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Everything posted by section122

  1. I was only calling to you to point out its Ryan and the ilk thayou attribute win loss solely to the qb. however you say he played like crap against everyone else. I'm on mobile so I can't pull up games easily bit here is 2 against Miami who was a playoff team and certainly the Seattle game. tomorrow if I have time I'll look for more.
  2. Paging Jeff is Magic... He's a little late but here you go with the w-l stat being a qb stat from a TT hater. I am happy he finally upgraded and corrected himself that Tyrod finished 25th in passing yards. I am happy he introduced pantsed to tsw as I always chuckle Wouldn't Fitz and Tanny pantsed the defense? Anyway here they are head to head: Fitz 395 yards and 1 td 0 ints Tyrod 322 yards 3tds 1 int So 70 less yards and 2 more tds I don't think that's a pantsing Tanny 225 yards 1 TD 0 ints Tyrod 256 yards 2 TDs 0 ints It would appear Tyrod played better than Tanny by your stat driven criteria Tanny didn't play Matt Moore 233 yards 2 Tds 1 int Tyrod 389 yards 3 Tds 0 ints So out of those 3 games maybe you could say Fitz played better maybe. If I recall he threw a ton of balls up and let Quincy freaking Enunwa tear up the D.
  3. I can't wrap my head around LS being difficult to play. It is so repetitive. I get the reps and practice to get the routine but I always thought it should be the backup centers responsibility. That way a roster spot doesn't need to be used. Good work if you can get it but I can't believe so many teams use them. I noticed Sanborn's struggles in 2015 and then again last season. I don't know what keyed me into him but I do wonder if it had a lot to do with Schmidt and Carp being subpar.
  4. I know this is a dumb stand to take but I think Sanborn was a big problem the last 2 years. It seems like he had a ton of inaccurate snaps.
  5. Bradford is an interesting study for me. I think he sucks and I think the Vikes gave up a first because of how desperate they were. However they are the second team to give up a first for him. I like Tyrod as we all know but the 33rd pick would certainly intrigue me. 12th is a no brainer. I watch a lot of football. Too much actually. The things I bolded I would like to ask you; how many qbs do this in your opinion? Can I get some names? You are falling into a hyperbole trap. Nobody is decisive on every snap. Nobody reads the defense correctly 100% of the time. I also am interested in knowing how many qbs you think do this.
  6. I have but I had no idea with the way you worded it lol. I usually see it as YAC or even Rac never yards per catch per attempt. Thanks for clarifying though!
  7. I don't understand what is going on in this thread. How is Tyrod both good enough to get the 33rd pick for but bad enough to move on from? Some people even think the 12th pick! If he is worth that much why wouldn't you keep him? If the answer is because you don't think he is a good qb why would someone give up a high second (or first) round pick for them?
  8. Yards per catch per attempt? You really pulled that stat out? I've never even heard of that yet you knock other stats. Let's see your list though ranking the QBs. Tyrod does have a winning record. As I put earlier they are 15-14 when he starts and 0-3 when he doesn't. However you have "the fan boys" confused with others. 7-9 is trumpeted by Ryan L every chance he gets.
  9. The bolded isn't true? For the record Tyrod is 15-14 with the Bills over the last 2 years and the Bills are 0-3 without him. If you add Tyrod's Rushing and Passing Yards he averaged 240.2 yards per game which would put him about 21st. Which is right where most of us "fan boys" have him pegged.
  10. Sure if you just look at averages. However let me show you the numbers differently. The Bills gave up 30+ in 5 games. The Bills gave up 3 200+ yard rushers. From Week 7 on the Defense gave up less than 27 points 3 times. The Jaguars, Bengals, and Browns. Every other team scored 27 plus. Only 4 teams in the NFL averaged 27 points for the season. add in bobonators stats and the defense wasn't as average as it appeared.
