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Everything posted by section122

  1. A quote where he says he was selfish and it hurt his relations with his teammates and coaches is a good look for you? I admit learning from it is nice but during his time here he apparently caused issues with other players and coaches. Hopefully he has matured beyond that but again during his time HERE he wasn't. I'm pretty sure that quote was about Deshaun Watson Wow this might be my favorite definition of franschise QB I've seen. Well done!
  2. Does Dak qualify as a franchise qb? I think the shine really came off of him when Elliott was out last year. Will be interesting to see if he rebounds this year. I absolutely agree with the bolded. I really think San Fran is his ideal landing spot.
  3. Bandit I know you love Sammy's talent and I do as well. However at some point the production needs to match the talent. He was 4th in targets, 4th in yards, yes he was 1st in ypc beating Gerald Everett by .1 which in shows it isn't necessarily an indicator of success. I know you were arguing against stating the Bills clearly won the trade and the Rams lost so I will leave that part alone but I think the Bills did very well in this trade. Much better than I initially thought when i felt like someone had kicked my dog. Finding out about his attitude after made it an easier pill to swallow. Seeing his lack of production did as well. Watching the Bills offense struggle without him, specifically the passing game, reminded me that he was missed. Would be interested to see how Rams fans feel about this trade. I agree though the final determination will be after seeing if he re-signs and what the Bills do with the 2nd. BTW Sammy's average game in 2018 was 3.25 catches for 49.4 yards and .75 tds. Those are not WR1 numbers. TDs are fluky from year to year especially for wrs so 3 catches for 49 yards a game. Those are not great numbers. Watkins went on to acknowledge that he was selfish during his time with the Bills as he was dealing with a foot injury and that it hurt relationships with his coaches and fellow teammates. He even went as far to say that at times, he cared more about his own individual production than the team winning games. “I felt like I was consumed, and I was angry,” Watkins said. “It was affecting my relationships with the coaches and with the players. I wanted to be great so bad, but I was also selfish, too. Because there were some games that we won and I didn’t get the ball, and I was upset.” He might not have been dogging it but the above quotes are a terrible look in what is probably the ultimate team sport.
  4. I see your point but let me offer a counter. If Eli plays for even 2 more seasons doesn't it make sense to grab a developmental guy that can sit for a bit instead of a ready to go guy? Wouldn't Allen or Jackson or Rudolph be a better choice at the bottom of round 1? If (and it is a big if) the Giants really do plan on riding with Eli it makes sense to trade down and grab one of the guys I mentioned later while stockpiling talent and possibly still get a qb of the future. I don't think they can draft a qb at 2 and then put him on the bench for a year or 2.
  5. I believe you are thinking of Beanie Wells. Chris Henry is also a possibility and who the other poster is referencing.
  6. Chalk another common person up lol. No idea how we've never run into each other! Yeah he's doing a great job there. He has a steady supply of different beers from Grimm brewery which is probably my favorite. Auburn is developing one heck of a craft beer scene. Between d&l, prison city, thirsty pug, and the soon to be reopened good shepard there are a lot of options here. Its not great for my booze budget lol
  7. Yup it's here and fairly readily available.
  8. Just tried some Lagunita's Lil Sumpin ales this weekend. What a great beer! Seems like it would be a fantastic summer beer. Almost a hint of a sour but not overpowering. Not hoppy either. Just an all around great beer. I swear I read about it here which is why I tried it but I didn't see it when I searched the thread... Victory sour monkey is kind of anomaly usually sours don't carry such high alcohol content. I like to kick the night off with one or 2 before moving on to other beers. I love the high content though in case I'm only having one or 2 though
  9. Yeah I agree. I'm not sure what he is saying here but it is really not a good look for him. Like I said it reads to me like he is screaming out for help. It sounds like he is currently getting some but I really don't think this story will have a happy ending unfortunately. Your both and idiots
  10. Not to make light of this post but does he even know what he is saying here? The text states: If you're a bully victim and a coward you have 2 choices. If you're a bully victim and a coward So he's calling himself a coward? Then threatening violence at the end? Hopefully he was using this as a cry for help because it reads like a giant one.
