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Everything posted by section122

  1. I kind of agree with this but some minor points I have disagreements. A pass rusher can be a game wrecker and changer. I can't/won't argue they won the super bowl last year and almost again this year without him. That is the nature of the beast though, if they hadn't traded Jones he might have walked last off season. He was traded as they didn't think they could/would re-sign him. Don't forget he signed an 83 million dollar deal before last year. The only other point I disagree with is that Brady had a td catch. No way was he going to score. He had a first down for sure but he was at the 28 when he dropped it. There was an Eagle defender at the 10 as well as 2 more closer that would have had a shot at him.
  2. He isn't losing wages. He was placed on administrative leave for an investigation to take place. He will be cleared and return to work once this blows over if they are indeed false. Should the company (Panthers) do nothing with the complaint because it might not be true? Boyst I don't even know what to say. Stop with the victim complex. He IS innocent until proven guilty. That is what is going on now. His employer received a complaint and is investigating it. As much as you are complaining about this it is happening exactly as you say it should. He doesn't have to answer to us. Not a single post has said he was guilty. The couple you took issue with said there MIGHT be something there. His company has a reputation to uphold so no he doesn't have to break the law to get in trouble at work. He signed an policy that explicitly states "It is not enough simply to avoid being found guilty of a crime. Instead, as an employee of the NFL or a member club, you are held to a higher standard and expected to conduct yourself in a way that is responsible, promotes the values upon which the League is based, and is lawful. Persons who fail to live up to this standard of conduct are guilty of conduct detrimental and subject to discipline, even where the conduct itself does not result in conviction of a crime." Further down the policy "Violent or threatening behavior among employees, whether in or outside the workplace" also "Conduct that imposes inherent danger to the safety and well being of another person" They received information and are investigating it. Isn't that exactly what you are banging the table for? I will guarantee he is on paid leave. So he isn't losing money and if the allegations can't be further substantiated he will bear no scars from it. He will return to work and that's that. What are you even complaining about? I get that you are a white male and therefore have it harder that anyone else in America but put it to rest in this thread.
  3. so my wife's cousin is a nutritionist and going to open her own business. Asked wife and I to be test subjects for lack of a better word. She then proceeded to change everything that we eat and remove gluten and dairy from my diet. I kindly told her that wouldn't work for me . Anyway I'm down to 217 which is 8 pounds down since I started. Still not doing much other than smoothie in the am and trying to control portions. We just bought a treadmill and that is the next adventure! How's everyone else doing?
  4. Joe Flacco comes to mind. Baltimore wasn't sure they would re-sign, cue magical playoff run capped with a super bowl, huge contract, Ravens haven't been good since. Reason for caution with Foles. He and a bunch of other guys. I think it might have been transplant that laid qbs out as great qbs, then middle of the road guys that can be great and can also make you want to rip your hair out. Tyrod is one of about 15 of those and Foles might too after his recent run. Wow he played out of his mind last night and really the entire playoffs. Not sure if the light came on or if it was lightning in a bottle but that was incredible. He pantsed the Patriots last night!
  5. I really like this comparison. I think as well Jordan's teams are better than given credit and LeBron's has dragged some bad teams to long playoff runs.
  6. I have never even heard a rumbling of this and couldn't find anything by googling. I'm interested, do you mind elaborating?
  7. Now this I can't argue. One qb with the game on the line? Has to be Brady. How many times have we seen it? Okay so I actually just looked this up and he actually trails Peyton Manning in both of these categories as well lol. Peyton is my goat qb for this era. I know this isn't a ridiculous metric but; Manning 10-6, hurt colts 2-14. Brady 16-0, hurt pats without him 11-5. The Pats are still a good team without Brady. The Colts were atrocious without Manning. Manning dragged some really bad defenses with him. Brady won his first 3 on the backs of his defenses. Brady is unbelievably great I just think Peyton was a better qb.
