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Everything posted by section122

  1. I agree with a lot here. Wentz has a lower ypa than Tyrod Wentz has as many passing tds as Tyrod Wentz has zero rushing tds to Tyrod's 6 Wentz has a worse Qb Rating (not QBR) Wentz has a worse QBR Wentz has 8 more ints than Tyrod Wentz has a worse int % (in case you wanted to blame his more ints on more attempts) However posters say Wentz is a "franchise QB" and Tyrod is the worst QB in the league - I'm looking at you Ryan L Billz I also agree on Bradford. How do so many teams keep giving up a 1st rounder for him?
  2. boo freakin hoo 1 time in 10 years the Bills got to 9-7 and that guaranteed that they were going to be great in 2015? How many times do you see teams go 9-7 or better and then return to earth the following season with the same QB and HC. Just this year I can think of Carolina, Arizona, NYJ, and Bengals that had it happen to them. The Bills regressed 1 game. All of those other teams have had much worse regression. The Bills had a new HC, new QB, New offensive and defensive system and had a 1 game regression. They weren't that much worse in 2015 than they were in 2014 record wise and ultimately that is all that matters. Was the defense worse? Yes absolutely. Was the offense better? Yes. This year Rex could potentially get the team back to 8-8/9-7 again.
  3. Me neither but he is about the only player I saw that could possibly be used.
  4. I think he goes to Houston for their 1st rounder. I agree with others that he won't be traded in the division or if he is it's because BB doesn't think highly of him. He is much better than any other backup they have had imo. This will be an interesting scenario to follow. Maybe they keep him for one more year and part with Brady at the end of next year.
  5. Completely unsubstantiated rumor but I have heard for a few years that Boeheim is not involved much in the day to day coaching. To pile on I think the crusty curmudgeon way of coaching is not as effective anymore. There are guys (Howard comes to mind) that make a mistake and immediately head to the bench or avoid eye contact with Boeheim. There is a difference between coaching and yelling at your guys. I get him having high expectations and tough love etc. etc. etc. but I don't see him connecting with these guys. You have to have the soft side when you are a hard ass or eventually you get tuned out. I don't want to put this all on him though. Leadership is sorely lacking on this team. Lydon is the closest thing I think but he seems more a lead by example guy. Roberson, Howard, Gillon, White, and Coleman are all guys who could fill that role and none of them do.
  6. I just want to say I'm happy you post here. We are in lockstep on Rex and Tyrod so you save me a lot of typing!
  7. Damn I'm too late to the party but not too late to pile on. Fuller flashed big in his first 2 games. Then he has a TOTAL of 361 yards. Think about that since week 2 your difference maker has gotten 361 total yards. That is who you guys want to stick your neck out on? I'm honestly surprised nobody used Darron Lee. However if you look at the end of the first round there is (imo) nobody else who would be taken over Shaq if you are being honest with yourself. Once you get into the second you are starting to talk about guys who would have been major reaches at 19. Commonsense- I accidentally deleted your post but Keanu Neal went off the board at 17 so he wasn't an option.
  8. Want to add on to what Polish Dave has already stated.... Tyrod is 21st by the old QB rating system ahead of Flacco, Cam, and Wentz Combining the 2 would put him at 16/17th in the league For all the moaning about his contract next year Buffalo will have the 20th most money tied up in the qb position in the league and TT cap hit will be the 20th highest in the league. About in line with his performance. For some other information: Tyrod is 25th in ypa (the most damning stat against him imo) ahead of Flacco and Wentz Tyrod is 24th in completion % ahead of Cam and Jameis Winston Wait a "cot member" ( ) can post negative things too?! Before I posted those things I bet most of you bemoaning TT's year would take all 4 of those guys over TT. Tyrod is, from the numbers, outperforming Flacco, Cam, and Wentz this year.
  9. Patriots have 6 Cowboys have 7 Steelers have 4 Ravens have 2
  10. Remember the Browns search a couple of years ago where the settled for Pettine? By your reasoning that job should have been snapped up. There is more to it than just saying it is 1 of 32 jobs imo. Some jobs are "good jobs" like Denver with Peyton and some situations aren't like Cleveland a couple of years ago. I could be wrong and am not speaking that I think it is absolutely true but half of the fan base is so rabid for success that every single move is under the microscope. I know we love our Bills but it isn't a glamour job. How often does the team get a sit down with the top candidates. Hell it happened with the Bills where nobody wanted the job (although I think that had plenty to do with Ralph). Thanks Hokie as I was going to have to look it up. Those Charger teams were top of the conference and it was a poor move to relieve Schottenheimer of the job. It certainly did not work out for them so I don't think it can be used as an example of why this should happen it just shows that it does happen. It was the wrong move to fire Schottenheimer and the Chargers still haven't found that same success. It did work for the Broncos a couple of years ago and I have already posted about that.
  11. I certainly see your point but Elway hired one of "his guys" and the team was obviously on the cusp of something. They had Peyton as Qb and a great defense. Surely you can see how that would be a more attractive opening that Buffalo where the team hasn't made any sort of noise for 15+ years. Love your avatar btw!
  12. Who would come to a team where 17-15 after 2 years gets you fired. The expectations would be crushing from the second they take the job.
  13. by the way I have tickets for tomorrow nights game I could let go cheap if anyone is interested. Send me a pm. Section 310.
