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Everything posted by section122

  1. Seriously. I'm worn out. Him even being on the team is terrible. If he is named starter it will be as bad for me as when Dick Jauron was announced as coach. Seeing a train wreck coming and still watching because I only get 20 chances a year to watch the Bills... I hope John but I'm all out of warm fuzzies. I used to stand next to you serving koolaid but Ducasse starting would be an absolute crusher. Trading Sammy was incredibly dumb and a big enough kick in the gut. It sucked out so much of my goodwill with the team Ducasse would put the nail in the coffin. Even casual fans know how terrible he is. The only thing I can see is maybe trying to light a fire under Miller. Astro's reports repeatedly had Miller in the slacker grouping. Maybe? Possibly? I don't know.
  2. Billswire has such great content. It's a shame they use slideshows which are a non-starter for me.
  3. not sure if anyone read last week's when I posted it but here is the newest one. https://m.imgur.com/a/jbg1r tl;dw for the episode and it's better than the last
  4. My first year watching was Ronnie Harmon dropping the ball in the end zone. I don't remember anything before that so I won't speak on it but what about 0 for the 70s against the Fins? The Bills historically are 414-475. If you take out the 1 time the team was successful in the NFL from 88-93 they are 344-449. 10 times in the history of the Bills have they finished in 1st place and 6 of them happened in 8 seasons. That isn't ebb and flow that is toilet bowl.
  5. This sentence. Anyone with a season ticket should be outraged that they dog and ponied until they got their money. I think I would be less mad if Watkins was traded months ago. They are just killing loyal blue collar fans. Who then line up and say please sir may I have another. I moved at the start of the month and found my certificate for 5 years of seasons from 2009. I originally got tickets in 04 because I thought they would be good again soon and it would be fun. 5 years later I couldn't convince people to make the 2.5 hour trek each way and waste a Sunday on what is probably my favorite activity. In 09 we gave up our 4 tickets and said we would get them again after they made the playoffs. Almost a decade later and it still hasn't happened. We still got together every Sunday no matter what up until 2-3 years ago. Now I'm lucky if we catch 4 games together. I hope these trades work out for the team because I think the Bills are about all out of goodwill.
  6. Thank you for stating better than I could my point. Now I'm here agreeing with you and Badol. What have the Bills done to me. I knew the Bills weren't challenging the Patriots. I gave up on that a few years ago. However I enjoy TT and McCoy because they are entertaining players. They make the highlight plays. Sammy was one of those guys too. Talking football might be more enjoyable than any other part for me. Now I don't want to talk football. I haven't gotten to talk friendly trash in almost 20 years! In the back of my mind is Colin Cowherd saying bad teams are bad because their fans allow it. We continue to support a sub par entertainment product and for what? Which leads me to... Ralph held the fans hostage for the last many years he owned the team. The Toronto series, the low spending on coaches, not re-signing talented players, etc. were moves designed to help the bottom line. The Bills of the 2000s are a direct result of his ownership. He constantly hung the threat of moving over the fans head to get them to fork over for a subpar product. I'm glad he did what he did to keep the Bills in Buffalo but we can't pretend it was all done with the best of intentions.
  7. Joe B's was much better than Fairburns but both of them made me miss my Astro Notes! Thank you for this tho.
  8. I looked around because I too was intrigued. Here is what it said. Robb, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt. Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robert’s brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me very well and provide me with every comfort. I beg you: come to King’s Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark.
  9. This is the realization I was hoping people would make about TT this off season. There are certainly worse qbs than him. So how good will they do without those play makers? This trade upset me because you don't get rid of talented players for what ifs. Especially YOUNG talent. If you are going to move on from guys it should be the ones closer to the end than the beginning. Sammy is only 2 years older than Zay Jones for comparison. Sammy has proven he can play in this league. I did finally put my finger on it though. I'm always excited for Bills football good or bad. This year I was pumped to watch the first preseason game. I got about 12 hours of excitement before the Bills decided I have to wait another 12 months for competitive football. I watched 4 straight passes from TT to Sammy and thought "that combo can do something this year" then they broke it up. Teams just don't give up YOUNG players of Sammy's caliber unless forced and certainly not for a 2nd round pick. I'm a koolaid drinker but since this trade I feel a lot more like ScottLaw than I do John from Hemet. I'm left with a lot of why bother. I feel like someone kicked my dog. The Bills do this to me pretty much every year but at least they let me make it until November before they do that. Sorry to go so far off topic I still can't formulate my thoughts other than it f*cking sucks.