  11. Here are two sets of statistics: Player A: 59.1 percent completion, 3,660 yards, 27 touchdowns, 10 interceptions, 8.7 adjusted yards per attempt, 1,601 yards rushing, and 18 rushing touchdowns in a Power 5 conference. Player B: 56.3 percent completion, 1,812 yards, 16 touchdowns, six interceptions, 6.9 adjusted yards per attempt, 204 yards rushing, and five rushing touchdowns in Group of 5 conference. Obviously player A is Jackson vs. Allen as player B. I pulled that from an article I won't link as it'll start a firestorm (premise is Jackson is below Allen because Allen looks like a prototypical qb in that he is big and white, while Jackson is being thought of as a wr because he is black). Allen for sure had worse talent around him as a fcs school qb but his drop rate from his receivers was 7.84% as opposed to 12.04% for Jackson. Again not saying right or wrong but it is certainly interesting to see the different thought process about the same exact topic for each qb.
  12. That's Billswire now. Their content is really good but it is slide show presentation which is a non-starter for me. Bleacher report is much improved yet there is still a lot of nonsense to wade through. They can't be as easily dismissed as they once were though imo.
  13. Not saying it is right or wrong but I loved the irony of this: Scout's Quote: "Why does the league like him more than Twitter? Because we know what we're doing. Allen had nothing around him and people expect him to complete passes? To who?" vs. Scout's Quote: "And, by the way, he completed like 57 percent of his passes. There are a lot of question marks about this dude."
  14. Few things... 1. How did Emmert escape having to step down after the MSU mess? 2. ASM is really dumb with their money. Repeatedly the guys didn't sign with them after being given loans 3. Didn't see any guys on there that went to SU or that I heard were recruited by SU but I admittedly don't really follow the recruiting trail. When they list schools it goes like this "Duke, North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Michigan State, USC, Alabama and a host of other schools" imo if SU was indicted they would have certainly been listed as they are a much more high profile program than Texas, USC, and Alabama. Possibly good news there for Cuse. 4. Agents paying players isn't something that schools should have to monitor. It should be the NCAA's job to monitor that. The schools can't be expected to police their athletes to this level. Schools should have to monitor and get in trouble when their institutions bend or break the rules. I just rechecked my memory but you have to apply to the NCAA clearinghouse to play sports in school and they verify your amateur status. This is on the NCAA if these allegations are true. Will they fine themselves?
  15. Nah not worked up at all. Just tired of the whole "it's so hard to be me right now I can't even talk to a girl without worrying I'll get in trouble" that is pervasive in many of these threads. The previous thread had gems such as "put women in their place" among others. I wanted to jump in early here to derail any of that...
  16. I seriously can't roll my eyes hard enough. He works in the public eye. What happens in the NFL will be leaked immediately especially a high profile investigation like this. He wasn't "destroyed." He was given a paid vacation and cleared of all wrongdoing and then promoted. cucks and sjw? Good lord man. What if it was true? He should have worked until they had proof and then acted? I am assuming you have little to no experience conducting work place investigations. The Panthers care about their reputation much more than they care about the reputation of Marty Hurney. Any time serious allegations are levied against an employee they are suspended with pay. Companies do that to show they don't condone the behavior but that they will investigate accusations made. The Panthers did this and then promoted him. Clearly it did not hurt his professional reputation. I just googled his name. Not one result on the front page was about the accusations they were all about his promotion. Again this is all to ask you to please stop pretending like the world is crashing down around you and it isn't safe because you are a white male. It isn't surprising that these accusations are flooding out right now since people feel confident enough to speak openly about things that were previously "dirty secrets". It also isn't surprising that there are leeches that will make false accusations to try and sully someone's reputation. As with anything in life you have to take the good with the bad and trust that the truth will set you free. Like it did in this instance.
