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Everything posted by section122

  1. Not above your pay grade you are just smart enough to not have it effect your opinion However you can't think that it doesn't color some people's opinions. Again the same vocal minority that I spoke about in my last post. I am open to hearing what you liked about Peterman though and why he deserves an era. God knows if I'm wrong about him it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong about someone!
  2. Okay I've seen you post this numerous times so I will bite (again) Why does Peterman deserve an era. He was drafted in the 5th round. I laid out in another thread 5th rounders with the Bills and how nobody was heartbroken when they were cut often without even seeing the field. Here is something you might find interesting. It lays out draft picks and time with teams. 5th rounders make year 1 at 81% of the time and only 56% of the time in year 2. By year 3 they are down to 37%. If and it is a huge if Peterman was successful he would be the outlier for his draft position. There is no Peterman era. Zay Jones showed flashes of ability to play in the regular season Peterman looked kind of sort of decent in preseason. The only reason people aren't ready to move on from him is he is white and not named Tyrod Taylor. He hasn't shown anything that should make people think maybe with time he will be something. Sure it's a possibility that he makes the greatest 180 in the history of the NFL but I for one wouldn't bet on it. as an aside it wasn't Robey it was Darby that a very vocal MINORITY was screaming about being a bust in preseason. When the real bullets flew everyone shut up quickly. On topic I like this hire. I love when coaches get hired at a lower level than they have been previously. Usually the Peter principle correcting itself. You see it when coordinators get HC jobs and fail only to return to success as a coordinator. Nice to see some experience to mix with the youth.
  3. I like Mayfield the best myself but don't mind Rosen. My completely uneducated opinion has a top 3 of Mayfield, Rosen, Jackson. I don't care for Darnold and Allen screams bust to me. I was hoping it came through clear . It makes perfect sense and I think if it happens this would be the logic they use. I've thought since the end of the year that the Giants and Colts should be the target if they are set on moving up. If Rosen can be had at 2 the Giants make sense. If not I would still go to 3 for Mayfield as I think he doesn't make it out of the top 10 either.
  4. I finally figured out how to articulate my thoughts on the GIants trading. It does make sense for the Giants to draft a QB this year, however, it also makes sense that they grab a developmental guy instead of a top choice. If they can get an Allen, Jackson, or Rudolph they can all sit for 2+ years and mature while Eli finishes up his career. Taking a Darnold, Mayfield, or Rosen would make it difficult to have them sit even a full year. Giants fans would scream loudly the first time Eli has one of his terrible games. If they traded down to 21 and 22 and got say a Glenn (who I don't want to see traded), they would fix LT, get a developmental QB, and possibly a rb or another o-lineman. They could still have their QB of the future and get their team help now instead of the either or they are facing sitting at 2.
  5. I hate to admit as a Lakers fan but I loved Rondo, KG, and Ray Allen as players even when they were on the Celtics. Paul Pierce can go poop himself (again). Rondo was surly sure but he was mr do everything. He always had triple doubles where the hardest part for him was the points, he is what Lonzo Ball should aspire to be. KG I loved back to his Minnesota days (better than Duncan imo just never got the support Duncan did) and Ray Allen as I love watching lights out shooters play. It is really weird with IT on the team now. His heart is still in Boston and he will be back on a team friendly deal imo so I'm having a hard time getting excited about him.
  6. I got sidetracked with ww2 and haven't played sp in well over a month. I got it and stick of truth for $30 but with my time restrictions ww2 gets all of my focus. It is really well done and my favorite since black ops 1. Fortnite is free with your ps plus subscription and one of my friends plays that pretty exclusively. Might be worth checking out while you wait for farcry. I downloaded it but haven't played it yet lol.
  7. I've been trying to toe the line and not give advice!!! (seriously though Marcus King won't disappoint ) Is it the nugs.net app? I just looked it up on the app store and that most closely resembles what you are talking about. I would love something like that! Youtube is a treasure trove of live shows and what I normally use but I'm always willing to check something new out.
  8. They'll be live streaming their show tomorrow starting at 730 est on youtube. Marcus king is opening and great on the guitar he's worth checking out then right into umphrey!
  9. I have South Park Fractured But Whole and COD WW2 that I am playing now. Unfortunately I only get time to play after everyone has gone to bed around 9/930 so I don't have too many games in the rotation. I love Madden but play it on my phone (seriously its a great mobile game) I only buy that for console every couple of years and I skipped this year with Brady on the cover. Didn't want that dude staring me in the face lol. Let me know if you get cod be fun to play with a hometown guy. I have gotten much better and now actually kill more people than kill me which is nice
  10. To the bolded: discovering that in my early 20s was a complete game changer for me. So many people are scared to ask and fear the rejection. On the flip side many people hate saying no so you get a lot more yes' than expected. The second sentence is so very true too. Can't be mad something doesn't happen for you if you don't try to make it happen. I had a friend yell at me once that I only looked for #1. I said yeah who else is looking out for me if I'm not looking out for myself? I beat him out for a promotion he felt he deserved and that as a friend I shouldn't have gone for it. I explained that I went for it because I thought I could do it and do well at it. You are dead on with the last part. People get weighed down by rejection. I keep it moving. 100 nos 1000 nos 10000 nos doesn't matter it just makes the yes that much sweeter! My story for the original topic we were talking about though was a bit of a long con on my part. I'll pm you if you'd like to hear it but don't want to put it on the main board lol. Great band!!! Last year they had a band called Big Something opening for them. They are an excellent band that you might also like if you haven't heard them. (I'm not giving you advice! )
  11. Well if we are going acoustic... It might be cheating to use Clapton here but I have always loved this song and the way it is performed. Clapton does an excellent solo on his guitar followed by a piano solo that I always felt "answered" the guitar solo.