  11. Just want to again thank you for saving me so much time posting this off season. So many times I have posts to quote and reply to but see you've handled it already. I want to go back to Thurman and Gunner Bill for a minute. You guys have posted about who cost what and that Tyrod cost 20.5 because you are assuming that he will be cut after 2 years. That is using one standard for Tyrod and not for the rest of the qbs. Are you looking at others possible restructures, being cut, etc... with the nuance you look at the Tyrod deal? You also aren't considering new deals for guys such as Stafford, Brees, Cousins, Bradford, Carr, and maybe even Garropolo that will push his number down further from the top of top paid QBs. I get that neither of you think he is the long term answer and therefore not worth the money. I personally feel the jury is still out. However the money for Tyrod isn't as out of control as many are painting it to be imo. Chase Daniel is making 7 million to sit on the bench!
  12. I appreciate that there is a learning curve. somehow tyrod doesn't get a learning curve with many fans though. I don't get how tyrod has reached his ceiling after 2 years and outperformed Wentz but Wentz is better. better put... Wentz would have to improve just to be as good as Tyrod was this year. Wentz might be good but he isn't a lock to be. yeah we can work out the details. it would be total yards for me as well as other qb specific stats.
  13. if the Bills are smart enough to pick up the option we absolutely will discuss a wager based on their performances. wins won't be a part of it though as that is a team stat and not a qb stat.
  14. got a prius even though I was hesitant. I love it. get anywhere from 50-55 mpg and it has surprising get up and go. I'm married with a kid (car seat and all) and it has more than enough room. went to the casino with a buddy who was 6'5" and he fit in the passenger seat. if I was still single and looking I wouldnt own this car though lol.
  15. I hate weight cutting. not only is it dangerous it allows bigger fighters to go down classes. I would love to see semi weekly with ins with each fighter needing to stay in a range neat their fighting weight.
  16. Wentz flat out sucked the last half of the year. We have been over this repeatedly but here they are again. Wentz threw less TDs, more ints, lower ypa, lower QB rating, lower QBR, more sack yards, more fumbles, less rushing yards and tds, and played the 26th hardest schedule in the NFL as opposed to the 10th for the Bills. Wentz was good for the first 3 weeks against the Browns, Bears, and Steelers. He then went for 11 tds and 14 picks over the next 3 games.
  17. Not really surprised. Using FB will force people to own their opinions at least. For those wondering here is the official Bills press release though: Bills Message Boards Shutting Down.
  18. I think they would have to take Baker. S and WR are the 2 worst positions on the team imo.
  19. 17 passing TDs and 6 rushing TDs = 23 TDs for TT. 23 rushing TDs from the rbs.
  20. Adams/Hooker would certainly fill one of those roles. Hooker serves your first point and Adams the second and third. Wouldn't mind either at 10.
  21. I don't look to my combat sport guys for any sort of role modeling but you have no idea if this "hoodrat" would do something like that. These guys are a different breed. They turn it on and off (or don't in Browne's case). He could be a teddy bear outside of the ring. He certainly has a sense of humor. He made fun of a guy who beats women. I have zero issue with that. Agree with all of this. Overeem is overrated now that he can't juice it up. I'm over McGregor. Pick a weight class and dominate it. This Mayweather thing is stupid too. Mayweather will destroy him in the ring but it will be one hell of a pay day!
  22. It's weird that I would feel the same way if TT is let go. Same with Shady. IF he is released I'm fully on board with him going.
  23. Why is Rex and his "defense" back? I'm excited to watch TT play QB this year. I don't care if I'm all alone on the bus. I can't wrap my head around the idea that after 2 years starting he has reached his ceiling, especially since the last time we saw him on the field he was setting franchise records.
  24. Maddening that Gillon will have these amazing games and then a dud almost immediately. He put up 43 and then followed it up with 6. He hits a game winner and has 26 then gets 10. He would be a fantastic backup pg unfortunately Howard is so bad they have to rely on him as the starter. I know teams are game planning White but it would be nice to see a little more aggressiveness from him. G Tech game looms large. I think they need a win and also think they will get it.
  25. I wouldn't mind grabbing a QB early but it isn't urgent to me. If they extended TT then they have this draft and next year to find their guy. With none of the guys this year being very highly touted this buys some time if their isn't someone there that the team loves.
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