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Everything posted by section122

  1. Gug I give you a lot of credit. Not often a Mets fan roots for the Yankees or puts the rivalry aside. I used to be a huge baseball fan. Mariano Riviera is my favorite player of all time and I remember being heart broken when the Yankees traded my favorite player (Roberto Kelly) for some guy I hadn't heard of Paul O'Neil. That said the last few years have been rough as a Yankee fan and not for the reason you might think. There were no more "Yankees" on the team. SUre there were a bunch of guys wearing the uniform but none that grew up with the team. Watching guys go to the Yanks when they were washed up and cashing that last check really turned me off to the team. I was so happy last year when they decided to go young. Watching these guys has been a treat. They are having fun! I'm not as big a fan as I used to be but they I have been lured back in. I love watching these guys play and play for each other. Now if they could do something about 4 hour games...
  2. Blokes, I love Billswire's content but can anything be done about the slide show layout?
  3. Did it cost you money to post this? Did it cost you money to go to the main page? Do you think SDS gets the subscription fee? Sometimes I WISH this site DID cost money. It would have saved this site when BBMB was shut down. This is my homepage on my mobile phone and I spend way more time on these boards than anywhere else on the internet. My cost? FREE
  4. Abuse IS absolutely part of the culture in psych hospitals. Only recently (last 10 or so years) have they moved away physically restraining patients at the drop of a hat and moved towards de-escalation techniques using words and communication. Abuse still happens regularly to a very vulnerable population. It is much better since Geraldo's expose on the field and willow brook hospital. However many places are still under staffed and staffed with underqualified people. So although it is better than ever to be a psych hospital patient it still ain't great. Mental health in America is still an issue that many people are dealing with poorly. Again there have been improvements over the last 50 years but there is still much progress to be made. Part of what made me leave was the expectation that people look the other way during abusive situations. I didn't like it and ultimately made a career move into training staff on how to work with the population. This was how I decided to help make the situation better. I never thought of them as less than me because they aren't. They were sick people who needed help getting better. Period. So I think you missed your mark or maybe I missed your point so feel free to clarify. What I want to ask is why do you think Tyrod is talking to or about you? If you aren't judging him because he is black or using it as a tool he isn't talking about you. He is talking about him feeling like that happens. He didn't say everyone. He didn't say all Bills fans. So if you aren't doing it why in the world are you so defensive about it?
  5. Please do me a favor and look at Flacco's numbers since 2015. Please do it. You don't even have to report back what you find. It can be our little secret. Flacco is terrible and performed worse that TT since TT left. Go look it up. Please.
  6. Happy Birthday to the guy responsible for all of us coming together. I'll be forever grateful for the many Sundays spent with family and friends watching this team and this game. I'm also grateful (even if I didn't agree with all of them) for the steps he took to keep the team here after his passing. So whether you think he was cheap or not, whether you think Tyrod sucks or not, etc, etc... take a second and remember we all love the Bills (well except SaviorPeterman ) and we all have Ralph to thank for them. Happy Birthday Ralph!
  7. At the close of the game one of the announcers said "Simien had the most pyrrhic passing night I have ever seen tonight" Sure he had a couple of picks? Those picks cost them the game much like it did in Buffalo! Alpha I enjoy your posts but I will vouch for Gunner here. He was banging the table for Watson throughout the entire process and had him as his #1 guy. Gunner gives informed opinions and there are a couple of guys who do as much work as the "pros" when it comes to pre-draft evals. I mean he is wrong about TT (jk Bill) but he is someone who puts in the time and effort.
  8. I have been on this train for a while now. Brady has skewed all of our vision of what is necessary to win. Other teams in every other division in the NFL can have down years and still sneak into the playoffs. Other teams can get subpar qb play and still be a competitive team. Subpar QB play or play on the level of TT is very much the norm in the NFL. Only the Patriots bring it every single freaking game. Just this season: Big Ben has had a 5 int game, has thrown for 300 yards once and it took 55 attempts to do so, and Steelers lost to Jags and Bears Cam Newton already has 2 games with 3 ints, 2 games completing less than 60%, and 2 games scoring 13 or less points Eli has 1 game over 300 yards and it 47 attempts to do so. In fact in their only win he had 128 passing yards and less than 60% completion. Russel Wilson has 3 games out of 5 with 5.85 ypa or worse, also 3 games out of 5 with less than 200 yards passing and sub 60% completions Dak Prescott has less than 270 yards passing in every game and a lower ypa than TT Phillip Rivers has 2 games with 50% or lower completions and 3 games sub 6 ypa, Drew Brees has only broken 300 yards passing once. Many members on this board admitted to only watching Bills games yet offer opinions of what a qb should be. Look at the thread about what games people will watch during the Bills bye. Those same members however are convinced that TT is terrible. It's the Brady effect since we "get" to see him twice a year. Most qbs are erratic, every qb misses throws, every qb has bad games/stretches in games. It isn't racism it is offering an uninformed opinion. I'm sorry you will forever be the guy who was upset because he didn't know how to explain to his kid 2 people of the same sex kissing in public. It is hard to discuss this topic with you without thinking about that. My post was simply to draw attention to the fact that we are not that far off from systemic institutionalized discriminatory racism and to pretend that in just 50 years it has vanished is naive at best imo.