  8. I think if you remove the team success it bumps Brady down. I feel like Peyton Manning on the Patriots would have won at least as much. If you take out the super bowl wins and just look at gross stats then: Brady is behind Favre, Peyton, and Drew Brees in passing yards Brady is behind the same 3 for completions Brady is behind Manning and Favre for tds Brady is behind Rodgers and Wilson for passer rating Brady is behind Brees, Stafford, Peyton, Luck, and Ryan for passing ypg Brady is tied for 25th in career ypa If you like next gen stats then: Brady is behind Rodgers and Peyton for any/a Brady is tied for 13th in career passer rating Peyton and Brees routinely rank higher than Brady in career stats. Neither have had the team success or quality team around them that Brady had but I don't think Brady did anything they couldn't have done. It's hard for me to say Brady is the unquestioned goat when there are 2 contemporaries that are arguably better than him. Brady has one of the greatest coaches of all time and his brilliance of taking below market deals allows better teams to be put around him. Manning and Brees screwed the pooch in that aspect. I really dislike comparing across eras as each time is such a different game so I won't get into Marino/Montana vs. Brady. Brady really impressed me last night. He had so many throws falling away or just straight up not looking and they were dimes. It does amaze me how wide open New England receivers always seem to be but that is a different conversation for a different day... Brady is an absolute stud. I just can't wait for the ped info to surface As an aside I was really surprised that Favre kept coming up in these lists. I know he played forever and had the ironman streak but he rarely if ever gets brought up in this conversation and he is top 3 in most categories! I think in my mind I have under rated him.
  9. I'm biased? I absolutely prefer Tyrod to Peterman. So I guess? Let me put it to you this way: I work in HR so I do a lot of hiring. If I hire someone that comes into work and they do alright but I know I can get better I will look to work with them and improve their skills until I think they are maxed out (this is where we are at with Tyrod). If someone comes in and is an absolute train wreck of an employee I move on from them. Sometimes it takes a year to make that decision, sometimes 6 months, sometimes 1 month, sometime 1 week. If Peterman came in and threw for 150 yards, 2 ints, and 0 tds I wouldn't feel this strongly. He didn't. He literally set a record for how bad his performance was. He wasn't just kind of bad he was in the history of the nfl bad. Why should the Bills invest any more in him? In my mind every one on the team should be there (including Peterman) until they prove that they don't belong or someone beats him out. Keep Peterman and hell keep Taylor until we have a better option at QB. Hopefully that is this year! edit: I see you added the part about defenses and yes Seattle's defense carried them to the Super Bowl twice and Wilson rode coat tails. Now that he is the big money focus the team hasn't enjoyed the same success. He won a playoff game throwing for 103 yards!!!
  10. Is Russell Wilson serviceable? In 2016 he had a 3,5,and 6 point game. Is everyone's favorite ginger Andy Dalton serviceable? He had 3 7 point games and a 0 point game I don't want to keep digging but there are many more examples. After watching the offense score points in 2015 and 2016 with TT at the helm I put a lot of the failure on Dennison. I also want to point out that even with how much worse the offense was at scoring points this year it still outscored teams qbed by Derek Carr, Eli Manning, and Andy Dalton among others. So yes he is indeed serviceable and still a top 20ish qb in the league. Regardless of how badly people hate him he is certainly a low end starter level qb in this league. Peterman on the other hand is even a low end back up at this point.
  11. First dropped mic doesn't fit here lol To your second post what if the guy playing for 7 years can play heart and soul and chopsticks and the new guy sits down and promptly pukes all over the piano? Tyrod has demonstrated he can be a serviceable qb in this league. Peterman has done NOTHING to show he can. Tyrod isn't a world beater by any stretch and I think we all want better from the position. Peterman isn't that guy though.
  12. I tried to make it through this thread without reacting. I failed. I did make it almost through 2 pages though which is something.... Nope not blinded by affection for Taylor. That was some of the worst quarterbacking I have ever witnessed. Worse than Fitz at the end of a close game, worse than EJ in London, worse than 56 yards passing the week before. Don't forget he fumbled multiple snaps as well. He just isn't good. There is no shame in not being good enough at QB to play in the league. There aren't even 32 guys in the world that can do it effectively. Further he was a 5th round pick for crying out loud. Did anyone care Cyril Richardson didn't get more than a couple of games? How about Zebrie Sanders or Tank Carder? Tank didn't even make it through preseason! Johnny White at rb remember him? Yeah me neither also a 5th rounder just 7 years ago. The odds were stacked against him and it didn't work out. Most of the Peterman support seems to come from Tyrod bashers. I keep saying it but you don't have to like Peterman because you don't like Taylor. It is hilarious that "only 3 ints in that Chargers game were his fault" is not only used but oft repeated. Like only throwing 3 ints in 1 half is any sort of good/ok. Peterman doesn't belong in the league. One of many millions of people that this statement is true for. He got his shot and failed spectacularly. In 5 years the only reason we will remember that he started a game is because of how atrocious it was. Jeff Freaking Tuel played better in his start and never got another shot. Keep him on the roster until someone better can take his place but that bar, to me, is incredibly low.
