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Everything posted by section122

  1. I just looked at more stats. The 23 first downs the Bills had were good for 5th in the league. The 11 passing first downs tied for 14th.
  2. Yup if he went through my post he would have seen that is exactly what I did as well. Also they were 5 for 7 to start the game. They stopped converting when they went into their shell and started the run run pass. I actually think Alex Smith is the best player comp for TT.
  3. I'm glad you found a link. I went through the game log and did the work myself. Look again. I have all 18 3rd down plays. Please speak to the points I made now that we know the information is correct. On every 3rd down save 2 the coaches wanted the ball in TT's hands. Tyrod ran for 3 of the rushing first downs. Every single 3rd and less than 5 was converted Do you notice at the end of the game when the Bills were in rush rush pass all of the 3rd down attempts were 3rd and 7+ which has a low conversion level LEAGUE wide Context matters... The 21 first downs obviously didn't all come on 3rd down (I believe this is what you think is incorrect) as they converted 8 of them for first downs. By the way that 8 for 17 which is 47.1% is currently 7th best in the NFL.
  4. Buffalo Bills 1st downs: 10 by rush, 11 by pass, 2 by penalty 3rd and 7 Tyrod passes for a first down 3rd and 3 Tyrod rushes for first down 3rd and Goal Tyrod throws INT 3rd and 12 Tyrod incomplete 3rd and 11 Tyrod complete for 14 yards (imo the best play of the game for TT) 3rd and 3 McCoy rush for 1st down 3rd and Goal TD to Clay 3rd and 21 Tolbert run for 3 yards 3rd and 5 Tyrod incomplete, penalty, result was a 1st down 3rd and 16 Tyrod incomplete 3rd and 9 Tyrod scrambles for 3, 4th down 3rd and 8 Tyrod rushes for first down 3rd and 2 Tyrod complete, 1st down 3rd and 9 Tyrod complete short of first 3rd and 8 Tyrod incomplete 3rd and 7 Tyrod rushes for 1st down 3rd and 17 Tyrod scrambles for 5, 4th down 3rd and 12 Tyrod kneeled Do you see a pattern? Here are some: On every 3rd down save 2 the coaches wanted the ball in TT's hands. Tyrod ran for 3 of the rushing first downs. Every single 3rd and less than 5 was converted Do you notice at the end of the game when the Bills were in rush rush pass all of the 3rd down attempts were 3rd and 7+ which has a low conversion level LEAGUE wide Context matters...
  5. Absolutely. I thought about waiting until Tuesday to run the post but I had a chance this morning and don't know if I will right away on Monday. I'll update tomorrow at some point to keep it up to date and the plan is to do so throughout the year.
  6. No I just continue looking at it throughout the year. At the end of last year I feel pretty confident saying Tyrod played better than Flacco, Cam, and Eli. 3 guys who consensus says are better than Tyrod even though the results weren't there. Russel Wilson and the Seahawks offense was incredibly inconsistent last year and scored less than 10 points 3 or 4 times and did it again yesterday. I grew very frustrated last year listening to fans and wondered if people watched other games and it became clear they don't. People complain about many things that they don't realize happen throughout the league regularly. This thread idea grew from there. I figured instead of complaining about people's ignorance maybe I could help educate them a bit
  7. I put it at the end of a thread I just started but this phrase perfectly describes it: Don't let perfect be the enemy of very good. I can't imagine how bad this place will be Monday after a loss...
  8. I did this a few times last year and wanted to do so again this year. I know many people don't get a chance to watch other teams and other games which can skew perspective on how other teams are playing and how well (or poorly) our own players are playing. There are still 2 games to play as of this writing due to the dual Monday nighter. The Bills rush defense was very stout yesterday. They only gave up 2.5 ypa which is currently good for 5th in the league. They also gave up a long run of 11 yards which is tied for 5th as well. The 38 yards they gave up puts them in 3rd place. All a huge improvement over the multiple 200 yard rushers from last year. Usually the pass defense suffers when a team has a strong rush d performance but that wasn't the case yesterday. The Bills gave up 176 yards passing good for 9th in the league and an amazing 4.8 ypa good for 2nd. Cumulatively the defense sits in 2nd place. Offensively the rush offense sits at #1 in yards and #4 in ypa. The longest rush was 27 yards good for 4th in the league. The Bills scored 21 points yesterday which is good for a tie at 11th with the Steelers. There were 6 teams that scored less than 10 points yesterday! Including Seattle, Houston, NYG, and Cincy all hopeful playoff teams. These are all easily looked up but I like to dig a little deeper especially on the hot button players so let's start with the hottest button Tyrod passed for 224 yards yesterday which was good for 14th in the league more than Eli, Cam, Joe Flacco, Russel Wilson, Andy Dalton and others. Tyrod totaled 262 yards which moved him up to 13th in yards for the game and ahead of Kirk Cousins and 2 yards behind Derek Carr. Tyrod had a ypa of 8 which is very good and was 5th in the league. His rating of 92 was good enough for 8th in the league. Shady had 110 yards rushing which was the 2nd highest output in the league while averaging 5.0 ypc good for 3rd in the league. He and Kareem Hunt are the only 2 rushers with more than 10 attempts in the top 5. By the way #5 on the list? Tyrod. All in all the Bills played very well yesterday when stacked up against the rest of the league. Although 21-12 might not be the dominant win some wanted it is clear that the score didn't really reflect the performance of the team. Stop nitpicking and don't let perfect be the enemy of very good! There are a lot of names in this post of players and teams that people are convinced are better than the Bills. More to come as the season progresses...