  9. We are 70 years removed from Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in baseball. We are 63 years removed from Brown vs. Board of Education. We are 54 years removed from "I have a dream." and "segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" 91 million Americans are older than 54 So 91 million Americans were alive during a time when it was perfectly acceptable to discriminate based on the color of skin. It would be a broad (and ignorant) stroke to say they were all racist but imo it would be just as ignorant to pretend that some of these people don't still hold onto their racist ideals sports figure or not. I think we as America are making a lot of progress and the further these events get away from current events the better off we will be but they aren't that far in our rear view.
  10. Care to elaborate? 32 tds to 21 ints for Bridgewater over 2 years, lower qbr, lower qb rating, lower ypa, less than 100 yards more passing in 29 games (an average of 3 yards per game), slightly higher completion %, less rushing yards and tds, more fumbles.... There were many rumbles that Teddy wasn't the answer before his injury. He may have put it together, he may not have but his play wasn't any better than Tyrod's pre-injury. So can you please fill me in on how he is certainly an upgrade pre-injury?
  11. I've waited before wading in these waters and will probably regret it.... There are many racist people in America and among Bills fans. I am glad so many here aren't racist but let's not pretend just because it isn't your reasoning doesn't mean it isn't anyone's reasoning. I agree with McFly that many people are so burnt out from losing that any QB would take the wrath. However the vitriol extended to TT is a bit over the top imo. I won't say it is because of his race but I have several times thought to myself that TT doesn't look like what many people want their qb to look like and that is their problem with him. Many people think only a traditional pocket passer can win in the league. TT relies on athleticism to supplement his passing skills which are lacking. If he didn't have those athletic skills he wouldn't be in the league. However he does possess those skills and he is in the league and is a middle of the road starter. He isn't a back up rb, he isn't a backup qb at best, he isn't the worst starter in the league. These comments often make me wonder about people's motivation but I don't concern myself with that. I can see how Tyrod perceives it to be because he is black. I can also see him feeling extra pressure as well. With the limited amount of black qbs maybe he feels extra pressure to be a role model to young qbs. We aren't far removed from Rush Limbaugh's comments about Donovan McNabb. It was just last year that Kaepernick singled out Buffalo as the worst place he visited last year with his treatment. In a thread today someone labeled Teddy Bridgewater as mobile. He attributed it to a madden rating NoSaint routinely brings up the Rockets GM and his insistence of comparing players across race. That is a GM for a professional league perhaps he has his pulse on pro sports more than message board jockeys? I'm glad none of you are racist nor know of anyone who is racist but that isn't america today. People still are judged by the color of their skin. It is getting better but we still have a long way to go. Lastly, I worked at a psych hosptial for children through my 20s and had a situation arise that has stuck with me to this day. A doctor was explaining to a mother all of the things she was doing wrong raising her child in the ghetto. She stopped him and not so politely explained to him that he had no idea what it was like to be her, live in her situation, be raised in her situation, or have to deal with what she has to deal with on a day to day basis. It isn't always as easy as "pulling yourself up by your boot straps" or to change from the only life you have known. So for everyone shouting down TT and stating why he is wrong and that you now hold a lower opinion of him, perhaps just perhaps, you have no idea what it is like to be him or what he is dealing with. Think about the nonsense you see publicly posted on twitter then imagine what is sent to him directly and privately. Just because you don't see it or agree with him doesn't make him wrong.
  12. most over rated qb in the league imo. That td just cost me my fantasy matchup dammit!
  13. anomaly. look at his career. hell look at just the 4 years since he went to kc.
  14. Alex Smith = Tyrod Taylor Can play great, can play terrible, athletic, mobile, needs talent around him, can win with him. I still stand firm on this player comp as the best in the league for TT
  15. you were done in his what 8th start? what chance are you going to give a rookie qb?
  16. Anyone else wondering if Thompson might be involved in the big NCAA scandal and that prompted his leaving school? Hammer any inside info?
  17. Ashamed to admit to never having a Beef on Weck IN Buffalo but I have had many. Beef and Barrel in Olean has my favorite. Might be that they cut it right in front of you but I have never had a bad one there.
  18. If you are looking for Pizza shop sauce many use Don Peppino's straight out of the can. They may add some basil/oregano/parm cheese but Don Peppino's is the base. It is fantastic and one of my favorites. Costco carries a giant can of it and I also found it at Sam's Club. $3.76 for 104 oz. Give this sauce a shot and you won't have to worry about your own recipe. Cuba cheese shop has fantastic soy cheeses. Or at least that is what my wife tells me. I realize Cuba probably isn't local to many but they do ship. We wasted a lot of money on some really terrible cheese substitutes and this is one that she says is the closest.
  19. Seeing this with Wentz as well. They went out and surrounded their young guys with some talent.
  20. Completion % (13th), YPA (9th), TD % (14th), INT % (1st), QB rating (8th), QBR (9th). Pretty much every efficiency stat he is in the top 15 it is the volume stats he struggles on. When adjusted for his attempts his numbers look very good. Agree with Hokie too, as we play a couple of softer defenses the volume stats will look much better as well. Small sample size. I messed around with this a bit and am interested to see where it all ends up. Good work Hokie
  21. Humber won't be out as long as Matthews probably since his hand is less important for his position. I think both are slated around a month tho and IR is 8 weeks. too long imo
  22. Anderson going to ir is one move maybe Khari Lee is the other cut?
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