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Everything posted by section122

  1. So are you really saying that my reality had Selsun Blue and yours had Selsum Blue? I'm trying to make sense of this. Do you actually believe that your memory is infallible?
  2. I'll argue this one. I've always known it as Selsun Blue. It has never been Selsum Blue
  3. For sure. I've had more or less the same group of friends since I was in 6th grade and we are all in our late 30s now. We have heard each others stories so many times we can accidentally default into placing ourselves their when in fact we just know the story and created the memory.
  4. From the company themselves... It is faulty memory that's it. Its gif like gift!
  5. Berenstein and Berenstain Bears is one that many people fall into. I have the books saved from when I was a kid and reviewed them (prob 30-40 of them) and they all say Berenstain. This link gets into what OP is talking about. I like weed just as much as the next guy but this is some serious put the pipe down stuff
  6. You can take the test here if you would like. I was able to get a 37. I only got to 39 questions (there is a lag when you submit) and missed 2. Try it out and have some fun!
  7. League really needs to investigate the Ravens on this one. Optics are bad especially if he clears Colts physical without issue.
  8. I'm more and more liking the idea of staying at 12 and grabbing Jackson or Mayfield if he falls. Jackson has improved each year as a passer, runs the same offense as the Bills will, and adds that extra threat of the run. I've said it many times but even if it is Allen at this point the Bills have actually earned my trust to make the right decision. I can't believe I just typed that after the last 30 years but I'll give credit where credit is due. Now hit a homer on the qb pick!!!
  9. Well they are also both black. Jackson/Taylor is such a lazy comparison there is only one explanation....
  10. Best comment I saw on reddit: Syracuse is like if the monstars took opponents power's and threw them in the trash instead of absorbing them. That's the best description of them I've heard lol
  11. Jackson is my 3rd favorite guy behind Mayfield and rosen. I think the ep offense connection can't be ignored so I also don't think it's a huge leap to think he is there guy. Darnold and Allen are the 2 I most worry about with the top 5 guys. I think Jackson would be there at 12 so choosing him would allow the Bills to rebuild with the rest of their picks as well.
  12. Listen bud. I've been here a long time. I've seen a lot of posters come and go. For some reason your brand of trolling is especially obnoxious. Please either contribute positively to the community or find somewhere else to go. For anyone seeing this it's a troll job please don't feed or engage....
  13. Did just the website work on your ipad? I'd rather be at the bar anyways so looks like you win still!!!
  14. I haven't tried that site out on a tablet. It may work with no password required. I know that app gives 3 free hours then you need to login.
  15. well he did say he was in nashville I'm sure a vpn would work easily with this. I've been incognito with no issues all day at work.
  16. All non cbs games are available for streaming free! March Madness app for any streaming device or https://www.ncaa.com/march-madness-live/watch if you have a computer.
  17. This could go in the pet peeves thread. Wings and blue cheese are delicious. Ranch dressing is delicious. (Tell me you don't like Chicken Bacon Ranch sandwich or pizza) I get so annoyed with the "purist" wings can only have blue cheese comments. Serious and not snarky: why do people care how other people eat their food?
  18. I know it shouldn't and what I am about to type is dumb. Really I do but.... They could have cut Bown and Pitts after this game and I would have been okay with it. Both of them watched a cheap shot on their team mate and did nothing. 15 yards is worth showing your team that you support them and won't take anyone playing dirty. Watching this on replay is so upsetting. Both of these guys watch Gronk destroy Tre and are little bitches about it. Most upsetting part of the Landry hit on A Williams wasn't the hit but the lack of reaction from his team. This was the same situation all over again. Add in his really really dumb comments about New England before FA and good riddance. I don't hate any players that leave and I think he is a better player than people give him credit for but I'm not sad to see him go. replying to this topic has made me watch this hit repeatedly. How tf did no one respond!
  19. Walter football might be the worst football site on the web. First he hates the Bills I don't think I've ever seen him give a good grade for anything they do. Second he is NOT at all knowledgeable about football. Third he just comes across as a douche.
  20. Oh boy this thread. Some of you are embarrassing yourselves... Really really embarrassed. If a team is that ass-backwards that they ask questions like that I don't think it would be a team I would want to play for. Aren't you a teacher? Is there any question that would be off limits? As a teacher with a tough job should your employer be able to ask if your Mother is a whore? Should they be able to ask about your sexual orientation? No they shouldn't because they have ZERO to do with your ability to do the job. They are not at all the same. Jameis made mistakes that are public knowledge and it is appropriate to ask about them to see his view, what he learned, likeliness to be in the same situation, etc... Nothing to do with "hey is your mom a whore?" It would be very interesting to see. If say Guice slips unexpectedly, or the team drafts a different player at the position that asked, or even if he felt like it played a role in his draft position, I wonder what the courts would decide if he chose to sue. It is illegal to make an employment choice based on numerous things including sexual orientation. Two years ago the NFL reminded its clubs in a memo that questions about sexual orientation are against league policy as well as employment discrimination laws. So seeing as teams were already told not to do it and it is illegal it seems like a slam dunk case. However it would be interesting to see it play out in the courts. Seriously? You can't think of a way to find out about how someone handles pressure situations other than asking if they are gay? How does asking about sexuality even do that? Hey section122 are you gay? no. umm okay no pressure there. All getting that question asked of me would do is make me think that person is an idiot. It wouldn't create a pressure situation for me. For examples though: You could talk about Les Miles the man who recruited him being fired. You could talk about Saturday night games in Baton Rouge You could talk about getting as high as #5 in the ap poll and not finishing well You could talk about balancing school and football You could talk about replacing Leonard Fournette and the expectations that came with that This is all without digging on Guice or putting more than 5 minutes of thought in. Please stop defending asking such ridiculous questions it is a terrible look...
  21. People keep skipping over the bolded. Teams can offer 2 first rounders. Only the Bills can offer 2 first this year. In a win now league 21 and 22 is more valuable imo that 10 and next year's first. The Bills can offer 4 picks in the top 55 this year! Only Cleveland can offer such a deal and they won't be competing with the Bills for draft slots. To get to #3 the Bills would simply have to give up their 2 first and 2 seconds. In return they would receive an extra 4th. The Bills could overpay for 3 and still be left with 3, 96, 104, 121, 158, and 166. That is under the old chart. Under the new chart the deal is even more friendly. To get #3 the Bills only need to give up 21 and 22. I think they will have to blend the 2 and do something like 21, 22, and 55 for 3 and 67 which would be a dream scenario for the Bills. Bottom line trading isn't very far fetched and the Bills can get high pretty easily with the capital they have.
  22. Homecare agency. We will close the office if there is a state of emergency or travel ban and everyone in the office gets the day paid for by the company. Direct care staff always have to report though regardless of weather or travel restrictions. We closed last Friday due to a travel ban and closed last year during Winter Storm Stella. I used to be a 7 minute walk to work and we never closed since I could always report. Thankfully I moved, now we all get snow days!
  23. If Sammy does not re-sign with the Rams and Gaines re-signs with the Bills would that change your mind? I get your point here and agree just wondering if further details will change your mind. I think the Bills did very well in the trade. Much better than I thought it would work out when I first saw the news breaking. I don't care if the Rams (because I'm not a Rams fan) did well in the trade but I agree that they also got value.
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