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Everything posted by section122

  1. Not me. I'm very happy with this news if it is true. (all of the following of course is imo) Bills fans have no idea what watching a young QB develop is. Seriously. Even Kelly had a couple of USFL years before coming to Buffalo. Tyrod has had some ups and downs but they aren't inconsistent with what a developing QB looks like. He far outplayed Carson Wentz this year who some (ahem Ryan ahem) trumpet as a guy they would rather have. Even the most negative opinions have him around 22 for QB ranking. Tyrod's numbers are incredibly similar to Russel Wilson's first couple of years starting. I think we would all love to have him behind center. Russel just has a much better team around him. I'm hopeful that they build the receiving corp and a couple of safeties. An improved defense will obviously help. This is great news for me personally, I hope it is true and I hope Tyrod continues to grow!
  2. frailty. if you haven't seen it now is the time. he was amazing in that movie.
  3. This out of shape balding 35 year old would love to go toe to toe with you. However those days are long gone. Nobody wants to be the old dude at the bar.
  4. Odd and definitely not serious question. Could a QB have thicker soles put on their spikes to give them a bit of a height boost? I know it couldn't be crazy but an inch or 2.
  5. A video played in the background while I checked the stats and they were talking about the different strategy. Apparently KC dropped a safety deep to shadow Watkins effectively having him doubled the entire second half. As to an uncoverable Watkins, did you know that Maclin had a better day than him? Maclin went for 9 for 160. Shady averaged a robust 3.7 ypc as well while KC piled up a 5.9 ypc. Smith played against a much worse d that Tyrod did and played worse than him. KC had 2 long drives at the end of the 3rd and start of the 4th that sealed the game. Both relied on the running game and both ended on fgs. KC certainly won the game but it wasn't because Smith pantsed Tyrod or even played as good as him... Alex's teams win because they have fantastic defenses...
  6. I did indeed watch that game. You stated that Tyrod got pantsed by Smith and the numbers show that not to be true. Tyrod played a good overall game in a tough environment. He did indeed not play as well in the second half as the first but he didn't get pantsed by Smith as you supposed. In the Miami game he did just this. Defense gave up 34 points Against Seattle he did just this. The o-line gave up a terrible sack and they didn't convert on 4th and 15. Defense gave up 31 points In the first Jets game he did march them down for a score at the end of the game. They ran out of time to do so again. Defense gave up 37 points. That's 3 of the 8 losses, 3 more losses the d gave up 200+ yards rushing, so we are at 6 of 8. Leaves us with the 2nd Pats game and and the Raiders game. Neither were 1 score games and the defense gave up 38 and 41 points. The Bills gave up 25+ points in 8 games. That is 8 games where the Offense needs to score 3 tds and a fg just to be down only 1! I get that we haven't seen him lead 4th Quarter comebacks however the Bills just fired their coach for having such a poor defense. How many teams win games when their opponent scores 30+? In the middle of this year a stat came out that Ryan coached teams are 9-48 when the opposition scores 22+. In game situations involve so much more than just what is happening right then and there. They are an accumulation of all events to that point. So you can't discount "50tds in the first half" sometimes you have to ask why should they be required to score 51.
  7. The last time they played: Tyrod - 21-38 for 291, 3tds and 0 ints, 46 rushing yards against the 7th ranked defense by yards, 3rd ranked scoring defense Smith 19-30 for 255, 2tds and 0 ints, 35 rushing yards against the 19th ranked defense by yards, 15th ranked scoring defense So Tyrod put up better stats against a better defense. Not exactly the pantsing you described...
  8. Alright I have finally come back to earth after that. Some tidbits from the game: There was one ref (a white guy) who was painfully pro-Duke. He made a lot of questionable calls and non-calls. I can't believe how quickly both teams got to the bonus in the 2nd half Gillon and Battle - those guys were just animals out there. Gillon's confidence went through the roof when he hit the 3 after breaking someone's ankles back to back (I sit nosebleeds sorry lol) White was non-existent. I know some of it was game planning but he just disappeared out there. Grayson Allen was booed heavily every single time he touched the ball. It really seemed to effect him and he would move the ball incredibly quick sometimes. Kennard and Allen both should have fouled out. They must have charged someone else with the foul down low that should have been Kennard's 5th. Roberson's first venture into the game was Howard bad. Duke knew he didn't want to shoot and left him wide open. After sitting for a few minutes he came back with some energy. I love Taurean Thompson. That's all Gotta give the wine and cheese crowd some credit. They have been much louder this year. The last 2 games specifically. 16 seconds left in the louisville game was the loudest I've ever heard it but most of the second half rivaled it. It looked like some of the players expected a time out at the end. Luckily Gillon got up the court and got the shot to go. Awesome moment. The dome went from silent while the ball was in the air to exploding. Not as many Duke fans there as I expected. How far off am I from being there as opposed to watching on tv? I know some nuance gets missed...
  9. http://giant.gfycat.com/LiveSeveralIncatern.gif http://giant.gfycat.com/LiveSeveralIncatern.gif I laugh every time I watch this. She just stick to what she is good at and use Judo. I know Bones likes to beat people at what they are good at but she isn't that level of fighter. Maybe but it sure was entertaining to me.
