 9th ranked team in points scored. Of the teams above them New Orleans and Sand Diego have worse records and the Colts have the same record. So do you discount their points scored to or only the Bills because it is the Bills? "garbage time points" is a terrible thing to use to discount ppg unless you go through and set some barometer (that would be arbitrarily yours) and apply it to all teams in the league. Now for no-majBobby errors: Elway tried to resign Osweiller to the tune of $16 million a year. He didn't "recognize that Brock was no good" as some of you are stating. He lost a bidding war. He set a limit on how much Brock was worth to the team and didn't go higher. Kind of like what Whaley did with Byrd. The Bills have a first round pick, 4th round pick, and FA signing on their roster as a QB. The Broncos have a 1st rounder, 7th rounder, and a FA signing. It appears the Bills have more resources dedicated to finding a QB. Add in that Whaley has signed or traded for a bunch of QBs since taking over and the idea that he is sitting back is false. Many here that are spewing that "fact" are saying throw some stuff at the wall and see what sticks. Whaley has done exactly that. Elway didn't draft 2 qbs this last year. Simien is from the previous years class.
  4. This what Ralph knew would never happen. Here's the rub. The disgruntled portion IS the paying side as well. The people that complain the loudest are those that care the most. You really think they won't still go to games? Fans were so afraid that the Bills would move that they didn't bail when a game a year was sold to Toronto. I gave up my seasons after the first year of that. However I'm a glutton for punishment so I still have more shirts, hoodies, memorabilia, etc... than I care to admit and watch every game from start to finish. I've said it before but the Falcons game in Toronto was where I gave up my emotional investment in the team. However to Ralph/Pegula's etc... they still get my money so they don't care. That is my fault. Colin Cowherd of all people made the point that fans of bad teams ARE at fault for the teams being bad (when they are notoriously bad: Bills, Browns, Leafs, etc...) because not only do they tolerate the losing they voluntarily raise their own taxes to pay for it! So my choice as a fan is to stop watching or treat it as a welcome distraction for 3 hours results be damned. I have chosen the latter. Before the Raiders game I figured the Bills would lose and again this week with Pitt. Why? I can't remember the last time the Bills won a game that mattered. In years past this would have made me very upset. Now life goes on. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. January - enjoy the playoffs February - read about FAs, draft March - Free Agency April - Schedule/Draft May/June/July - discuss how the Bills filled there weaknesses and how this will be the year Brady and the Pats* fall off August - Astro Notes (seriously one of my favorite parts of football) September - middling Bills team October - middling Bills team November- they aren't technically out of it yet December - Another year... I think what has made the last 2 years as frustrating as they are is that the Bills are *this* close. 8-8/9-7 is good enough to not be the laughingstock of the league but not good enough to actually compete with the upper echelon teams. So not good enough to make a run at the Super Bowl and not bad enough to get excited about the draft. I'm at a loss for what even is wrong with the team. They score points and the defense doesn't show up. The defense plays stoutly and the offense can't move the ball. It sucks that this is what my Bills fandom has come to.
  5. This is one of those threads that got me to start mine the other day wondering how much other football people watched. Cutler is not a qb I would want on the Bills.
  6. I think this is a flawed stat as I agree it is hard if not impossible to quantify injuries. That being said doesn't this chart kind of prove the point that injuries have hit the Bills especially hard? If I am reading this right: 1. they are the 5th most injured team in the league this year. 2 only 2 of the other top 14 teams most injured teams have a better record than the Bills. 3. 7 of 8 division leaders have less games lost to injuries than the Bills
  7. Mehta is the most unreliable reporter. We think Rodak is bad but this guy is the worst!
  8. I read a stat today. Amazingly the Bills are 403-0 when outscoring their opponents! They should try to do that every game!
  9. This is the kind of thread that you and others have been unsurprisingly absent from...
  10. I think the Miami game was a shared effort. The defense had a lot of very poor tackling and couldn't get stops even when everyone knew they were running. The offense couldn't generate anything in the 4th quarter to help the D out. Other than that I can't really argue any of that.