  9. optimism on full blast. man I'm such a sucker lol. let's go bills!
  10. gotta start my post with a disclaimer that I like tyrod. Tyrod' s best comparison in thebleague is Alex Smith. Smith STARTED for 5 full seasons before turning thebcorner in his 6th year. So please stop with the it's his 7th year he'll never get "it." Watching Smith on Thursday he looked an awful lot like TT vs. Miami. Tyrod has made 2 straight pro bowls as an alternate. Yes I will fully admit to the alternate part. you know what the 3rd alternate is? The 6th or 7th best qb in the conference. That means there were 8 or 9 qbs just from the afc that didn't make it. Tyrod is going into his 3rd year as a starter. This is his put up or shut up year. He knows it as do all the fans. This is his shot and I for one hope he has the light come on fully and he explodes this year. That is the best outcome for the team and it's fans. The qb problem could be solved with all of that draft capital to build with. If he doesn't then hey they have that capital to get a high rated qb. However speaking of the draft if the Bills draft their guy next year and he goes for 47tds and 12 ints in his first 2 years, wouldn't we all be excited? I think the answer is a resounding yes however for some reason TT doing the same thing isn't enough for many....
  11. I still stand by my assertion that the Bills called bb's bluff. He was trying to get the Bills to overpay for a backup rb. It is the only way it makes sense. It is so unpatriot like to pay someone that much money and give up a draft pick for limited production. They had extra salary cap and tried to put the screws to the Bills it just didn't work as they envisioned when the Bills didn't match.
  12. Yeah the prison does Auburn no favors. Being located very close to downtown is just downright idiotic. That said Auburn has come a long ways. Bass Pro started it but the revitalization of downtown has changed Auburn greatly. There is a fantastic arts scene now. Merry Go Round Playhouse has expanded and now has shows in several location during the summer season. There is also live music at many places most nights of the week. It has gone from a dying town to one where there is actually things to do. The surrounding areas however are filled with rednecks and white trash (and I'm from one of those surrounding areas )
  13. How much money is on the line? That's the spirit! I tried to draft Brady and Gronk this year hoping to put some bad juju on them but it looks like you took care of it for me!
  14. This was a mess all around on the Pats D. Look at the top of the screen. That wr is also wide open. Both Safeties got sucked to the middle of the field. They ran almost mirror routes on the outside and both were wide open.
  15. This has been going on for a couple of years. Brady has no deep ball left. Everything he does is underneath which is why Cooks was a bit of a head scratcher for me. He is a deep threat and I guess the idea is that he will open things up underneath but with Edelman out, Gronk not quite looking healthy, and Amendola out there isn't much underneath. I was surprised to not see more James White last night. All of that said I won't write them off yet. I still think they are heavy super bowl favorites. I certainly enjoyed last night. The more hits Brady takes at his age the harder it will be to complete the season!
  16. Tom Brady will have a Manning-esque fall off the cliff around week 10 or so. The Patriots will be undefeated until that time. If Brady doesn't have his decline this year the Pats go undefeated and finish with a super bowl win. Tyrod will continue to be a whipping boy around here regardless of his performance. The offense in season will look much different than the one we saw during preseason. The run defense will be top 10. Partly because the change to 43 helps with personnel and partly because the passing defense will not be very good (bottom 10). Broncos defense will fall back to earth due to age, injuries, and loss of personnel. Jay Cutler plays well this season, stays on with the Fins, and they move on from Tannehill. This board will be unbearable the day after a loss and will lose even more great contributors.
  17. yeah I'm over it. I actually skipped the 4th preseason game. I don't even know the last time any snap of Bills football wasn't the highest priority. These guys might be smarter than the rest of us but I'm full on show me the baby. Tolbert over williams, Sammy and Darby trades, ducasse still on the team, any of the bottom of the barrel wrs over Reilly. All headscratchers. I don't see the vision. I should be so pumped to only have a week before the season starts and I'm already fearing the next 3 years. I'm all out of kool aid
  18. Seriously ny new favorite poster. I almost hope they keep ducasse so this can continue! almost
  19. very close to mine I prefer Worcestershire sauce in place of the lemon juice but yours look very good. I'm also a guy who wants a ton of horseradish. almost like pulpy oj. That is what makes the bloody Mary for me.
  20. and also the idea that it was a friendly exhibition for both to get paid. Connor made more tonight than any other UFC fighter has probably made in a career. In a normal boxing match between 2 boxers the fight wouldn't have been stopped there I do agree with that
  21. Connor was done and not the least bit upset. which is why I think they had an agreement for when it became clear Floyd was going to win that a stoppage would occur.
  22. Better fight than I expected. Connor got gassed though and I think there may have been an agreement about stopping the fight beforehand when that happened. I give McGregor a lot of credit. He hung in there and didn't look too out of place save for the stamina. I think he even won the first 3 rounds. Glad I didn't pay for something that the 2 treated as a friendly exhibition though. I was really impressed with the reffing tonight. He was on point and kept it very clean.
  23. I promised myself I would stay out of this thread. I have too hard of a time ignoring Boyst and Gugny's troliing when it comes to mmj. However this post Limeaid is just fantastic It's just out of touch enough to be believable with enough ignorance to trigger my anger. Alas I have given up arguing this subject but none the less a good trolling attempt deserves some recognition. So to you I say well done Unless of course you were serious. In which case
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