  10. Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssssseeeeeeee
  11. Oh man I had the exact opposite reaction. I loved his interview. It was almost as good as Lesnar at UFC 100. He called Browne out for putting his hands on women and made a joke. On a side note how long does Tarverdyan get to keep coaching fighters in the UFC. His fighter's records have not been good. http://www.lowkickmma.com/UFC/who-is-edmond-tarverdyan-why-do-people-keep-paying-him/
  12. I would hate Smith. He and TT are similar QBs and after all these years in the league he won't be improving. Even if you think TT has reached his ceiling at 27 and after 2 years of starting the possibility exists that he could get better. Smith is who he is at this point.
  13. Again we are just going to have to agree to disagree that winning is a QB stat. Strange that after Flacco signed that huge deal and the defense got worse all of a sudden he didn't win as much. Flacco has a history of winning. 3 years ago this wouldn't have been a conversation. Now however Flacco has a knee injury and 2 straight years of poor performance. Add in that he is 32 to TT's 27 and the conversation becomes even muckier. Do you agree that Tyrod outplayed Flacco last year? Weirdly Eli had a worse year last year than in 2014 and 2015 but the team performed much better. After back to back 6-10 season where Eli went for 30 and 35 tds with 14 ints he went for 26 tds and 16 ints and the team went 11-5. The difference was in 2016 they had a defense. Eli is a strange QB. He's good and terrible in the same game and in the same series even. His career completion % is less than 60. He has finished with 2 games of 8-8 9 of 12 years. Just a hard guy to get a handle on. He is certainly someone I would take oveer Trevor Simeon though lol.
  14. I typed and submitted a response yesterday but was drunk so I deleted it lol. I think the problem is how the commercials are layed out with the new rule changes. Now that they review every td, increased scoring, and made the return a non play there is a huge gap between meaningful football. THe majority of that gap is commercials. So a td gets scored, reviewed, pat, commercial, touch back, commercial. Somewhere around 5 minutes (if not more) after every td before meaningful plays are run. It becomes very noticeable when teams score 7-8 times a game combined.
  15. Flacco has been bad for 2 years now. He is living off the (distant) memory of a SB win. Last year Tyrod had more tds, less ints, a better QB Rating, a better QBR, higher ypa, lower int%, higher td %, less sack yards taken. So please explain how Flacco is way better than TT. Oh yeah because you love wins and losses for a QB TT is 15-14 as a starter the last 2 years (.517 win%) and Flacco is 11-15 (.423 win%) over the same period.
  16. Smith and Bradford without even blinking an eye for me. Please stop with the QB wins a lot of games. Do you really place the success of KC at the feet of Alex Smith? Not the defense that led the league in turnovers and had the 7th ranked scoring defense? The coach who has a .602 career winning percentage (35th all time)? Special Teams that contributed 3 tds (most in the league).
  17. Arguments that can be made: Bradford is always a risk to get hurt. He has only played a full season 2 out of 6 years. The Vikings offense went in the tank after their 5-0 start. After his first 4 games the Vikes put up 10,10,16, and 20 points. The Vikings as a team scored 20 or less points in 7 of his 15 starts. They scored 10 or less in 3 games. Bradford contributed less tds that TT did as well. 20 to 23. Alex Smith. You know your argument is in trouble when you have to go to calling him a winner. He stats are very similar and mostly a little worse than TT on a much better team with a much better supporting defense. Palmer is clearly on the downside of his career. For just 1 year I would probably take Palmer but going forward the Cards have to be looking for a replacement. I would add Flacco into the mix as well for an argument to be made. He was flat out terrible this year.
  18. Wasn't Kromer exposed in Chicago as a leak? Excellent Analysis. I'd love to see the numbers with rushing totals added if you find the time. I think it would move him into the middle of the pack but not sure.
  19. It's okay when you're proven wrong to admit it buddy. Nobody will think less of you...
  20. It is quite possible. I don't think he has but we won't know until next season. The flashes I saw in Miami and Seattle make me want to see more. Consistency certainly needs improving but to me that comes from playing more.
  21. Okay how about this... No Rex was not hands on with the QB. Did TT receive as good or better QB coaching with A Lynn and David Lee than Smith did with Harbaugh and Reid? Smith and TT did run the same system for those 2 years each. Want to guess who had better numbers?
  22. You make me laugh.... Which is more of a QB stat? The one where the whole team has a say or the one where one guy has the ball in his hand every snap? Reid is okay but nothing special? Then what does that make Rex? How is Smith good when his team went 41-20 or whatever it was but the coach who has a ton more say in overall record be just okay?
  23. No I didn't that is 14 more points taken away from them. So that brings them down to 22.5 ppg. How about Rich Gannon? He sucked for 11. I know Rex isn't an offensive coach. I was asking who would have received the better coaching for the QB position. TT with Rex or Smith with Harbaugh and Reid.
  24. I think Smith is a worse version of Taylor. Sure he might be cheaper but if he hits the market I have to imagine he will command money close to what Tyrod is getting. Don't forget the Jets just paid Fitzpatrick 12 million last year. I think TT will keep growing. Smith is a great example of players growing as late as the 6th / 7th year in their career and he had the benefit of starting for those years. Hoyer, Smith, Fitz again, Glennon, none of those guys excite me. A rookie I will be hopeful for but I'd rather keep TT even if the plan is to draft a QB. I've put it elsewhere but the Bills team commitment to the position would still be under 20 million with a first round QB and TT.
  25. Absolutely a terrible call. However as the old saying goes, you can't put yourself in a position where one call can cost you the game.
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