  14. Yeah this is where I fall even if I have spent most of the day defending Rex. If they go 7-9 see ya. 8-8 losing to the Jets - I'd be okay with him leaving 8-8 with a close loss to the Fins - I'd be fine either way 9-7 has to stay imo.
  15. To the bolded how do you feel about that 9-7? I ask because that is what everyone seems to hang their hat on for why Rex ruined this team. That 9-7 was hollow to me as the coach and qb left and it was the best record in 10 years! Agreed. Am I impressed with Rex no not really. Is it fair to not give him 3 years because of the 15 years before he got here? Absolutely not.
  16. Oops forgot about Preston. Corey was playing CB for that team not S.
  17. This team went 9-7, 6-10, 6-10, 6-10, 4-12, 6-10, 7-9, 7-9, 7-9, 5-11 in the 10 years before Rex got here. Cut it out with this team regressed under him.
  18. For all of the injuries and suspensions and overnight aging people need to move on from 2014. This defense has exactly 4 players from that team currently starting on defense. Of those 4 (Hughes, Dareus, K Williams, and Gillmore) Dareus and K Williams missed significant time over the last 2 years. 2014 happened but this isn't the same players as then. I get that Rex is a defensive coach but he has taken more of the CEO role this year. I wouldn't be mad or upset to move on from Thurman even though it is Rex's defense. As we have seen with Lynn sometimes a change at Coordinator can spark a positive outcome. Again he can't get knocked for the defense and not get credit for the offense. I don't care what his "forte" is. I know having the defense get torched by the 6th and 7 ranked offense proves the Bills suck. They are 7-7 they don't suck they are average. Dareus was indeed in mid-season form for both of those games but K Williams missed the Pitt game. I won't argue the defense is great but they aren't as terrible as it seems people think they are.
  19. Every team plays these average and crappy teams!!! Do the Ravens or Steelers get knocked for getting to play the Bengals and Browns twice? I will agree that the Bills have played 3 terrible teams (49ers, Browns, Jags) but looking at records they have only lost to 1 team with a losing record so they are losing to the teams that they should and beating the teams they should. Again all in line with expectations or maybe you had the Bills beating the Pats, Steelers, Ravens, Seahawks, or Raiders. Personally I had them beating the Ravens out of that group and that is it. So 1 game didn't go as I expected it, I can't get too upset about that. They lost to the Jets too which is the only other game this year they lost that I didn't pick. They also beat the Bengals and Cards which I didn't expect. So they are just about where I expected them to be. Playing to expectations, to me at least, isn't cause to blow the whole thing up.
  20. Let's try this again... By your own admission the Bills are doing better than you thought they would. Therefore doesn't that mean that Rex is doing a better job than you thought possible? You must be one miserable sob if doing better than you expect still isn't good enough... By the same token that every team deals with injuries, every team deals with suspensions. If Dareus doesn't get suspended for 4 games do the Bills still lose to Baltimore or the Jets? Brady almost definitely beats the Bills as his track record shows. Dareus helps the defense as his track record shows. Maybe the Jets don't hang 37 and the Bills win so we are in the same boat record wise. For every negative hypothetical you can come up with I can come up with a positive one. Hypotheticals are pointless as is guessing what would happen if this or that player played. Currently the Bills are on track to do better than you thought they could. You can admit to being wrong any time now
  21. So again the Bills exceeded your expectations and you're not happy? The defense improved slightly with 2 games to go and the offense is doing better in some categories (ppg, rushing ypg) and regressed in some (passing ypg, ypg). So in line with your expectations but Rex should have done better? Currently the Bills have the 10th hardest schedule based on this year so far. So you are wrong about the cake schedule. In fact only 3 teams with harder strength of schedule have a better record the the Bills. A pile of garbage isn't average though. It certainly hasn't been as good as we all hoped. However I don't think any of us expected the offense to score as many points as they have or the running game to be THAT good. If we are going to punish Rex for his failings can he get some credit for the things that are working? Who knows what would happen if they played Brady twice. We can play that game all day long. What if Kyle Williams doesn't miss the Pitt game? Does Bell go as crazy as he did? What if Dareus didn't get suspended? Do they win the Jets or Ravens game? What if he then doesn't tweak a hammy? What if Aaron Williams or the 5 other safeties don't get hurt and miss time? What if their 1st and 2nd round picks could have contributed all year instead of getting a half a season total from the 2?
  22. Sheesh I disagree with so much in this post... Kyle Williams - how was he regressed? Dareus - is the suspension and following injury Rex's fault? He had an off year last year I will absolutely agree with that but perhaps it had more to do with him getting his money? Mario Williams - see this year. Rex didn't cause the regression. Mario got old fast. Gillmore - has been lights out for the last bunch of games and played excellent last year. How did he regress? Darby - He has only ever played for Rex so how has regressed? If it is Rex's fault for this year wouldn't he credit for last year? Perhaps losing Donnie Henderson could be a cause here? Points allowed - 2011 through 2014 he coached some NYJ teams with terrible talent. Starting in 11 the defense got old quick and then the GM was switched. The new GM was horrible and fired after 2 years. Now with the Bills he has the Bills right in the middle of the pack which doesn't help your point that he doesn't know what he is doing. It looks like they are average not terrible.
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