  11. Jets game - Defense on the field first and 8+ minute drive to start the game Jags game - 6+ minute drive at the start of the game. I won't argue that the 3 and outs need to improve but the D gasses themselves sometimes. Also the D has been fantastic in the 2nd half the last 3 games and most of the year.
  12. Nope. No excuses from me I have TT pegged as the 15th-20th best QB in the league and I think that is what his play shows. I would put Tannehil in the same range. I just wanted to add some perspective to Scott's numbers. Pulling Tannehill's numbers for 1 game to try and prove a point seems ridiculous to me. Especially since he credited him with more than he threw.
  13. Small correction. 3 of the bottom 16 made it. The list cuts off at 22 but there are at least 32 teams in the league. Add in that 1 of the bottom 10 made it and again I fully admit that it isn't end all be all but it does say something.
  14. Yeah it was strange. It didn't seem to help with the injuries as I think he envisioned it. One thing I came across while looking up stats was that Rex is 1-8 in Week 1 during his tenure as an NFL HC. I have no idea why that is but at this point it has become a trend.
  15. 13 of the top 15 doesn't say something to you? It certainly isn't the end all be all but I think it says something.
  16. You know I'm a sucker for numbers huh? I know I shouldn't do your homework for you but... Here is a list of total QB tds for 2016. Tyrod has 16 total TDs. More than; Carson Palmer, Andy Dalton, Russel Wilson, Joe Flacco, Alex Smith, Sam Bradford Tyrod has 11 passing TDs. That is as many as Joe Flacco, Russel Wilson, and Carson Wentz. That is a lot of guys that you keep saying are so much better than Tyrod. Tyrod has 5 rushing TDs. That is good for 16th in the league INCLUDING rbs. At some point with all of these facts thrown at you about how well the Bills offense is playing, where TT's numbers stack up, etc... you are going to have to give him and the Bills some credit.
  17. 1. He threw for 285. 2. That was his 75th start. He has started for 4 1/2 full seasons. 3. It was the 49ers.
  18. Yes! The bolded is exactly what I wanted to show in this post. The flaws that some people point out drive me crazy and led to this post. I certainly agree with this but how often do you see people complain that Tyrod has not thrown for 300 in a game? All of this! To the bolded, I think that people's emotional investment in the team leads to harsher criticism. When I watch other games I'll see a play and think on tbd a player would get killed for doing that, then I see it in another game, and another
  19. A quote that piqued my interest because the old adage is that turnover differential is the key to winning. Here is what I found... NFL Team Turnover Margin per game - You have to go all the way to the #10 team (Philly) to find a team with a losing record. 15 of the top 16 teams have a winning record. NFL Plus Minus - Tied for 9th (with 5 other teams) is Philly again. They are the only team in the top 15 to have a losing record. Teams with the least turnovers (used same link as plus minus) - The top 11 all have a winning record. It appears that avoiding turnovers is VERY important and should be as much of a priority as the Bills are making it.
  20. Through 2018 would be 28 and 29 which is peak physical condition. You can't use rb projections for slowing down when he doesn't take the amount of hits and redshirted for 4 years. Add in that most qbs get better as theyes get older and the game slows down for them. I just don't see how this is his ceiling.
  21. Haha I don't blame you but I'll bemoan that fact if (maybe when in your eyes ) they get knocked out.
  22. They are currently 9th in the standings. With games against 3 of the teams in front of them. The Bills actually control their own destiny if they win all 3 of those games and certainly make the playoffs at 11-5. Possibly even at 10-6. These stats aren't moral victories. Instead they point to the fact that the Bills actually have a chance. These aren't the same old Bills.
  23. I just looked it up. It moved to 3-4 with Aaron Rodgers winning last night. Some interesting numbers came from this "study" though Qbs throwing for more than 300 this season are a combined 44-43-2. Out of 12 weeks 5 of 12 saw more 300+ yard passers lose than win. Here is where it got really interesting though: Teams that had a RB go over 100 yards this season are 50-15-1. Out of 12 weeks 0 saw more 100 yard rushers lose than win. For sure but this thread wasn't to prove anything other than every team in the league has holes and things that they struggle with. As I said earlier it is simply to show those that only watch the Bills that other teams have many of the same issues.
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