  13. For sure. That's why it would be a death blow for me. NBA is my second favorite sport to the nfl. Gonna have a hard time convincing myself it's all legit if they have a financial interest in gambling. I already struggle with the idea that billion dollar organizations are run on the up and up but this would be difficult to overlook. How long before we have our own serie a scandal?
  14. While I haven’t tallied the volume splits for the examples above, I would be shocked if less than 25 percent of Mayfield’s long pass plays were of this variety. I wouldn’t be surprised if they accounted for 35-45 percent of his big-play completions. That is a direct quote from the article. This guy takes the time to come out with an article knocking Mayfield but doesn't take the time to actually come up with the numbers. Lazy journalism imo. He may be right but this article isn't a convincing argument to me.
  15. If this goes through I will never believe that it isn't rigged. This is an incredibly slippery slope here! These greedy mother!@#$ers are going to ruin sports even more than they already have.
  16. I have thought this since the end of the season. Gettleman having a working relationship with Beane is great news for the Bills. I'm not a big Darnold guy but I would love to see Buffalo move up and grab their guy! I'll keep banging this drum but the Bills might be the most attractive trade partner in the league due to having 2 first rounders this year. A trade down wouldn't force a gm to wait a year to reap the benefits. By the new chart it wold cost the Bills both first and both 2nds and they would get 2 and the giants 7th rounder. By the old chart it would be a bit heftier and cost the Bills a 2019 2nd rounder as well. Neither are crippling trades especially if the guy turns out to be a franchise type guy.
  17. Fournette's job was to run into the line repeatedly. He did that very well. He also had an injury that slowed him in the middle of the year and cost him 3 games. It is hard to quantify Cook's season over Fournette's as the sample size was so small. That said I could pick 5 guys easily to be a top 5 and leave Fournette out. Lattimore, Watson, Our own Tre White, Kamara if a rb is picked, and Jamal Adams. 3 dbs is a bit unreasonable so maybe add a tj watt? Maybe Cam Robinson? Mahomes and Trubisky shouldn't be in there though at this point. Maybe after year 3 it looks dumb to not have them in they just didn't do anything last year to warrant them being there now imo.
  18. You take that back! I went from memory but after looking it up I guess I can't argue that they didn't do much without him I just won't agree that they are mostly crap
  19. Styx and Dennis DeYoung. Yeah I love Styx.
  20. Do it. When he first struck out I thought he was just a gimmick but he is fantastic on the guitar. I was really surprised at his range. How about some love for Steve Vai. Solo starts 2+ minutes in but this guy is also incredible there are so many it is hard to pick 1 but you can't go wrong with this.
  21. Man there are so many. Are we talking speed solo? Technical solo? Or just overall great solo? Guitar solos are the thing that will draw me to a song and get me to play it over and over. So I'll probably end up competing with gugny for most posts in this thread! I guess we can start here. I had a hard time deciding between this and still got the blues but since this was the first song of his I discovered I'll go with it. Joanne Shaw Taylor. Check her out. Not only is she absolutely gorgeous but she shreds as well.
  22. That is a strange list to me. Stafford is clearly the best qb in that group. Flacco is worse than Tyrod. Eli is on his way down and also performing worse that TT. Dalton is somewhere on par with Tyrod. Tannehill also about on par with Tyrod. I think Cousins fits in the next group after WIlson, Ben, and Ryan. Rivers would be in the Cousins group for me with Stafford. That is the level of qb. Borderline top 10 guy depending on the week to me. I don't think that should command 25 million either I just think he is better than most of the guys you tried to group him with.
  23. Most surprising development in this thread: Weo listens to Stern. I never would have guessed but agree with your reasons. He is a fantastic interviewer. I don't care much for the rest of the stuff most of the time but his interviews are generally the best you will hear. He puts people at ease and gets them to open up like nobody else I can think of. People don't "stick to the script" with him. It is a unique and underappreciated talent imo. Least surprising development in this thread: ShadyBillsfan offers an uninformed opinion and then won't back off of it
  24. The bolded was supposedly what happened to Kaepernick as well. Early success led to him not developing his game. Then the league figured him out and he didn't/couldn't adapt.
  25. Nate you don't have the coordination for that!
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