  17. The thread where I laid out exactly how this would go after you did the same exact thing there? Please do go back and read that thread. The only people that overreacted were the ones that were upset that he was suspended for the investigation. Here it is for anyone who wants to read it. Boyst does the same thing there and yet when called out on page 3 he doesn't answer. Here is the post again for you Boyst in case you would like to respond this time... He isn't losing wages. He was placed on administrative leave for an investigation to take place. He will be cleared and return to work once this blows over if they are indeed false. Should the company (Panthers) do nothing with the complaint because it might not be true? Boyst I don't even know what to say. Stop with the victim complex. He IS innocent until proven guilty. That is what is going on now. His employer received a complaint and is investigating it. As much as you are complaining about this it is happening exactly as you say it should. He doesn't have to answer to us. Not a single post has said he was guilty. The couple you took issue with said there MIGHT be something there. His company has a reputation to uphold so no he doesn't have to break the law to get in trouble at work. He signed an policy that explicitly states "It is not enough simply to avoid being found guilty of a crime. Instead, as an employee of the NFL or a member club, you are held to a higher standard and expected to conduct yourself in a way that is responsible, promotes the values upon which the League is based, and is lawful. Persons who fail to live up to this standard of conduct are guilty of conduct detrimental and subject to discipline, even where the conduct itself does not result in conviction of a crime." Further down the policy "Violent or threatening behavior among employees, whether in or outside the workplace" also "Conduct that imposes inherent danger to the safety and well being of another person" They received information and are investigating it. Isn't that exactly what you are banging the table for? I will guarantee he is on paid leave. So he isn't losing money and if the allegations can't be further substantiated he will bear no scars from it. He will return to work and that's that. What are you even complaining about? I get that you are a white male and therefore have it harder that anyone else in America but put it to rest in this thread.
  18. I have brought this up before but I played D3 soccer in school and it was hard to manage both. I can't imagine what D1 athletes have to do to juggle everything successfully especially in revenue sports like Basketball and Football. He was spot on with what he was saying. Easy answers could be have a pro football feeder league (maybe the xfl's niche?) or lower academic requirements as far as credit hours for student athletes. Both of these would effect the image the NCAA thinks they have of "student athletes" so they won't happen but the reality is they are athletes first and students a distant second. The problem with your posts are that you are solely focused on Alabama and are reacting as a fan. Pretend he said The OSU or a school you aren't so quick to blindly defend. The school he chose had more to do with their football success than it does as an institution. BTW your links hardly prove your point for student athletes. The first one talks a bout a guy picking UA over Ivy league because he was given a full ride and even then he had to do some "soul searching" before deciding on UA. The second one also got a full ride. Neither of them are student athletes which again was the point he was making. I root for Alabama before you come at me saying anything like that. Put your rooting interests and pay attention to what he actually said not what the sound bite painted him to say.
  19. Can't argue any of this. Paul George for sure but who is the second max? I thought it would be boogie but then he got hurt. I see LeBron as a possibility but wouldn't be surprised to see him stay in Cleveland either. Lakers have an exciting young core with randle and ingram improving greatly but they need that star power still.
  20. I wouldn't be shocked to see SU involved but I would be surprised. With the sniffing around lately I feel like we would have heard something. I WILL be shocked if UK isn't involved in this. We already know about Pitino and I think he is the HOF coach and it will be a let down when everything comes out. I'm thinking Louisville and UK's championships get vacated. It wouldn't surprise me to see UNC involved either. Maybe that is why the NCAA went light on them with their academic scandal? I'm interested to see where this goes but I feel as if it were incredibly explosive details would have leaked not this teaser.
  21. I'm 36 but yeah bust my ass all week and blow off steam at night and on the weekends playing video games. I'll get on tonight around 9:30 and play until 2 am lol. My respect for the military has never waivered. My grandfather spent almost 2 straight years on a boat in ww2, 2 uncles in the marines, 1 in the Navy, a cousin currently in Naval intelligence. Been to Arlington a few times. I'd give him credit for trolling but he never came back
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