  12. Let me know when you get it all set up. I'm on ps4 as well. PM me and I'll send my user name.
  13. I'll second Tom Morello. Really innovative with some of his sounds and Rage has long been a favorite of mine. For guitars though Joe Bonamassa is my absolute favorite. He is just phenomenal. His work with Beth Hart is some of the best blues I have ever heard. So much good work and they released a new album that got me listening again. Anyway here is just one of my favorites.
  14. I've got some stories but don't want to sound like Boyst... Bottom line be upfront about wanting it, see where it goes, rinse and repeat. Remember if you try 100 times and get 99 nos you still got 1 yes!
  15. I don't know what your travel plans are as far as how you are going to work your way through the country however if time allows I would suggest between Florence and Rome you hit a few villages that are up in the mountains. Just incredible scenery. San Gimignano (or Sam Jimmy Valvano which I thought was hysterical after too much red wine) is incredible. It's a medieval pissing contest where families built a tower to be taller than the tallest and kept going. It's on a mountain and offers incredible views in all directions. Really I can't say enough about the Tuscan region in general. Rome and specifically the Coliseum also were incredible. Sitting in the stands you can feel the history. The first time I went I was about 18 and it struck me that all of the history in America is a couple of hundred years. Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty etc were really old to me at the time. Seeing the coliseum and thinking about the gladiators and ship battles and all of the history involved was life changing as corny as that sounds. I've been 4 times and go somewhere new/discover something new each time. Unfortunately I haven't made it far enough North to get to Venice but that will happen next trip next May. I hope you make it back eventually as Pompeii is also a must visit. I wrote so many school book reports on it then got to stand in the shadow of Mt. Vesuvius.
  16. Just texted my wife that this is a necessity for the trip lol
  17. Disney World. We will have dates finalized by the end of this month then planning begins. My daughter loves to dress up as different Disney Princesses so there will be at least one meal with them that I heard needs to be booked well in advance. Going with extended family and they are all planners. They are already anxious dates and itinerary aren't planned lol. Absolutely! For a few bucks I can't skip fast pass so I don't have to stand in that heat any longer than necessary! Oh man so much baby powder going with me on this trip. I've already started dieting so I'm not fat and hairy lol. I might even shave my beard for this trip!!! I'm the only guy rooting for overcast weather for their vacation
  18. I have one and only one thing on my bucket list. I want to see the aurora borealis live. Even videos of it give me the goosebumps. Maybe combine Gugny's list with mine for a truly cathartic experience.
  19. I hate that I am commenting on this lol Has to be his back 1. no belly button 2. jeans tag which is always in the back is visible. I'm gonna go look at pictures of kittens now
  20. Yeah Hood is a great piece. I don't know if this will work as they have created almost an entirely new team around LeBron and Love and I guess JR lol. I am interested to see how quickly they can gel together. I don't know that these moves keep LeBron but they at least did something with that cancerous locker room. Starting 5? George Hill, JR Smith, LeBron, Love, Tristan Small Ball George Hill, Clarkson, Hood, LeBron, Love Big Lineup Clarkson, Hood, LeBron, Love, Tristan I guess I like these moves better than I thought. Might be enough to still win the East but still no shot at GSW imo.
  21. Wow they are blowing up that team!!! LeBron has to be leaving this offseason right?
  22. 21. Mason Rudolph OSU QB 22. Maurice Hurst Michigan DT 53. James Washington OSU WR 56. Jerome Baker The OSU LB 96 Duke Dawson Florida CB 117. Mark Walton Miami RB 149 Will Clapp LSU OT 157 Jaylon Ferguson LA Tech DE Some guys of note: Rosen and Darnold 1/2 Mayfield 6 to Jets Josh Allen 15 to Arizona Lamar Jackson 27 to Saints
  23. When I first saw this I thought it was a terrible trade. However it does clear a ton of cap for the Lakers. Maybe they will be able to go the 2 max guys route this off season now. I actually believe this might happen now after doubting it all year. I will call that IT goes back to Boston next year for peanuts. This has to have been a very humbling year for him. Wonder if he recaptures the magic or continues to struggle.
  24. What a move by the niners if they could pull it off though. A few months ago they traded the 41st pick for him. If they could turn 41 into 21 and 22 and then sign Cousins? That would be an amazing coup by Lynch and Shanahan. Cousins and 3 first round picks to build around would catapult that team back to contention. What is Jimmy G's trade value? When I saw this thread I started thinking about it. If you are Cleveland would you give up 4? Rob Johnson fetched 9th overall with a much smaller resume but draft picks weren't thought of as quite as valuable imo. 21 and 22 isn't that unreasonable if the Bills are thinking about packaging them to move up anyway. Garoppolo has experience and looked very good in the NFL. Packaging to move up gets them a much bigger question mark. I can't nail down what I think would be good value for him. Would Denver or the Jets part with their first? Then SF can have 5 and 10 or 6 and 10 and probably move one of those picks to a qb needy team to gather more capital. Interesting to think about...
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