  10. This was my first thought as well. I hate moving on from Sammy but if we are led to believe that maybe he and Darby hadn't bought into the culture that is damning. Hughes has been someone I've wondered about a lot this off season. He can be at times a great pass rusher and at other times draw ridiculously bad offsides or pf penalties. We can all agree that he needs to get that aspect under control. He is as frustrating as he is exciting. It seems like today was rough from a management perspective. Players were moved and the team didn't agree. From reports they were loafing and going through the motions which drew the ire of McDermott. I like that. As a coach it is his responsibility to keep the team together during tough times. I hope he can but this team has used up all of its good will with me. I'm glad he addressed the poor performance. Part of the BIlls problems over the years has been folding at the first sign of struggle. Maybe that will change but until I see it... Show me the baby!
  11. Thanks for the answer. I'm more of a leave it to the professionals kind of guy
  12. Daario Naharis maybe? Maybe he returns slavers bay to a slave trade city after being left behind? Or he leads the second sons as sell swords for Cersei?
  13. Sad day. SU Football hasn't been relevant since him. I remember writing a paper (well a few paragraphs anyway) in 4th grade about how he was dumb for making the move from SU to the Patriots since the Patriots were so bad and SU was so good. Man how times change. He was SU football and they've been chasing his success ever since.
  14. I stumbled across this and they do it for every episode. It is a light hearted recap and hilarious at times... http://imgur.com/a/TWGgF
  15. I don't care about Brady's coach as that is over rated but they certainly improved the WR corp. Glad to see Boldin in camp and the Bills kind of doing the same for TT. A motivated Jeffery should do big things for Wentz this year. I still don't think he has "it" though.
  16. Look up a couple posts from this one. He and I have a bet this year for who will have the better: Total yards (rushing and Passing) Completion % Yards Per Attempt Total TDS (rushing and passing) Ints (can do int % to take into account attempts your call) QB Rating Yards per game (combined total) 7 categories no ties. Wentz vs. TT with the only caveat being injury voids the bet. He will die on the Wentz hill!
  17. Yeah Wentz played great his first few games and everyone got on the hype train. Then coverage stopped as the Eagles slid hard and Wentz played terrible. I have posted about him many times. After his first 4 games he threw 9 tds and 13 ints. In 12 games. That is just terrible. He had a fantastic defense last year. This year the Eagles went out and got him some weapons. Will be interesting to see if he progresses or regresses but more on that in a minute... Me. The Bills are set up to keep TT next year AND draft a young guy early. If TT plays like last year I would draft a guy and keep TT around. Let the young guy either beat him or sit for a year and learn. Win/Win. Ryan indeed loves himself some Wentz. He and I have a bet about TT and Wentz's performance. See my sig if you are on anything other than mobile. So don't worry about his opinion he clearly doesn't know QBs. (that's for you Ryan CoT forever! )
  18. I've got one. We just moved into a new house and the shower has this setup. The middle knob controls changing from the shower to the tub. However when turned the tub "faucet" still runs. Can I fix it or do I need to replace all of the knobs? Or is it an issue with the lower faucet not being sealed off completely?
  19. I highly doubt that. Those of us in the "CoT" exclusively serve kool aid at our meetings. It is comical however that you are this upset about an inane comment made by someone having fun PLAYING A GAME practicing.
  20. Thank you so much for all you do every year. Your notes are fantastic and I really appreciate all the work you put into it. Thanks again and enjoy your vacation!
  21. Sometime's Boyst does well trolling. Other times he flails about like this...
  22. I agree with Tony here. I think Cersei won't trade for him or value him as much as he thinks she should. I know it's a kids movie but sort of what happened in the incredibles. With Jamie fulfilling the prophecy for Cersei. It will either be that or the same scenario as when he struck down the mad king imo. Cersei's burn them all moment (although it could be argued the sept was that). This was my favorite episode. I binged all of the seasons starting in May and this one took the cake for me. I can't wait to rewatch it. The battle at the end of the episode was stunning. Everything about this episode was fantastic.
  23. Kurt Warner should absolutely be in. he took 2 different teams to the super bowl. they weren't glamour teams either. the rams and the cardinals enjoyed probably the most success in their history with him guiding them.
  24. Ill be the one to say.... I wouldn't be surprised if he was going to be suspended again and took retirement instead.
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