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Everything posted by section122

  1. He even covered his mouth while saying it trying to be discreet! Where does this type of feed come from? It would be interesting to watch games after the fact with this.
  2. You can buy skins for the system fairly cheap if the green is too much. So BBF has the xbox locked down. I'm a ps4 player if anyone wants to play send me a pm. I usually play on Friday or Saturday but can cram a day or 2 in during the week after 9 pm.
  3. It will be interesting to see what his injuries do to his price tag. I can see a 1 year deal again with Buffalo more than we want less than he wants to prove he can stay healthy.
  4. Yup. As soon as they started looking at it we all knew it was getting overturned.
  5. When you graduated college did you get to pick where you worked? Also Eli kick started this trend? It happened with him almost 15 years ago and not since. Before that it was 83 and Elway. Would you prefer to go to Cleveland or NYC? Would you prefer to be part of a franchise that won 4 super bowls or arguably the worst run franchise in the league? The difference between being the NYG QB and the Browns QB could be many many millions in endorsements setting up his family even better for future generations. I won't argue against the draft process because I understand the need for it. I just won't crush kids for not wanting to put themselves in poor situations. Be honest with yourself. Would you prefer to go #1 to Cleveland or #2 to the Giants if you were in the draft? Is there anyone who would pick Cleveland?
  6. I am in the boat with you but it is exactly why the league doesn't care. If we aren't willing to vote with our eyeballs and our dollars they will continue to operate the same as they have been.
  7. 99% probability if we win both games is a legitimate shot in my book.
  8. I bought it after skipping last year but I'm ps4
  9. Luckily I work in Human Resources. Nobody to get me in trouble with!
  10. What a Christmas present it would be! That is actually what started me thinking down this path. So many of us have just chalked this up to a loss and only a Christmas miracle would save us. Well I DO believe in miracles. Let's go Bills!
  11. This is great for you. After the Bills beat the Patriots you can rub it in your in-laws face and not lose your kids to the dark side!
  12. Not sure but I thought we would have lost the tie breaker to the Ravens anyway but what a crushing loss at the time. Its fuzzy but your point stands so I'll amend it and say for the second time in 13 years.
  13. Jeez. A few different links have a few different things. It looks like the majority have Cleveland, Giants, Colts, Browns, Niners. At this point it all depends on if the Giants are going for QB of the future now or waiting.
  14. This is where I was all season I can't do it anymore. I'm pumped for Sunday. Agree that it just feels different. I can't quite put my finger on why but it does.
  15. So nice I wish I could like it twice! Go Bills!
  16. They aren't the link I looked at was wrong. It goes Browns, Colts, Giants, 49ers, Browns. Good catch!
  17. Agreed. There have been some decisions that I didn't like (trading Sammy, starting Peterman, trading Dareus, punt in ot) but it is hard for me to argue results. McDermott has them in legitimate position to make the playoffs. Preseason I don't know that even the most hopeful of us thought that was possible. Especially after the horrible 3 game skid. They have draft capital and are in a good cap situation. The future is looking up for the Bills for once!
  18. The draft order is actually playing out in the Bills favor right now. Currently it goes Browns, Colts, Giants, 49ers, Browns. Other than the Browns at 1 I could see all of those teams interested in trading out especially for a ransom. Best hope would be Colts keep that 2 and Rosen and Darnold both come out. It would be expensive but the pick could certainly be had and the Bills have the best ammo with 2 picks in the first THIS year.
  19. we were but the Steelers and Ravens were leading the wild card at 9-5. Then there were the Chiefs and Chargers at 8-6. We had a shot but were at the bottom of "other contenders." I'll give it to you though. I blacked that year out. That loss to the Raiders was BRUTAL.
  20. Agreed I was really impressed with the defensive game plan in the first go round. If the offense could have held up their end the Bills had a very good shot at winning. Brady has looked very human the last 3 games as well. It all comes down to shutting down gronk. Do that and Brady gets shut down. The bolded could have gone in my op. I know it doesn't make sense I just can't fight my hopefulness lol. It struck me last night while I was playing poker. The Bills will beat the Patriots this weekend! Ever since then I can't get it out of my head!
  21. I tried to keep it cool. I tried not to get wrapped up in playoff hopefulness. I tried to remain a "realist." I tried to stay away from buying in. I can't. I'm a homer through and through. Sitting at work sipping kool-aid on this fine Friday before Christmas and it's delicious! Screw all the negative Nancies! For the first time in 13 years we have a legitimate shot at the playoffs in week 16. The Bills will beat the Patriots this Sunday. This is the game we will look back on as when the Bills finally overcame the patriot hump. This is the game where Brady's magic runs out. This is the game where we take control of our own destiny. This is the game where we all get back on board with the process. This is the game where the Bills finally win a game that matters. This is the game where we all get a Merry Christmas. This is the game. Go Bills! !@#$ the Patriots!
  22. Why do you keep coming back to this thread? Seriously as much as Dunkirk Don can't stay away neither can you. We don't care that you think he is full of it. We got it the first 15 times you posted it. If he is trolling he has gotten you much more than anyone else throughout this thread
  23. Seriously. Anyone who despises Tyrod it will take you 1 week or maybe 2 before you have the same complaints with Smith. If they are going to do this I would rather they just kept TT. Smith has been my player comp for TT for the last couple of years. I know Smith is white and Tyrod is black so that might be difficult for some people but it is true
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